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    I am planning on going to the show in Kassel. The dates on the website are Thursday Nov. 27 through Sunday November 30. My question is on Thursday is the show for the public or just dealers? Also what time is the public allowed in on Thursday and Friday? What is the price of admission? Who is planning on going? I always greatly appreciate meeting other forum members.


    Hi Paul and Micha, I will also go to Kassel and I am glad to meet you there. :o) Who pays the beer? o) Best regards, Mike



    27. - 30. November 2008

    WBK International

    Messehallen Kassel

    Ausstellerverzeichnis/ Exhibitors' List


    Anfahrt/ Your Way To The Fairground

    Damaschkestra?e 55 ,/ 34121 Kassel

    ?ffnungszeiten / Open:

    Donnerstag bis Samstag / Thursday to Saturday 10.00 - 18.00 h

    Sonntag / Sunday 10.00 - 16.00 h


    Best regards, Mike


    I went last year and picked up a few goodies. It was a large and interesting show, but just like everywhere else festooned with fakes at genuine prices ! Beware, Ferg1.


    It is the best show in Germany and well worth a visit !

    I'll be there from Wednesday till Sunday.


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