redcross Posted September 29, 2007 Posted September 29, 2007 I understand that the Daniel A Carrion Orderis given by the Peruvian governmentfor Medical Merit.I know that the 1st class is a starbut I don't know how many classesit comes it - and I don't know what theribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.thankswhat is pictured is some other classnot even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.
jonatan1879 Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 (edited) I understand that the Daniel A Carrion Orderis given by the Peruvian governmentfor Medical Merit.I know that the 1st class is a starbut I don't know how many classesit comes it - and I don't know what theribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.thankswhat is pictured is some other classnot even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.Daniel Alcides Carri?n began the study of medicine in 1873. Three years earlier there had been a severe outbreak of an epidemic on the railroad construction between Lima's seaport town Callao and La Oroya. The disease, characterised by fever, quickly progressing anaemia and a high rate of mortality, killed thousands, chiefly among the workers recruited from outside. The physicians were at a loss, never having seen anything like it before.As a new factor of the problem was a noticeable increase in verruga peruana. This disease, which manifests with wart-like skin eruptions of various shapes and sizes, had been present in Peru already in pre-Columbian times, and had been described in some writings from the Spanish time. In his youth and on school excursions Carrion had met people with verrucous skin eruptions and caught an interest in the disease. From 1881 he conducted extensive research on verruga peruane, including clinical studies at the Dos de Mayo hospital in Lima. Carrion recognised that the disease was endemic, but not contagious, and that it was caused by an "agente verrucoso", possibly by a parasite attacking the blood and destroying leucocytes. In order to find out whether the disease could be inoculated and to study its clinical course, Carri?n decided to conduct an experiment on himself. On August 27, 1885, Carrion took blood from a redly coloured verruca in the area of the eyebrows from a 14 year old boy about to be released from the hospital. As Carrion had trouble inoculating himself, friends took the lancet and made four inoculations, two in each of Carri?n's arms. In accordance with his plans Carrion made detailed notes on the inoculation and the course of the disease. His notes have later been published.Carrion experienced the first symptoms of the disease on September 17, and from September 26 he was too feeble to make his own notes, which were continued by his friends attending him at the bedside. Carrion's condition now rapidly deteriorated and on October 5 he succumbed to the disease.Through his experiment Carrion had proved that Oroya fever and verruga are two phases of the same, inoculable disease. In 1909 Alberto Barton reported patients whose erythrocytes had been attacked by microorganisms which he considered to be agents of the disease. The microorganism was named Bartonella bacilliformis. By cultivating Bartonella bacilliformis from Oroya fever- and verruga-patients in the years 1926-1927, the Japanese bacteriologist Hideyo Noguchi (1876-1928) (himself a victim of his research on yellow fever), was able to demonstrate that Oroya fever and verruga are two manifestations of the same infection. The Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carri?n in Pasco, Peru, is named for him.Jonatan Edited May 3, 2008 by jonatan1879
IVB Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 ... as it has not yet arrived.Hello, redcross!Had you received this Order? Can you show it here, please?Only information I found about this award:Order of Daniel Alcides Carrion established by DECRETO SUPREMO No 8 "DGS" 20 DE Julio de 1957 "Se crea la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n", en homenaje al centenario del nacimiento de Daniel A. Carri?n", and was modified by DECRETO SUPREMO No 00132-62 3 de Setiembre de 1969 "Se modifica el Decreto Supremo No 8 "DGS" de 20 de Julio de 1957 referente al Consejo de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n".Unfortunately, there is no these Decrees in online Peruvian legislation resources.Regards, IVB.
