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    Kampforden kriegsband vs other

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    Hi Redleg,

    the award regulations from 1978 say, that the "Kampforden" had to be awarded with red stripes (rote Längsstreifen).

    Bartel wrote in his book from 1978, "Auszeichnungen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik", wine-red stripes (weinrote Streifen).

    In the book "Orden, Preise, Medaillen" from 1980 it is the same as in the regulations, red stripes.

    In the second edition of this book "Orden und Medaillen" from 1983, it is written as red brown stripes (rotbraune Längsstreifen).

    Bartel in his catalogue from 2003: Ausführung c am "Kriegsband" gelb mit rot, ... (nicht verliehen = with red stripes not awarded).

    Feder in his book from 1994, "Auszeichnungen der Nationalen Volksarmee der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik":

    "... immer nur mit gelb-braunen Streifen verliehen..." (always awarded with brown stripes).


    "Die zeitweise mit gelb-roten Streifen in den Bändern hegestellten Ehrenzeichen wurden in der NVA intern als Auszeichnungen für den Kriegsfall eingelagert." (decorations with red stripes were stored for war times).

    I think, that there is no price difference justified.


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    Thanks Uwe,

    OK so my Kampforden is Ohne-Kriegsbande (without war band) I think. (file was too big to attach). I have heard that some were awarded though. So unlike the Bluecher Orden, the Kampforden mit Kriegsbande was awarded to troops? Did the recipients receive the award by being an MIL-adviser like in Ethiopia, Angola, Vietnam etc.?


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