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    KVK II to Luftnachrichten - Oberhelferin

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    Today I want to share my current find:

    A very nice little group for a Luftnachrichten - Oberhelferin:

    Eleonore Zarges

    Luftnachrichten Regiment 250

    10. Flugmelde - Leit Kompanie (stationed in Bujarei).

    The KVK document is signed by the commanding General Bernhard Waber. The KVK itself is without any makers mark also the Romanian medal.

    Very nice is the little certificate for the "crusade against communism" medal (only some weeks before Romania changed side).

    Not the best condition, but very charming and not to see on every corner (and I am pleased about - and because of this I "have to" share it :-)

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    I have never seen a multi medal grouping to a female aux. member before! I would love to hear her stories.

    I am afraid that there are no storys left...she died last year and I bought the little group today from her daughter. Her daughter told me that this is all the rest that survived the life episode "world war II" of Eleonore Zarges.

    So research is possible by the regimental history....


    Edited by kunsho
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    Guest Rick Research

    This seems to help prove that

    1) the Rumanian "Crusade" Medal was granted simply for service during the war, including inside Rumania, and

    2) there was no cut-off date at all-- unlike the German "Winter Battles 1941/42" medal.

    There MUST have been some MINIMUM service required-- ? 1 year? 6 months, ? .....

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    2) there was no cut-off date at all-- unlike the German "Winter Battles 1941/42" medal.

    ...cut off date should have been August 25, 1944 ? (?)

    I have had a look in Klietmanns "Phaleristic Romania" but there is nothing special to found, only the date of institution: 1st April 1942 (and some interesting records for the bars).


    Edited by kunsho
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    Guest Rick Research

    "...cut off date should have been August 25, 1944 ? (?)"

    Well yes, THAT!!!! :cheeky:

    But obviously it was given continuously, unlike the German troops of 1942-45 who got NO "Russian Front" award.

    Must have been tough in hardship posts like Bucharest in 1943! :beer:

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