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    A battle of berlin Award

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    I got finally my traduction on this reserched award, that was fully handwriting. Interesting for be an battle of Berlin award...

    But I can?t find his unit in the Red army OBB from Poirier, because he cames like Brigade: 34 Guards Volnyarskii Red Banner Order of Surovov Order of Bogdan Khmelnitskii Motorized Rifle Brigade, 3 Motorized Rifle Battalion...Not Know Division or regiment,,,Any of you can help me...?

    Award Sheet

    1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Nagorov, Pavel Dmitrievich

    2. Rank: Guards Corporal

    3. Duty position: Gunner ? Heavy Machineguner, 34 Guards Volnyarskii Red Banner Order of Surovov Order of Bogdan Khmelnitskii Motorized Rifle Brigade, 3 Motorized Rifle Battalion

    Recommendation for the Order of the Red Star

    4. Born: 1926

    5. Nationality: Russian

    6. Party membership: yes ? Komsomol

    7. Previous combat: 1 Belorussian Front 11 July 1944-3.5.45

    8. Wounds or shell-shock: wounded 27 April 1945

    9. Time in Red Army: since 16 November 1943

    10. Previous awards: n/a

    11. Home of record: Yaroslav Oblast, Burmakinskii Region, village of Mitino(?); mother ? Mariya Ivanovna Nagorova (same address)

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

    In fighting for the city of Berlin, Gunner Nagorov displayed courageous bravery in combat. During the crossing of the Spree River a German machinegun and submachinegunners were preventing the opportunity to approach (?) and covering the destroyed bridge with heavy fire, denying our forces a crossing over the river. Under heavy covering fire Nagorov crawled forward with his machinegun and with long bursts from his machinegun, silenced the enemy. Our forces rushed the blown-up bridge and quickly began to force a crossing. Seeing this, the Hitlerites began to flee and Nagorov suppressed the German fire. In this battle Nagorov killed 18 Hitlerites including three panzerfaust gunners.

    He is deserving of the Order of the Red Star. (signature and writing illegible)

    I approve the Order of the Red Star, Commander, 34 Guards Valnyarskii-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Order of Bogdan Khmelnitskii Motorized Rifle Brigade, Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Okhman, on 6 July 1945 (Signature)

    NT.: this is a Battle of Berlin award. From a map I have, the unit was located in the northern central part of Berlin as the ring closed on the last fighting in the city.

    PS/ You can read the original (Xerocopy) papers in previous post in this forum...redStar order...etc




    Edited by hipnos
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    Wonderful citation.

    "12th Guard Tank Corps


    34th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade


    The corps was in the 2nd Guards Tank Army... and in April penetrated the city of Berlin to spearhead the crossing of the Spree River and canal to the heart of the city."

    From Red Storm: Soviet Mechanized Corps and Guards Armored Units 1942 to 1945 by Charles Sharp, p. 52.

    It looks like your man was literally the point of that spear! :cheers:

    Edited by Eric B
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    Red Stars for fighting in and around Berlin

    1.835.889 - 29.06.1945 1th Belorussian Front

    2.171.986 - 06.07.1945 2nd Guards Tank Army



    Thanks. To get researched it?s more expensive, but to have the docs is to have a truly piece of real history before you...



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    Wonderful citation.

    "12th Guard Tank Corps


    34th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade


    The corps was in the 2nd Guards Tank Army... and in April penetrated the city of Berlin to spearhead the crossing of the Spree River and canal to the heart of the city."

    From Red Storm: Soviet Mechanized Corps and Guards Armored Units 1942 to 1945 by Charles Sharp, p. 52.

    It looks like your man was literally the point of that spear! :cheers:

    Thanks for the add, In the OOB from Poirier book, don?t tell the units forming the 12 guards tank corps..., only that?s the former 16 tank corps of 2nd tank army, after 2 Guards tank army in BerlinOperations.

    Can you add more information??? :rolleyes:



    PS/ I?ve just bought at Abebooks th Book...I hope to get it in 2 weeks

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