Rogi Posted May 17, 2013 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) I was hoping anyone could answer this, did the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit, 1st Class, ever have a purple neck ribbon? The only type of color I can find for her is pink. just a small p.s. could the neck ribbon have faded or darkened to purple in some way? I know that sometimes mixing an incorect formula color in paints can lead to some really odd colors in later years. Thanks for any help Edited May 17, 2013 by Rogi
speagle Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 REF #150: Check this out on ebay (no-it's not mine) Republic of Korea Order of Military Merit, Hwarang Medal
speagle Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 REF #151: Ribbon looks blue here
Rogi Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Thank you for the comments, the emedals one is a bit puzzling as to the blue, since they are generally a salmon pink, but I've seen a purple one on a euro auction site and now emedals' one with the blue tone :S very confusing hehehe
heusy68 Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 (edited) Hello Gentlemen, the neck badge of Diplomatic Merit Order on emedals web site is a "Junk" ribbon, just put there because everybody knows it's easier to sell a decoration with a ribbon rather than a decoration without. If you want to know the full story, that commander badge now on emedals was in the drawer of a well known belgian delaer, then bought or barter with the owner of Galerie Numismatique, then emedals bought it....but the knowledge on Orders & Medals of the owner of Galerie Numismatique is as thick as a lettuce (he always need to ask about anything ....). The ribbon of the Order of Diplomatic Merit can be seen here, Don Pfifer is the authority in this topic : Since its creation in the late 50ies, the Diplomatic Merit Order has known 2 main shape of insignia (with minor variation Inside these shapes), almost all the others Order of South Korea have known 3 shapes of insignias (again with minor variation). The main colour of ribbons of the second type of insignias of Diplomatic Merit Order is pink. I have to add that all Medals & Orders shown here (on this thread about South Korea) have their correct ribbon (except the neck badge of the Diplomatic Merit Order shown on the web site of emedals). Below you can see a pictures of ribbons that can be worn by military mens & officers of the army of South Korea (incl some foreign awards, like the Saudi Gulf War Commemorative 1991, and some of South Vietnam). Regards. Emmanuel Edited May 20, 2013 by heusy68
Rogi Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 Thank you so much for the reply and clarification I was suspecting as such when I noticed the color of the emedals verison
Hugh Posted May 21, 2013 Author Posted May 21, 2013 On 20/05/2013 at 03:09, heusy68 said: Hello Gentlemen, the neck badge of Diplomatic Merit Order on emedals web site is a "Junk" ribbon, just put there because everybody knows it's easier to sell a decoration with a ribbon rather than a decoration without. If you want to know the full story, that commander badge now on emedals was in the drawer of a well known belgian delaer, then bought or barter with the owner of Galerie Numismatique, then emedals bought it....but the knowledge on Orders & Medals of the owner of Galerie Numismatique is as thick as a lettuce (he always need to ask about anything ....). The ribbon of the Order of Diplomatic Merit can be seen here, Don Pfifer is the authority in this topic : Since its creation in the late 50ies, the Diplomatic Merit Order has known 2 main shape of insignia (with minor variation Inside these shapes), almost all the others Order of South Korea have known 3 shapes of insignias (again with minor variation). The main colour of ribbons of the second type of insignias of Diplomatic Merit Order is pink. I have to add that all Medals & Orders shown here (on this thread about South Korea) have their correct ribbon (except the neck badge of the Diplomatic Merit Order shown on the web site of emedals). Below you can see a pictures of ribbons that can be worn by military mens & officers of the army of South Korea (incl some foreign awards, like the Saudi Gulf War Commemorative 1991, and some of South Vietnam). Regards. EmmanuelI Emmanuel, thanks so much for this ribbon chart. I wonder if you (or anyone else on the forum) can translate into a European language. I can provide approximate captions for a few of them, but would hope that we could get a proper translation for them all. Thanks, Hugh
