Thierry Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 Bonjour, Can you help for identify medalbar ? Do you have info on this man (Colonel Pisky) ? I know : Pisky1 : - Hungary Merit Order RK - Austria KVK 3. kl with X and KD, - Austria Silver Sigmun Laudis Medal with X, - Austria Bronze Sigmun Laudis Medal with X, - ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? - 1914 EK-II - Poland Restitua (Class ?) - Bulgaria MVO (Class ?) Neck Order : - German DRK 1 kl, - Hungary Merit Order with X Commandeur, - Italy Crown Order Commandeur, - Belgian Order ? Pocket Medal : - German AdlerOrder (Class ?) - Vitez Order, - ??? Crdl Thierry
new world Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 On 27/12/2011 at 17:44, Thierry said: ... - Bulgaria MVO (Class ?) ... That's Bulgarian Military Merit order. It could be 4th class or 5th class with crown. Both classes look the same, except 4th cl is gilded and 5th is silvered.
Thierry Posted December 28, 2011 Author Posted December 28, 2011 Bonjour, I found on Internet the complete list of his decorations (in Hungarian). Can somebody translate for me? - Magyar Érdemrend Tisztikeresztje (hadidíszítménnyel és kardokkal) (1944), - Magyar Érdemrend Lovagkeresztje (hadiszalagon a kardokkal) (1941), - Magyar Érdemrend Lovagkeresztje (hadiszalagon) (1939), - 3. o. Katonai Érdemkereszt, - Ezüst Katonai Érdemérem a Katonai Érdemkereszt szalagján, - Bronz Katonai Érdemérem a Katonai Érdemkereszt szalagján, - Kormányzói dicsérő elismerés magyar Koronás Bronzérem szalagján az elmaradt háborús kitüntetés kisebbített alakjával (1931), - Magyar Vöröskereszt Érdemkereszt, - Kormányzói dicsérő elismerés magyar Koronás Bronzérem keskeny piros-fehér szegélyezésű sötét smaragdzöld szalagon (1935), - I. osztályú Ezüst Vitézségi Érem, - II. osztályú Ezüst Vitézségi Érem, - Bronz Vitézségi Érem (1935), - Bátorsági Érem (1937), - Károly Csapatkereszt, - Nemzetvédelmi Kereszt, - Sebesülési érem 2 sávval, - Háborús Emlékérem kardokkal és sisakkal, - II. A osztályú Tiszti Szolgálati Jel (1943), - Vöröskereszt II. osztályú díszjelvény hadidíszítménnyel, - Felvidéki Emlékérem, - Erdélyi Emlékérem (1941), - 1912/13 évi jubileumi kereszt, - Német Vöröskereszt Díszjelvény (1937), - Német II. oszt. Vaskereszt (1937), - Német Sasrend II. fokozata (1938), - Belga Vöröskerszt Érdemkereszt I. osztály (1939), - 4. oszt. Bolgár Katonai Érdemrend Tisztikereszt (1937), - Horvát Zvonimir Király Koronarend I. osztály (1943), - Olasz Koronarend Tisztikereszt (1936), - Lengyel Polonia Restitutia Rend Tisztikereszt (1936), - Lnegyel Partisan-rend II. osztály (1939) - Vitézi Jelvény (1922) - HM okirati dicsérő elismerés (1929), - HM Katonai főcsoport-parancsnoki elismerés (1931). Crdl Thierry
Lukasz Gaszewski Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 Bonsoir, A post-Christmas gift - do praise me and say "thank you" !!! Hungarian Order of Merit - Officer Cross (w. war decoration and swords)Hungarian Order of Merit - Knight Cross (w. war ribbon and swords)Hungarian Order of Merit - Knight Cross (w. war ribbon)[Austro-Hungarian] Cross of Military Merit 3rd Class[Austro-Hungarian] Silver Medal of Military Merit [signum Laudis] on the ribbon of the Cross of Military Merit [war ribbon][Austro-Hungarian] Bronze Medal of Military Merit [signum Laudis] on the ribbon of the Cross of Military Merit [war ribbon]Hungarian Regent's Commendation Bronze Medal with Crown [so-called Hungarian Signum Laudis] w. a First World War miniature awardHungarian Red Cross, Cross of MeritHungarian Regent's Commendation Bronze Medal w. Crown on green ribbon w. red and white edges[Austro-Hungarian] Silver Bravery Medal 1st Class[Austro-Hungarian] Silver Bravery Medal 2nd Class[Austro-Hungarian] Bronze Bravery Medal[Hungarian] Life Saving Medal[Austro-Hungarian] Charles Troops Cross[Hungarian] National Defence Cross[Austro-Hungarian] Wound Medal [on the ribbon] w. two stripes[Hungarian] War Comm. Medal w. swords and helmet[Hungarian] Officer Long Service Decoration 2nd Class[Austro-Hungarian] Red Cross Decoration 2nd Class w. war decoration[Hungarian] Upper Hungary Commemorative Medal[Hungarian] Transylvania Commemorative Medal[Austro-Hungarian] 1912/13 Jubilee Cross [Mobilization Cross]German Red Cross DecorationGerman [Prussian] Iron Cross 2nd ClassGerman Order of the Eagle 2nd Class [Officer Cross]Belgian Red Cross, Cross of Merit 1st ClassBulgarian Order of Military Merit - Officer Cross 4th ClassCroatian Order of the Crown of King Zvonimir 1st ClassItalian Order of the Crown - Officer CrossPolish Order Polonia Restituta - Officer CrossPolish Partisan Order 2nd Class [????][Hungarian] Vitézi Decoration A nice collection indeed! In brackets [ ] there are pats of the names which do not appear directly in the Hungarian names. The years do not necessarily correspond with the year when an decoration was actually awarded (see the Iron Cross) - I believe they are the years in which particular decorations were officially approved to be worn. Do not be surprised that Austro-Hungarian and Hungarian awards were all mixed up - old Austro-Hungarian decorations were considered an integral part of the Hungarian award system. I think this list is stll incomplete. The photos depict Lieutenant Colonel Pisky with the Commander Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, which is not on the list. I think it could have been mistaken for the Officer Cross which should be worn as a pin decoration. What regards the "Polish Partisan Order 2nd Class" I have no slightest idea what that could be. There was no award like that! Certainly not in 1939!!! Any ideas are welcome! Lukasz :)