Eduardo Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 I have been asking and making phonecalls all day long. The dates are those mentioned and was created by president Manuel Prado. have is that According to Article 2 of the law of creation the Order is divided in fout clases: Gran Cruz, Gran Oficial, Comendador and Oficial.The modification was done to authorize that the order could be given not only to persons but also to institutions which had done something outstanding on behalf of the health of the country.Finally I found the whole law (not the modification) in a long page about Carri?n. This is the address: the address is so long I have copied the part with the law and paste it here. I already have the modification at the University so I can send that tomorrow.Eduardo20 de julio de 1957CREACI?N DE LA ORDEN DANIEL ALCIDES CARRI?NDecreto SupremoEl Presidente de la Rep?blica,CONSIDERANDO:Que es deber del Estado exaltar los m?ritos de quienes realizan efectiva labor de bien social;Que igualmente se debe rendir homenaje a los que con su acci?n personal, sacrificio o trabajo perseverante contribuyen al progreso de la Sanidad, la Medicina o las ciencias que se relacionen con la Salud;Que para tal fin es preciso crear una condecoraci?n que a la vez que signifique justicia a los merecimientos constituya un ejemplo para la colectividad; yQue esta recompensa debe ir unida al nombre del M?rtir de la Medicina Peruana, cuyo primer centenario de su nacimiento se conmemorar? el 12 de agosto pr?ximo;DECRETA:Art. 1? Cr?ase la Orden de "Daniel A. Carri?n" destinada a premiar a las personas que realicen ejemplar obra de bien social o contribuyan al progreso de la Sanidad, al adelanto de la Medicina o de las ciencias que se relacionen con la Salud.Art. 2? La Orden se divide en cuatro clases a saber: Gran Cruz, Gran Oficial, Comendador y Oficial.Art. 3? La Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" se conceder? por Resoluci?n Suprema, en la que deber? constar los servicios prestados por el propuesto por el Consejo de la Orden, y a quien se otorgar? un diploma firmado por el Presidente de la Rep?blica, que ser? el Gran Maestre de la Orden y refrendado por el Ministro de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social quien ejercer? el cargo de Canciller.Art. 4? El Consejo de la Orden que ser? presidido por el Gran Maestre estar? constituido por: el Ministro de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social, Canciller; el Presidente de la Sociedad de Beneficencia P?blica de Lima; el Presidente de la Cruz Roja Peruana; el Secretario General de la Asociaci?n M?dica Peruana "Daniel A. Carri?n"; la Presidenta del Hogar del M?dico; el Director General de Salud; el Director de Areas de Salud y el Director de Servicios T?cnico-Normativos, quien actuar? de Secretario.Art. 5? El Ministerio de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social queda encargado de formular el Reglamento de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" que ser? aprobado por Resoluci?n Suprema.Dado en la Casa de Gobierno, en Lima, a los veinte d?as del mes de julio de mil novecientos cincuentisiete.MANUEL PRADOJorge Haaker.
Eduardo Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Modification of 29 Oct. 1986.Eduardo RESOLUCION SUPREMA N? 062-86-SA Lima, 29 de octubre de 1986 Visto el Acuerdo adoptado por el Consejo de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n". CONSIDERANDO: Que la orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" tiene como finalidad distinguir a quienes destaquen por sus obras de bien social o contribuyan al progreso de la salud p?blica, al adelanto de la medicina o de las ciencias relacionadas con la salud; Que por Resoluci?n Suprema N? 00175-69-SA/DS, de 7 de noviembre de 1969, se aprob? el Reglamento de la Orden, se?alando las condiciones, insignias y dem?s normas para la concesi?n de esta distinci?n; Que es conveniente comprender en forma expresa adem?s de las personas naturales a las instituciones p?blicas y no p?blicas que destacan, colaboran y participan activamente en el campo de la salud, y contribuyen al adelanto de la medicina y de las ciencias vinculadas; Estando el tenor de los Acuerdos adoptados por el Consejo de la Orden en la sesi?n celebrada el d?a 30 de setiembre de 1986; SE RESUELVE: Adicionar al art?culo 1 del Reglamento de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" aprobada por Resoluci?n Suprema N? 00175 69-SA/DS, el siguiente p?rrafo: "Esta distinci?n podr? ser otorgada a las instituciones p?blicas y no p?blicas, que re?nan similares condiciones a las se?aladas en el p?rrafo precedente. En cuyo caso, la imposici?n se har? al m?s alto representante de la correspondiente instituci?n". Reg?strese y comun?quese. R?brica del Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica. DAVID TEJADA DE RIVERO Ministro de Salud.