ilja559 Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 Russian version of ribbon chart. Награды и знаки различия Республики Корея. Первый ряд: Ордена «За боевые заслуги» - пять степеней (Тхэкык, Ыльчи, Чхунму, Хваран, Инхон), медаль «За боевые заслуги» Второй ряд: Ордена «За обеспечение государственной безопасности» – пять степеней (Тхониль, Куксон, Чхонсу, Самиль, Кванбок), 6. Медаль «За обеспечение государственной безопасности» Третий ряд: Ордена «За гражданские заслуги» - пять степеней (Пэкма, Тонбэк, Мэнхо, Сонню, Чхеюк (За спортивные достижения)), 6. Медаль «За гражданские заслуги» Четвертый ряд: Ордена «Трудового отличия (За доблестный труд)» пять степеней: (Хванчо (золотой), Хончо (красный), Нокчо (зеленый), Окчо (яшмовый или аквамариновый), Чхончо (голубой)) 6. Медаль «Трудовое отличие (За доблестный труд)» Пятый ряд: 1. Медаль «За заслуги в деле государственного строительства» 2. Медаль «За службу в резерве» 3. Медаль «За оборону страны» 4. Точно не нашел, но, вероятно, аналог медали «Трудовое отличие (За доблестный труд)» 5. Медаль «За вклад в движение «Новая деревня» 6. Почетный знак подразделения (части) Шестой ряд (знаки различия): 1.Министр обороны 2. Начальник ОКНШ (объединенный комитет начальников штабов) 3. Начальник штаба Сухопутных войск 4. Начальник штаба ВМС 5. Начальник штаба ВВС 6. Государственная премия «За укрепление обороны»- под вопросом Седьмой ряд: 1. Медаль за ранение 2. Не смог определить 3. Медаль за участие в боевых действиях в Корейской войне 1950-1953 (25 июня – начало войны) 4. Почетный знак командира части 5. Не смог определить 6. Медаль «За ликвидацию последствий стихийных бедствий» Восьмой ряд: 1. Медаль «10 лет со дня образования Республики Корея» 2. Медаль «20 лет со дня образования Республики Корея» 3. Медаль «30 лет со дня образования Республики Корея» 4. Медаль «40 лет со дня образования Республики Корея». 5. Медаль «За участие в Азиатских играх 1986 года» 6. Медаль «За участие в Олимпийских играх 1988 года» Девятый ряд: 1. Медаль «За участие в параолимпийских играх» 2. Медаль «40-я годовщина Корейской войны» 3. Медаль «Красный крест» 4. Медаль «За участие в боевых действиях во Вьетнамской войне» 5. Медаль «За участие во Вьетнамской войне » 6. Медаль «За участие в миротворческих операциях ООН» Десятый ряд: 1. Медаль «За участие в войне в Персидском заливе» 2. Медаль «За службу в Саудовской Аравии» 3. Медаль «За 10 лет безупречной службы» 4. Медаль «За 20 лет безупречной службы» 5. Медаль «За 30 лет безупречной службы» 6. Медаль «За заслуги в военной службе 7-й степени» Одиннадцатый ряд (знаки различия): 1. Командир батальона в СВ (Сухопутных войсках) 2. Командир полка в СВ 3. Командир бригады в СВ 4. Командир дивизии в СВ 5. Командующий корпусом в СВ 6. Командир корабля второго класса в ВМС Двенадцатый ряд (знаки различия в ВМС): 1. Командир корабля первого класса 2. Командир отряда кораблей 3. Командир бригады кораблей 4. Командующий флотом 5. Оперативный командующий 6. Командир эскадрильи в ВВС. Тринадцатый ряд (знаки различия): 1. Командир авиакрыла 2. Командующий воздушной армией 3. Оперативный командующий ВВС 4. За 1000 часов налета 5.За 2000 часов налета 6. Командир батальона морской пехоты Четырнадцатый ряд (знаки различия и медали): 1. Командир полка морской пехоты 2. Командир бригады морской пехоты 3. Командир дивизии морской пехоты 4. Медаль «За верную службу (30 лет)» 5. Медаль «За службу (20 лет)» 6. Медаль «За службу (10 лет) Пятнадцатый ряд: 1. Знак различия Министра внутренних дел 2. Знак различия начальника полиции 3. Знак различия или медаль? «Гвардия Ватикана» 4. Знак различия «Международный валютный фонд Международный банк развития и реконструкции» 5 Орден «Почета Вьетнама» 6. Орден «Офицеру штаба Вьетнама» Шестнадцатый ряд: 1. Награда или знак различия? «Учения по гражданской обороне Вьетнама» 2. Орден «Золотая звезда Вьетнама» 3. Орден «Серебряная звезда Вьетнама» 4. Орден «Бронзовая звезда Вьетнама» 5. Орден «Свинцовая звезда Вьетнама» 6. Китайский орден ХЗЧ. Семнадцатый ряд (награды США): 1. Орден «За особые боевые заслуги» 2. Орден «За боевые заслуги в Сухопутных войсках» 3. Медаль. 4. Медаль. 5. Орден «Серебряная звезда». 6. Орден «Бронзовая звезда»
