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    Kappenabzeichen: WW1 Unit & Patriotic Military Cap "Tinnies"

    Guest Rick Research

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    Guest Rick Research

    Some more odd units:

    Upper left: Col di Lana Artillerie-Kdo. Buchenstein 1915-1916. Design by Oberltn. Dr. Mohr and another Gurschner product. Top right: K.u.k. K?stenschutz Kdo FML. Freih. von. Wucherer. Designed by Maler Alex. Pock, made by Gurschner yet again.

    Lower: Durazzo Brig:211:Dandar

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    Guest Rick Research

    This seems like a generic branch of service one since there iss no specific unit number?

    I(nfanterie) G(esch?tz) A(bteilung)?

    Hard to see the detail on the mud green camouflage finish, so twice sized and brightened a bit:

    What looks like a minaret in the distant right background is atually a column with classical Greek top under some sort of statue. =?

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    Guest Rick Research

    One has to wonder how many of these there ever vwere to begin with, never mind still exist NOW for this sort of oddball small unit. :cheers:

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    • 4 weeks later...
    Guest Rick Research

    I don't know if this strongly designed "32" was a regiment or a division, and so I will end Part 1 here and resume with more on a new thread.

    To be continued with more badges on the next thread.....

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    Guest Rick Research

    Thanks Ian!

    I know this would be a hopeless task-- there must be many thousands of these unit badges-- but is there any sort of "catalog" series ( :speechless1: ) in print that has attempted to sort them all out?

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    There is no definitive work on these badges that I am aware of; although there are several books (some worth having, but the majority aren't worth the effort) that have tried to cover this hobby. A friend of mine has tried to catalogue and record all the known badges and their variations, but so far he hasn't had any luck with getting the concept up and running with a publisher. Another friend has begun working on the Honv?d badges.

    I still find the best source of information (although even they get it wrong) are the various Auctions catalogues out of either Germany or in particular Austria.

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    I believe that "GA" on the badge with the Skoda 37mm gun, stands for "Gebirgs-Artillerie". But I notice there is a faint "I" above the GA, so the three letters could stand for "Infanterie Gesch?tz Abteilung".

    I have a bunch of these too.

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    I found a new (to me) softwcover book on Kappenabzeichen at a militaria fair in Austria on Sunday. Printed in 2008 by a chap from Italy. I didn't note the name of the book or the author as I felt at 100 Euros the book was vastly over priced.



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    They seem to want a squillion bucks (Euros) for these (Italian) books and none of them are worth the money asked. I have two by different Italian authors and neither add value to the hobby. My tip is: save your money.

    For what it is worth IMHO the best reference material available is still the kappenabzeichen auction catalogues mostly from Austrian auction houses i.e. H.D. Rauth and Dorotheum.


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    Thanks for your comments. I looked at some catalogues at the show as well. Also at the next Dorotheum catalogue. I'll have to start subscribing to the Rauch catalogues I guess. Once I return to Canada this fall I won't be able to drive to Vienna any more and pop into the Rauch auction house to preview the lots. I'll miss that.



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    Guest Rick Research

    GREAT set of cap badge and plaque in Posts 34-35, Chip!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping: Is there anything on back of the plaque to indicate that it was some sort of non-official unit pride award or... ?

    I had the Hungarian bashing the dragon in #36 30+ years ago. One of the better designs. As I recall it had a Hungarian maker on back, not the ubiquitous Gurschner of Vienna?

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    • 3 years later...

    Gentlemen, I am looking for the badge of the bavarian 10th Inf.Div. Is anyone there, who likes to sell it, please?

    By the way I want to show my small collection of Kappenabzeichen

    Edited by The Prussian
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    • 11 years later...


    It's been years since I posted on this thread and I could not add much then.  I can now as I finally have a Kappenabzeichen.  But first, here is a link to another thread on this forum that has focused on books written on Kappenabzeichen.  These are all new to me and might be of interest to others as well.


    I mentioned a book earlier in this thread that I bought shortly afterwards and here is a picture of the cover.  Written in Italian but with German translations in the back of the book.

    Now my Kappenabzeichen.  It is from the Isonzo front and is marked ISONZE-ARMEE

    1915.  There are two sizes to this badge.  Mine is of the large type measuring 29 x 43 mm.  The smaller one measures 20 x 30 mm.  The markings on the back of the badge are for maker G. Hermann Wein III Hauprstr. 31.  There is also a ring with the same badge on it.  All three of these artifacts appear in the book I have listed here.  The ring pictured sold at auction in 2012 for 300 Euros.  The text on the rings auction is printed below.

    Kategorie : Antikschmuck > Schmuck & Accessoires > Ringe > Silber Identifizierungsnummer: 55354
    Schätzwert/Estimation: 300 EUR  
    Weitere Informationen
    Jahr 1915
    Er hat einen Innen Durchmesser von 19,4 mm
    Er ist 8,6 Gramm schwer
    Er ist an der breitesten Stelle 12 mm breit und hat eine Gesamthöhe von 22,5 mm
    He has an inner diameter of 19.4 mm
    Ring Size 61
    He is 8.6 grams
    He is at the widest point, 12 mm wide and has a total height of 22.5 mm







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    Hello Gordon!


    Another interesting book about austrain cap-badges is:


    Published 1991 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in german/english language. There are no descriptions of the badges, but I think more then a thousand badges are shown! 282 pages.

    The book is very rare, but I also have a pdf (24MB) of it, unfortunately in a lower quality.

    You´ll find all austrian badges according to each branch including remembrance-badges, front-badges, christmas-badges and cloth unit-number-patches.


    By the way, my collection raised during the last years.




    Austrian/german cap-badges (austrians only, if germans could have worn them..)




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    • 9 months later...
    On 01/05/2009 at 05:24, Guest Rick Research said:

    These are the niftiest looking out of a collection. None are maker marked, which is odd since they are better than most, and all but the center bottom with enamel:




    Top left to right-- VI. Korps Arz (named after its commander/ 8(th) K(avallerie) T9ruppen) D9ivision) (I think)/ "RAD 8 b4" have NO clue whatsoever what that one is!!!


    Bottom left to right--Inf Rgt 68 (must be home garrison city arms)/Inf Rgt 78 1914-1917/ 85 (Inf Rgt? shield also of home city?)


    Will post them in small related batches as I can get to them during my library cataloging project.


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    2 hours ago, Imperialcollector said:

    Bottom left to right--Inf Rgt 68 (must be home garrison city arms)


    I´m not sure...

    IR68 was hungarian one.

    From 1903-1914 the regiment and its bataillons were in different towns. By example Budapest, Sarajevo, Szolnok, Semlin and Zemun. I coulnd´t find a match with the coat-of-arms.

    2 hours ago, Imperialcollector said:

    I’m considering buying a cap with this badge can anyone tell me about the unit please 

    Check this out:


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    15 hours ago, Imperialcollector said:

    I’m considering buying a cap with this badge can anyone tell me about the unit please 



    My first impression was: "Reitende Artilleriedivision Nr. 8 - 4. Batterie". Interestingly I could not find a RAD 8 in the 1914 Schematismus and not in 1916 Rangliste. There exists a RAD Nr. 7 and a RAD Nr. 9, but not a Nr. 8. Maybe it was a short time existing unit which was renamed or organized otherwise later.

    "Reitende Artilleriedivisionen" were independent mounted artillery bataillons.



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