IVB Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 Thank you for information, Eduardo! I like to learn more about almost unknown awards.Regards, IVB.
redcross Posted May 14, 2008 Author Posted May 14, 2008 here is the first class starI'll try to find the other medaland add that then
way Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 I understand that the Daniel A Carrion Orderis given by the Peruvian governmentfor Medical Merit.I know that the 1st class is a starbut I don't know how many classesit comes it - and I don't know what theribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.thankswhat is pictured is some other classnot even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.
way Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 I understand that the Daniel A Carrion Orderis given by the Peruvian governmentfor Medical Merit.I know that the 1st class is a starbut I don't know how many classesit comes it - and I don't know what theribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.thankswhat is pictured is some other classnot even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.
heusy68 Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 Hello Red Cross,This is Order of Daniel A.Carion with its correct ribbon.Like lots of people I bought the badge on e-bay to peruvian seller without ribbon.But Arthus Bertrand did manufactured that ribbon (in their ribbon book at the shop in Paris,they have a "ribbon bar" for it,but width of Grand Cross sash).After having asked several time for it,and also many others ribbon,I finally get successfull to get it ( I do not live so far from Paris).It is ever hard to obtain foreign ribbon at Arthus Bertrand shop,and for those who do not speak french and do not know which lady of the staff they have to ask's "mission impossible".There is such a lenghth of this ribbon for sale on e-bay now.Emmanuel
Megan Posted March 1 Posted March 1 Blows dust off topic... Here is my translation into English of the original decree establishing the order: 20 July 1957: Creation of the Order of "Daniel A. Carrión" Supreme Decree The President of the Republic, CONSIDERING: That it is the duty of the State to laud the merits of those who carry out effective good social work That you must also pay tribute to those who, with their personal action, sacrifice or persevering work, contribute to progress of Health, Medicine or Science to be related to Health That to this end it is necessary to create a decoration that while it rewards merit and sets an example; and That this reward must go hand in hand with name of the Martyr of Peruvian Medicine, whose first centenary of his birth will be marked on 12 August next I DECREE Art. 1: Believe the Order of "Daniel A. Carrión" intended to reward the persons who perform exemplary work of social good or contribute to the progress of the Health, the advancement of Medicine or science that relates to health. Art. 2: The Order is divided into four classes: Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander and Officer. Art. 3: The Order "Daniel A. Carrión" shall be granted by Supreme Resolution, which shall state the services provided by the individual proposed by the Council of the Order, and to whom a diploma signed by the President of the Republic, who will be the Grand Master of the Order and endorsed by the Minister of Public Health and Social Welfare who shall exercise the Chancellor's position, shall be presented. Art. 4: The Council of the Order to be chaired by the Grand Master will be constituted of: · the Minister of Public Health and Social assistance, Chancellor · the President of the Public Charity Society of Lima · the President of the Peruvian Red Cross · the Secretary-General of the Association Peruvian Medical Officer "Daniel A. Carrión" · the President of the Doctor's Home · the Director-General of Health · Director of Health Areas · Director of Services Technical-Privates, who will act as Secretary Art. 5: The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare is responsible for formulating the Regulations of the Order "Daniel A. Carrión" to be approved by Supreme Resolution. Given in the Government House, in Lima, to the twenty days of July of a thousand nine hundred fifty-seven. MANUEL PRADO Jorge Haaker. I have the full Spanish text of the September 1969 decree which I am working through. That even has some images of the insignia and descriptions of them! The original is here: However it is rapidly approaching suppertime. Translations may have to wait!!!