Thierry Posted December 29, 2011 Author Posted December 29, 2011 On 29/12/2011 at 01:06, Lukasz Gaszewski said: Bonsoir, A post-Christmas gift - do praise me and say "thank you" !!! A nice collection indeed! In brackets [ ] there are pats of the names which do not appear directly in the Hungarian names. The years do not necessarily correspond with the year when an decoration was actually awarded (see the Iron Cross) - I believe they are the years in which particular decorations were officially approved to be worn. Do not be surprised that Austro-Hungarian and Hungarian awards were all mixed up - old Austro-Hungarian decorations were considered an integral part of the Hungarian award system. I think this list is stll incomplete. The photos depict Lieutenant Colonel Pisky with the Commander Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, which is not on the list. I think it could have been mistaken for the Officer Cross which should be worn as a pin decoration. What regards the "Polish Partisan Order 2nd Class" I have no slightest idea what that could be. There was no award like that! Certainly not in 1939!!! Any ideas are welcome! Lukasz Bonjour, Thanks Lukasz for info. Thierry
Lukasz Gaszewski Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Dear Thierry and All, You are welcome, glad I could help I am still intrigued by that commander cross, allegedly of the Hungarian Order of Merit. It has intrigued me for three reasons: 1. If Pisky was awarded with it, why wasn't it on the list of his honours? 2. If it is the Hungarian Order of Merit, it should be worn around the neck, above all foreign neck decorations. 3. The ribbon does not seem to be the correct Order of Merit ribbon. I have decided to have another look at the photos and upon a closer examination I am sure that despite some resemblance, it is not the Hungarian Order of Merit at all! IMHO it is the commander cross of the General Bulak-Balachowicz Cross of Valour, an unofficial (not to say self-styled) decoration, awarded in Poland before WWII (for some reason one of the most sought decorations on collector market). It is possible that the mysterious Polish Partisan Order 2nd Class may refer just to this award. What do you think? Edited December 29, 2011 by Lukasz Gaszewski
Thierry Posted December 30, 2011 Author Posted December 30, 2011 Bonjour, Relevant study. Here, a statement of decorations received by Pisky. Crdl Thierry
Thierry Posted December 30, 2011 Author Posted December 30, 2011 Comparaison General Bulak-Balachowicz Cross of Valour - Hungary Merit Order
Lukasz Gaszewski Posted December 30, 2011 Posted December 30, 2011 And a later issue (I think it is what Pisky is wearing) in the class of grand cross.
Thierry Posted December 30, 2011 Author Posted December 30, 2011 (edited) Do you have a bio on Zoltan Pisky ? One question : Joint in the army in 28 july 1914, he received a Austro-Hungarian 1912/13 Jubilee Cross. Do you have infos ? Crdl Thierry PS : Hungary Red Cross Edited December 30, 2011 by Thierry
Thierry Posted January 2, 2012 Author Posted January 2, 2012 Bonjour, Can you help for translate (Hungarian text) ? 1893. november 11.-én született Budapesten. 1914. júl. 28-tól szolgál a cs. és kir. 101. gyalogezrednél, 1917-től hivatásos állományban. 1919 és 1939 között számos - részben rejtett - csapattiszti és minisztériumi beosztást tölt be. 1939. aug. 4-től a hegyi gyakorló zászlóalj, okt. 1-től a szolyvai 2. hegyi zászlóalj parancsnoka. 1942. okt. 1-jén kinevezték ezredessé. 1943. okt. 1-től a 10. kiegészítő parancsnokság levente parancsnoka Kaposvárott, 1944. márc. 23-tól a 67. határvadász csoport parancsnoka. Az 1944. szeptemberi erdélyi harcok során súlyos haslövést (agyvérzést) kap. Felépülését követően 1945. január elejétől SS Oberführer rendfokozatban a "Hungária" 26. SS páncélgránátos hadosztály megbízott parancsnoka. 1945. Január 20. vagy 21.-én hal meg Breslauban, bár halálának körülményei máig tisztázatlanok. Thanks, and happy new year. Thierry
Ulsterman Posted January 4, 2012 Posted January 4, 2012 -Hmmmmm...His file must be on those SS files that Mark M. had available a few years back. he was commander of the Hungarian SS Division......Hunyadi?
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