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    My grandfathers box of Medals from WWI and WWII

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    A collection of medals awarded to my grandfather who fought in both WWI and WWII. I am not a collector per se, rather the honored recipient of this very personal collection.

    I have documented the box and its contents and written a little more about it here : http://cumuluseraoutpost.com

    Included in the box are Knight's Cross of St. Henry, Albert Order Knight Cross with swords, miniature versions of said medals on gold chain, Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class, WWII Merit Cross Medal with Swords, etc.

    I am offering them for sale.

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    Thank you,

    I've definitely given the selling some thought. As mentioned in the short write up on my site the medals and their history have fully engaged my appreciation and given impetus to further investigation and that for me is most valuable. On the other hand

    life changes... and changes have taken the collector out of me. Nevertheless the appreciation remains hence my effort of putting together the site which serves a dual purpose of documentation for selling, and that of being a digital reliquary in honor of my grandfathers medals.

    If I were simply interested in selling them I would have enlisted an auction house. My hope is to find a good home at a fair price.


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    WOW!!!!!!! Who was your Grandad? Do you have any pictures of him? THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!

    Hello Ulsterman.

    I had placed a reply to Echo's second post on this subject with the translation of Grandfather's citation for the award of the St.Heinrich Order. (Source is the reference book of the recipients of this order which lists the citations and some personnel data.) Not having heard I cannot say whether Echo has seen it or already knew about it.

    Bernhard H. Holst

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    just saw Bernhard's post—over in 'Links to Websites'—thanks for that.

    @Ulsterman - the only pictures I currently have are on the site, albeit only from the back; the only man not wearing a uniform. Other pictures are purely in memory, younger university days with Schmiss... I do not recall ever seeing one of him wearing the medals. If ever I find more I will post them.

    @Paul R - true, I have not posted a price. May be some ambivalence on my part? I have researched most objects but there are some I'm still unsure about. Also all pieces are in excellent shape (except where noted) and in their original cases.

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    • 4 weeks later...

    I'm sure you would regret selling later in life as would your children. Keep the group and research records and ask for help from forum members so that you can build the history of your grandfathers service. Later, after you've learn and documented his service if you still want to sell the medals the group will have greater value.

    I think you' ll regret later the money you can make today from selling your families superb military medals.

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