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    Medal dedicated to the precursors of the Portuguese Republic

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    On January 31, 1891, took place in OPorto, Portugal, a Republican revolt against the Monarchy.

    This revolt failed, but laid the foundations for a strong and organized republican movement that will overthrow the monarchy on 5 October 1910 with large civilian and military support.

    30 years after the revolt of Porto, in 1921, the Government of the Portuguese Republic will establish this medal for heroism to those precursors of the Republic.

    This is one of the rarest Portuguese military decorations, having been awarded only 177 times. Single class medal, struck in Bronze, ribbon with the Republican national colors.


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    Fascinating, thank you for this post and reference--there may be one in a group formerly [?] displayed in the Museu de Marinha [Naval Museum], Lisbon.

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    Thank you 922f for your kind words.

    Its possible that in the Museu de Marinha at Belém, Lisbon, there is a medal like this one.

    Its possible but very curious, do to the fact that in the OPorto uprisingin in1891, there are no Naval personal involved. Just Military personal from ground forces of the Army and the Fiscal Guard.

    One day I will pass by and check every medal groups trying to spot it. I live very close to the museum :)

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    • 4 months later...


    Here is a picture of one of those medals, from my collection:


    and a picture taken at the time of a group of some of the soldiers involved on the attempt rebelion on board of one of the ships (the India) that toke them on their way to a forced exile...


    later, when the republic was installed some of them (those who survived) would received this medal in memory of their act...

    Best regards


    Edited by peron
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