Antonio Prieto Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Any have notice and/or images for a medal of ROK Peacekeeping Operations? P.K.O The ribbon is green with a yellow central stripe Thank you
heusy68 Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Hello Antonio, This is the R.O.K. Peacekeeping Medal. Its diameter is 34 millimeters ann almost 3 millimeters thick. It's made of gilded allow, but very nice modern striking medal. Emmanuel
heusy68 Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 There was a medal to be issued for Gulf War 1990-91, but according to source in Seoul, this medal was minted (maybe in extremely low serie), but was never awarded as a medal. However the ribbon is worn on ribbon bar for those soldier who took part to Gulf War 1990-91. Emmanuel
Antonio Prieto Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Thank you It's possible use the image?. Also it's possible known the translation of the inscriptions The reverse design appears the emblem of the Ministry of National Defence
Rogi Posted August 22, 2013 Posted August 22, 2013 The back translation for the green medal is Republic of Korea, Ministry of National Defence, Civil for the other side and other medal I can't see them all that well from their current position.
Rogi Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 (edited) Just a small update, I enlarged the picture and got this as I read it: 걸프찯참기장 which literaly would be like Gulf something badge, 참 ----> I can't make out this part of the sentence if its a D or M If I had to translate it myself I would probably end up with : 걸프 전쟁 배지 which just means "Gulf War Badge" Anyway I study Korean so that's what you get from a semi-intermediate student lol or in English K(G)eulpeu (Gulf) Jeon Jaeng (war) baeji (Badge) Yeah I hope my teachers would be proud lol I hope I helped a bit P.S. Gulf War Medal would be: 걸프 전쟁 메달 in my student terms! Edited August 23, 2013 by Rogi
Antonio Prieto Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 Thank you to "Rogi" for the translations I see that the reverse inscripcion as the same of the logo for the Ministry of National Defence For the obverse I would have expected that the translation was associated with peace operations, peacekeeping or similar instead of the Gulf War, for which there is another medal with another design
gerhard hartmann Posted July 22, 2018 Posted July 22, 2018 Dear all, I read a lot about the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit via, see here: Wikipedia Do someone knows what the number means on the backside? Is is collectable? See here in an auction: Thank you very much.
heusy68 Posted July 24, 2018 Posted July 24, 2018 Hello Gerhard, The number on reverse of all South Korean Order is mostly a fabrication number by the company who produce the badge. It is not possible to get the name of the awarded person without the award document. South Korea had mainly changed the shapes of its insignia of Order 2 times (so mainly there is 3 series of Orders for the same Order). From 1950/51 to 1967 for first serie From 1967 to 1973 for second series, from 1973 to nowdays for third series (with small modifications occurring at different stepson each of the series.....). And in 1984 they stop to stamp number on the back of their Orders But the Diplomatic Merit Order mainly was unchanged by the reform of 1973 (so for Diplomatic Merit Order there is only 2 series of insignia) And to reply your question : Yes of course it's collectable !!!! Regards. Emmanuel
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