heusy68 Posted March 3 Posted March 3 Hello Gentlemen, Here is a photo of a complete set of Grand Cross of Daniel A. Carion, in its case. Unfortunately this set is not mine. Regards to all. Emmanuel
heusy68 Posted March 3 Posted March 3 Here is a Commander ( 3rd Class ), of Order Daniel A. Carion, and that one is mine. But these Order rarely come by with their ribbon. I got that neck badge in Romania. It is interesting to note that Peru got another award, for the Medical Merit sphere, the Order of Hippolito Unanue Regards to all. Emmanuel
Megan Posted Wednesday at 22:07 Posted Wednesday at 22:07 Almost forgot, the next bit of the regulations... 7 November 1969: Modifications to the Regulations of the Order "Daniel A. Carrión" Lima, November 7, 1969. In accordance with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. OS-00132-09-SA, of 3 September 1969 and it being necessary to modify the Regulations of the Order "Daniel A. Carrión" IT IS RESOLVED: The following Regulations of the Order Daniel A. Carrión shall be approved: TITLE I: GENERAL Article 1: The Decoration with the Order "Daniel A. Carrión" shall be conferred, as a high distinction of the State, to Peruvian citizens who have distinguished themselves by their exemplary work of social good, or who contribute to the progress of public health, to the advancement of medicine or of the sciences that are related to health. Foreign citizens may, by exception, be decorated with the Order. Article 2: The grades of the Order, in descending scale, are: · Grand Cross · Grand Officer · Commander · Officer. Article 3: The Order “Daniel A. Carrión” will be granted by Supreme Resolution and in accordance with the procedures established by me in these Regulations. Article 4: The President of the Republic will be the Grand Master of the Order “Daniel A. Carrión”. TITLE II: INSIGNIAS AND BADGES Article 5: The insignia of the Order consist of plates for the ranks of Grand Cross and Grand Officer, and medals for the ranks of Commander and Officer. Their designs will be as indicated: GRAND CROSS AND GRAND OFFICER: Gold plate 75 mm long by 70 mm wide with a cross purple enamelled on its upper part and a special device that will allow the placement of the insignia on the dress. The GRAND SPECIAL CROSS: which corresponds to the 1st President of the Republic, was made of gold in its entirety. COMMANDOR: it will consist of a medal of 60 mm. long by 54 mm. wide. OFFICIAL: Same as the previous one with 47 mm. long by 42 mm. wide. Article 6: The insignia will be worn in the following manner: a) GRAND CROSS placed on the left side of the chest, with a yellow band 11 or 105 mm wide whose edges will be formed by a yellow line 110 followed by a black, a white and a purple line, each 6 mm wide, which will be worn transversely over the right shoulder and from whose loop will hang a Commander's medal. b) GRAND OFFICER placed on the left side of the chest. e) COMMANDER, hanging from the neck from a ribbon of the colours of the Order of 36 mm wide d) OFFICER hanging from a ribbon of the colours of the Order of 36 mm wide, on the upper left side of the chest. Article 7: The symbols of the Decoration for dress and formal attire shall be the following: For the Grand Crosses, a 10 mm button with the colours of the Order on gold braid For the Special Cross, the same button on gold surrounded by a gold laurel wreath For the Grand Officers, the same button on gold and silver braid For the Commanders, the same button on silver braid For the Officers, the same button with the colours of the Order. A miniature may be worn as an accessory with the buttons. Article 8: In the official ceremonies, the insignia established in the previous articles were worn in the form indicated for each degree. TITLE III: OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ORDER Article 9: The Council of the Order, which will be presided over by the Grand Master, will be made up of: - the Minister of Health, Chancellor - the President of the National Council of the Medical College of Peru - the President of the National Council of the Dental College of Peru - the President of the National Council of the Chemical Pharmaceutical College of Peru - the President of the Peruvian Association of Sanitary Engineering - the President of the National Council of the Veterinary Medical College - a representative of the Peruvian University designated by its National Council - a representative of the Health Services of the Armed Forces, designated by the Joint Command of the Force Navy. - a representative of the National Secretariat of Private Institutions and Social Welfare - the President of the Peruvian Red Cross - the Senior Director of the Ministry of Health, who will act as Secretary. Article 10: The Council's obligations are: a) To meet regularly and obligatorily in the month of August, or when called, in an extraordinary manner. b) To study and decide on