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    fantasy or real?

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    Found this one on the net, from a seller who advertised his reproduction award of an original.

    I will translate the essentials: the EK 2, with a Polish coin attached to it, was used as a medal to the resistance fighters in the Warshau rising.

    It seems very unlickely for several good reasons. Does anybody know about these?

    Das Kreuz des Warschauer Aufstands / Krzy Powstania Warszawskiego war eine inoffizielle Auszeichnung, die 1944 von polnischen Soldaten w?hrend der deutsch-polnischen K?mpfe um die Stadt Warschau Warschauer Aufstand benutzt wurde. Es wurde aus erbeuteten Eisernen Kreuzen hergestellt, denen man 1-Zloty-M?nzen aus der Vorkriegszeit anpinnte, die so das Hakenkreuz verdeckten; die M?nzen wurden mit der Kotwica und der Jahreszahl 1944 beschriftet. Es wurde verliehen f?r die T?tung eines SS-Offiziers sowie f?r andere Taten der Tapferkeit.

    Die Kotwica (dt. Anker) war das Symbol der polnischen Widerstandsbewegung w?hrend der deutschen Besatzung Polens im Zweiten Weltkrieg, insbesondere der Polnischen Heimatarmee (Armia Krajowa). Die Kotwica stellt die Buchstaben P und W dar und steht als Abk?rzung f?r Polska Walcząca /K?mpfendes Polen .

    Sie wurde 1942 von einer Sabotageeinheit im Warschauer Stadtteil Wawer entworfen. Am 20. M?rz des Jahres war es erstmals in der ?ffentlichkeit zu sehen.(QUELLE:WIKI)

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    In my opinion its total fantasy, why would the Resistance

    in the Warsaw Rising be bothered to issue pseudo valor medals

    made from Nazi Items. :speechless:

    IF such were true we would have seen them before now.

    Kevin in Deva.

    Indeed, it makes no sense.

    1. Where would they obtain significant numbers of EK2? Its easyer to produce something themselves.

    2. Why chose a TR medal? Ideologically this poses a problem.

    3. I am not aware of any medals given or worn by resistance fighters during the war in central or urban Europe. (I believe i have seen some period french resistance insignia, but no medals)

    I did find a number of interesting artikels there in the past.

    But this puts a dent in my esteem for WIKI. :unsure:

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    In my opinion its total fantasy, why would the Resistance

    in the Warsaw Rising be bothered to issue pseudo valor medals

    made from Nazi Items. :speechless:

    IF such were true we would have seen them before now.

    Kevin in Deva.

    Indeed, it makes no sense.

    1. Where would they obtain significant numbers of EK2? Its easyer to produce something themselves.

    2. Why chose a TR medal? Ideologically this poses a problem.

    3. I am not aware of any medals given or worn by resistance fighters during the war in central or urban Europe. (I believe i have seen some period french resistance insignia, but no medals)

    I did find a number of interesting artikels there in the past.

    But this puts a dent in my esteem for WIKI. :unsure:

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    ....But this puts a dent in my esteem for WIKI. :unsure:

    I would not trust WIKI regarding anything like this...

    the faker or the guy selling this item could have put up that entry and then refer all potential buyers to 'look it up'

    - Danny

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    I don't know, is it real or fantasy, but you can find it on a nice Polish web-site too:


    Tablica 36, No. 7 "Odznaka nieformalna z Powstania Warszawskiego" "Decoration of the informal Warsaw Uprising":




    Hallo Uwe, :beer:

    thanks for the link, but, can you tell us is this a private / unofficial Orders & Decorations website

    or is it an official website showing the Orders & Decorations of Poland?

    Even though one picture shows an EK2-Coin award,

    I see no providence saying it is from the Warsaw Rising Period, a recreation of an award from the period

    or added into the collection upon "Urban-Myth" / hearsay.

    Personally I would like to see a period picture showing on in wear.

    The other point is, from a fakers point of view it would be very easy

    to marry-up a coin and cross to create a unique piece for sale.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:

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