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    Roadbuilder Badges

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    Here is a russian text to the badge (number Maybe some of the russian speakers could be so friendly to summarise the information in English.

    Has somebody a picture of a fake roadbuilder badge and could post it here?



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    Here is a russian text to the badge (number Maybe some of the russian speakers could be so friendly to summarise the information in English.

    Summary of information relevant to the badge:

    GUSHOSDOR (Abbreviation I'm guessing to be State (GU) Transportation (SHOS & DOR) Bureau, a subordinate part of the NKVD(MVD)) was involved with a series of road and building construction projects. Those excelling during these construction projects were awarded silver and bronze versions of these badges. The organization GUSHOSDOR organization existed until 18 MAR 53 when those duties were transferred to the Ministry of Automobile Transportation and Highways.

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    I have the same book and you Guys have saved me some time. Thanks

    In reviewing your badge, it resembles closest to post 24 photo 2. The thing that concers me about it is the finish on the reverse. Is it silver or massive oxidation?

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    no the badge is not made out of silver. It is brass plated with silver. When I bought the badge, the avers was nearly silver looking with a few places where you could see the brass. The black oxidation of the avers happend in the last years.

    The reverse is not so oxidated as it looks on the picture.



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