the proposals presented. c) To evaluate the proposals, as well as to resolve the loss of the Decoration, according to the provisions of this Regulation. d) To appoint from among its members, Boards of Investigation for cases in which it is necessary to prove dishonourable acts attributed to a medal. Article 11: The Council may not function without a quorum of 8 members. Article 12: The Council's decisions shall be adopted unanimously. Article 13: The Chancellor has the following powers: a) To call a session of the Council b) To preside over the sessions of the Council c) To submit to the Council's consideration proposals for forfeiture of the Award d) Arrange for compliance with the Council's agreements e) Monitor strict compliance with these Regulations Article 14: The Secretary's duties are: a) To present to the Chancellor in a timely manner the documents referring to the proposals of the Assembly and to exceptional cases. b) To call the members of the Council to a session, by order of the Chancellor. c) To draft the minutes of the sessions; to have them signed by the members of the Council; and to forge the corresponding resolutions. d) To keep the Minutes Books and Records of Decorated Persons up to date, as well as the archives relating to the Council. Article 15: To facilitate the work of the Council, an Auxiliary Commission shall be established, made up of the following officials of the Ministry of Health: - An Assistant to the Senior Director - The Director of Personnel Administration - A Lawyer from the Legal Advisory Office. Article 16: The functions of the Auxiliary Commission are: a) To examine, review and complete the documentation of the proposals. b) To establish and formulate the Opposition Tables. c) Submit the documentation on the proposals to the Secretary of the Council, normally before July 15 of each year. Article 17: The Permanent Secretariat of the Council, which will operate in the Higher Directorate of the Ministry of Health, will be in charge of: a) Centralizing, managing, formulating and presenting to the Secretary the documents corresponding to the Decoration. b) Delivering or sending the Decorations, Resolutions and Diplomas to the authorities in charge of their presentations. e) Receiving the jewels that have ceased to belong to the decorated persons due to promotion or decease. d) Ordering the manufacture of the insignia, badges and diplomas of the Order, in accordance with the models that appear in this Regulation. e) To permanently maintain a number of Insignia, badges and diplomas, of all the degrees of the Order, according to the needs. TITLE 1V: OF THE CAUSES FOR THE AWARDING OF THE DECORATION Article 18: The Decoration of the Order "Daniel A. Carrión 11" will be awarded for the following reasons: a) Distinguished Action b) Meritorious Services c) Length of Service. Article 19: The merit of each of the causes is considered the following shall be considered: a) DISTINGUISHED ACTION Any act carried out in the service or benefit of public health by any person, Peruvian or foreign, demonstrating courage, self-denial and sacrifice, superior to the requirements for the fulfilment of duty and which implies the risk of his/her life, shall be considered as such. b) MERITORIOUS SERVICES The following are considered as such: 1. Any personal act that contributes to enhancing the prestige of the profession or of the Public Health and Social Assistance institutions, both in the country and abroad. 2. The inspiration and effort, or the managerial responsibility to create or improve institutions or programs of high significance for the progress of public health in the world. 3. The production of work or research related to Public Health or the sciences that are related to Health and whose application contributes significantly to its improvement. 4. The performance of commission of exceptional importance for the benefit of the clergy, public health or social assistance. c) LENGTH OF SERVICE For officials of the Ministry of Health and corresponding Decentralized Public Organizations. TITLE V: OF PROPOSALS Article 20: Proposals in any case shall strictly adhere to the requirements set forth in these Regulations and shall be accompanied by all supporting documents and must be submitted to the Permanent Secretariat of the Council of the Order before July 1 of each year. Article 21: The Decoration shall only be awarded upon prior proposal and in no case at the request of the interested party. Article 22: The formal proposal shall be processed through regular channels, and shall be initiated by: a) FOR CAUSES OF DISTINGUISHED ACTION and MERITORIOUS SERVICES: 1. To the Senior Director of the Ministry of Health 2. To Scientific Institutions and/or Professional Colleges. b) FOR REASONS OF LENGTH OF SERVICE: To the Senior Director of the Ministry of Health, duly studied by its Personnel Administration Directorate. Article 23: The