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    I am assuming you are referring to Ferdinand Ritter von Mann Edler von Tiechler who was in the Reichswehr 21. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment and later Generalmajor? I believe his highest Bavarian decoration was a BMV4X.



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    He was Oberleutnant in 1917... Was in various bavarian Regts, in Turkey, then in the MW section of Freikorps von Epp... maybe a wartime photo, and someone did the notation on the back years later when he was a Hauptmann.

    Unfortnately not possible to see on the shoulder boards if he was a Hauptmann when the photo was taken...

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    Here is a picture of Ritter v. Mann in regualtion Reichsheer uniform. It was not unusual in the formative years of the Reichsheer to see the continued use of former Imperial items of clothing to even include the kleiner Rock and Überrock.



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