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    T1 BM Corporal Semyon Andreevich Tishchenko

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    Award Card

    Certificate A 520087

    1. Last name: Tishchenko

    2. Name and patrionymic: Semyon Andreevich

    3. Rank: Corporal

    4. Gender: Male

    5. Birthyear: 1907

    6. Birthplace: Voronezh Oblast, Budennov Region, village of Zasosnoe

    7. Party membership: n/a

    8. Education: elementary

    9. Nationality: Russian

    10. Time in Red Army: 8.41-10.45

    11. Place of service at awarding: 10 Guards Destroyer Aviation Corps – Communicator

    12. Place of work at present: Electric Worker and Don-Energo

    13. Home address: Kadievka, Rostovskaya St. #23

    14. Awards:

    Designation Serial Number Awarding Organization

    Bravery Medal 244.232 989 Rifle Regiment dated 11.3.43

    Combat Service Medal 2.440.780 10 Destroyer Aviation Corps dated 9.6.45

    Verified on 6 February 1947 by Kadiev Municipal Military Commissariat Guards Lieutenant Colonel Dyaguzov

    Order 013/N of the 989 Rifle Regiment, 226 Rifle Division, Don Front dated 14 March 1943

    I award the following decorations on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR:

    The Bravery Medal to:

    6. Signals Company Telephone Operator – Private Semyon Adreevich Tishcheniko who in offensive actions in January 1943 near the Mokraya Mechetka river deployed telephone cable across the river under enemy fire, thus providing communications to the units located on the far shore of the river. In the course of one day he repaired seven line breaks while under sniper fire.

    b. 1907, Russian, non-Party member, in Red Army since 1941. Inducted by Mariupol RMC, Stalin Oblast. Father- Andrei Ivanovich Tishchenko at Stalin Oblast, Sergo, Rostovskaya St. #23.

    Signed Commander, 878 Rifle Regiment, Lieutenant Coloenl Zayarnii.


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