supporting documents will cover the following aspects: a) Exposition of the fact that gave rise to the management with an indication of the conditions and circumstances in which it was carried out and the consequences derived from the fact alleged as the cause. b) Specific reasons that justify the granting in accordance with the regulatory provisions. c) Curriculum Vitae of the proposed candidate and personal data file when appropriate. TITLE VI: ON THE AWARDING OF THE DECORATION Article 24: The Decoration of the Order "Daniel A. Carrión" will be awarded in the degree of Special Grand Cross to the President of the Republic, as Grand Chief of the Order; and in the degree of Grand Cross to the Presidents of the Public Powers and Ministers of State who, at the proposal of the Minister of Health and in the judgment of the Council of the Order, have contributed in a notable way to the progress and benefit of Public Health in Peru; and to the Minister of Health and the Senior Director of the Ministry of Health upon assuming their positions. The members of the Council of the Order will be awarded the Decoration in the Degree of Grand Officer. Article 25: The different Degrees of Decoration of the Order will be conferred, by agreement of the Council, subject to the following provisions: a) Causes "Distinguished Action" and "General Services" It may be awarded in the degree that, in the judgment of the Council, is deemed appropriate according to the merit of the fact adduced as cause. b) Cause "Time of Service" The awarding of the Decoration in its different degrees will be made in the following manner: 1. OFFICIAL: a) Personnel with 25 years of service to the State in Health Institutions. b) Auxiliary Personnel with 30 years of service in the Ministry of Health. 2. COMMANDER: a) Professionals with 3 years of Service to the State, in Health establishments. b) Auxiliary Personnel with 35 years of service in the Ministry of Health. 3. GRAND OFFICER: a) Professionals with 35 years of service in Health Institutions. Article 26: In the case of posthumous granting or promotion of the Decoration of the Order, the corresponding insignia, badges and Diploma will be given to the spouse or closest relative, as depositaries. Article 27: The Decoration will not be awarded to a person who: a) Has been convicted by a final judgment by the National or Foreign Civil or Military Courts of Justice. b) Has been tried and whose process has ended due to prescription. c) Has been removed from public office by disciplinary measure or judicial sentence. d) Has been subject to disciplinary measure in the exercise of public office. e) Has been expelled or is under sanction from his or her respective Professional Association. TITLE VII: OF THE SUPREME RESOLUTION and OF THE DIPLOMA OF THE DECORATION Article 28: The Decoration of the Order "Daniel A. Carrión" will be granted by Supreme Resolution, signed by the President of the Republic, Grand Master of the Order, and endorsed by the Minister of Health, Chancellor. Article 29: The Supreme Resolution by which the Decoration is granted, will specify the following: a) In the consideration: 1. Reference to the proposal. 2. Name of the proposed person. 3. Number that motivates it. 4. Article of the present Regulation by which the Decoration is granted. 5. Approval of the Council. b) In the resolving part: 1. Degree awarded. 2. Name of the crowned count. TITLE VIII: LOSS, SUSPENSION and REFORM RIGHT TO THE DECORATION Article 30: The recipients of the Decoration of the Order will lose it for the following reasons: a) Sentence issued against the decorated person by the Courts of Justice, national or foreign. b) For dishonourable act, verified by the Council of Investigation, appointed for this purpose by the Minister of Health and at the request of the Council of the Order. c) For having been removed from a public office by disciplinary measure, or judicial sentence. d) For having been expelled from the respective Professional College. Article 31: While the decorated person is subject to a judicial or investigative process for any of the causes indicated in Articles 27 and 30, he/she will be subject to the suspension of the right to possess the Decoration. Article 32: In any of the cases contemplated in Articles 27 and 30, when the person is found to be not guilty, the lost rights will be restored. Article 33: The loss of the Decoration will give rise to the issuance of the respective Supreme Resolution by agreement of the Council of the Order. Article 34: Once the Decoration is withdrawn, the insignia, symbols and diplomas must be returned to the Secretary of the Council of the Order. Article 35: All provisions that oppose this Regulation shall be without effect. Register and communicate Major General. FAP EDUARDO MONTERO ROJAS Minister of Health This document had 3 illustrations attached:
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