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    I was scanning through the web site of the President of the Russian Federation for decent pictures of award investitures when I came accross these few gems. They show WW2 vets being awarded the Order of Glory 3rd class by then President Dmitry Medvedev on 19 December 2010. Just like any other country, paperwork gets lost, recommendations disapear... We've all seen such ceremonies in Canada, the USA, the UK etc. This is the first such event I've seen from Russia and I find it just as touching as if it were right here in Canada.

    I had the honour of witnessing 2 French Canadian WW2 paratroopers that had been attached to the US 101st Airborne as translators during 44 and 45 when the French and American consuls presented them with the Legion of Honour, triple Silver Stars and triple Purple Hearts, it was one of the most moving ceremonies I've ever attended.

    I wish all of these fine gents, regardless of nationality, that were denied such honours for whatever reason could be so rewarded publicly before we lose them all to posterity. Such an incredible generation...

    President Medvedev admiring the awards of a proud looking newly decorated of the Order of Glory 3rd class Boris Kirzhakov.

    Newly decorated of the Order of Glory 3rd class, a smiling Anatoly Kalinkin shakes the hand of his president.

    Addenda: almost forgot, the copyright permission asks that www.kremlin.ru be prominent.

    Edited by TacHel
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    I don't know who is the old veteran, but the tall man to the right is the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Heydar Aliyev. It appears the veteran is wearing the Defense of the Caucasus Medal on his lapel. The Caspian and Baku oil fields were the German objective for the offensive into the Caucasus, but Stalingrad got in the way.

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