Antonio Prieto Posted September 2, 2013 Posted September 2, 2013 EFFICIENCY MEDAL REGULATIONS Regulations 31st January 1936, 8th December 1943, 17th December 1947 Made by the Governor under the authority of the Royal Warrant of 23rd September 1930. 1. The Efficiency Medal and Clasps are awarded as a reward for long and efficient service to warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Authorised Auxiliary Forces of the Empire (and their Reserves); their award is governed by the Royal Warrant dated 23rd September, 1930. 2. Officers who are serving or who have served as such on the Active List of any of His Majesty's forces during the present emergency and who were, on 2nd September, 1939, serving as officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, men or auxiliaries on the Active List of any of the Authorised Auxiliary Forces of the Empire, and were embodied under any Proclamation by the Governor shall be eligible subject in other respects to the conditions laid down in the Royal Warrant of 23rd September, 1930 (as subsequently amended) for the award of the Efficiency Medal and Clasps and be allowed to reckon their service as officers as qualifying service for the Medal and Clasps, except that officers who, before the 23rd September, 1930, had qualified for the award of the Efficiency Decoration shall not be eligible for the Medal and Clasps unless they are qualified under the terms of the Royal Warrant of 23rd September, 1930. 3. Officers as aforesaid who were serving as warrant officers, non- commissioned officers, or men on the Reserve of any of the Authorised Auxiliary Forces of the Empire (provided such Reserve Service entailed for Reservists a liability to join the Auxiliary Force for active service upon its mobilization) on 2nd September, 1939, and who were embodied under any Proclamation by the Governor shall be eligible subject in other respects to the conditions laid down in the Royal Warrant of 23rd September, 1930, for the Efficiency Medal and Clasps and be allowed to reckon their service as officers as qualifying service therefor. 4. Any person who under the terms of regulations 2 and 3 receives an Efficiency Medal and Clasps and is or subsequently becomes entitled to an Efficiency Decoration shall not be permitted to wear such medal or clasps with the Efficiency Decoration, except under the conditions laid down in the Royal Warrant of 23rd September, 1930. 5. Warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Fiji Defence Force, who on or after 23rd September, 1930, have completed 12 years' qualifying service as hereinafter defined shall be eligible for the award of the Medal. A Clasp to be worn on the ribbon of the Medal will be awarded to a recipient of the Medal on completing 18 years' qualifying service, and a further Clasp on completing 24 years, qualifying service. 6. The subsidiary title of the Medal awarded to warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and men who complete the requisite period of qualifying service while serving in the aforesaid Fiji Defence Force shall be "Fiji" and the word "Fiji" shall be inscribed on the Bar mount of the Medal so awarded. 7. Service as described below shall be regarded as qualifying service, provided that none of it has been previously counted as qualifying service for the grant of any other Long Service, Good Conduct or Efficiency Medal or Clasp- A. Service in the ranks on the active list of the aforesaid Fiji Defence Force, such service having been efficient in accordance with the regulations governing service in such Forces. B. Service in the ranks of other Authorised Auxiliary Naval, Military, or Air Forces of the Empire in which training in peace time is a prescribed condition of service as well as service in any Reserves to these Forces, subject to the annual training being equivalent to that normally carried out by their parent Forces, provided the individual concerned also performed such training and that efficiency is determined by the standard required for the latter Forces, such service in both cases having been qualifying service in accordance with the regulations under the Royal Warrant of 23rd September, 1930, applicable to the Force in which or with whose Reserves the service was rendered. C. Service in the ranks of a Cadet Corps or as a cadet in an Officer's Training Corps in Great Britain or in any of His Majesty's Dominions, Colonies, or territories under His Majesty's protection, such service being qualifying service in accordance with the regulations under the Royal Warrant of 23rd September, 1930, applicable to the Auxiliary Forces of the domain or territory in which the service was rendered. D. Service in any Forces mentioned in sub-paragraphs A and B during their embodiment, other than service covered by those sub-paragraphs, the exact period of such embodiment only being counted, provided always both as regards this service, and that referred to in the said sub-paragraphs A and B, that a period of two months embodied service in any calendar year will be allowed to count as the equivalent of efficient service for that year. E. Service on the Permanent Staff of the aforesaid Fiji Defence Force by members of the Permanent Forces of the Empire, except such service as may be covered by sub-paragraph F below, and service in the Defence Force Reserve shall not reckon as qualifying service for the Medal or Clasps. F. War Service- (i) A warrant officer, non-commissioned officer, or man of the aforesaid Fiji Defence Force who was serving in the ranks of such Forces or in the ranks of any other Authorised Auxiliary Force of the Empire including their Reserves (provided such reserve service entailed for reservists a liability to join the Auxiliary Force for active service upon its mobilization) on 4th August, 1914, and who before 11th November, 1918, served, or accepted an obligation to serve, on military service beyond the borders of the territory of the Force of which he was a member, will reckon two-fold as qualifying service all embodied service on the Active List, whether commissioned or in the ranks, given between the dates of embodiment and of disembodiment of the Force in which he was serving, whether such service was in the Royal Navy, Regular Army, Royal Air Force, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, or Dominion or Colonial Forces. (ii) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (i), commissioned service in the case of those men who were commissioned after service in the ranks of an Authorized Auxiliary Force of the Empire during the period of embodiment of the Force consequent upon the outbreak of war on 4th August, 1914, and who, having relinquished their Commissions, reenrolled in the ranks of an Authorised Auxiliary Force prior to 1st January, 1922, shall count as single qualifying service for the Medal or Clasps. (iii) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (i), service in the ranks in the Royal Navy, the Regular Army, Royal Air Force, or a Permanent Force of a Dominion, Colony, or territory under His Majesty's protection during the period 4th August, 1914, to 31st December, 1921, shall count as single qualifying service for the Medal or Clasps. (iv) Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned officers and men of the aforesaid Forces who were serving in the ranks of the said Forces or in any other authorised Auxiliary Force of the Empire including their Reserves (provided such Reserve Service entailed for Reservists a liability to join the Auxiliary Force for active service upon its mobilization) on 2nd September, 1939, and who were embodied under any Proclamation by the Governor, shall be allowed to count embodied service during the present war two-fold as qualifying service towards the award of the Efficiency Medal and of the two clasps thereto. (v) If, during the present war, a Warrant Officer, Non- commissioned officer or man serving in the aforesaid Forces is released from military service, other than at his own request, for the purpose of work of national importance, and if he is recalled for military service before disembodiment of the Forces, his period on the Non-Effective list will rank as single qualifying service towards the award of the Efficiency Medal. (vi) In the case of these warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men, service in the ranks with any of His Majesty's forces during the present war, which is of not less than two months in each calendar year, will be allowed to count as the equivalent of two annual 'trainings', but not more than two 'trainings' (including equivalent service) shall be reckoned in any one calendar year for the purpose of this Regulation. (vii) Continuity of qualifying service will be admitted in the case of any of these warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men, who, having been discharged from His Majesty's forces during the present war by reason of wounds or illness contracted on service subsequently during the period of embodiment, voluntarily re-enlisted into such forces after recovery. (viii) For the purposes of sub-paragraphs (iv) to (vii), the term "the present war" means any war in which His Majesty may be engaged between the second day of September 1939 and such date as may thereafter be declared by Order in Council to be the date of cessation of hostilities. H. No service shall count more than two-fold towards the award of the Medal and Clasps. I. Continuity of Service- (a) Service must have been rendered continuously except- (i) during the period 4th August, 1914, to 31st December, 1921, or (ii) when given in different Authorised Auxiliary, Naval, Military, or Air Forces in the same portion of the Empire, provided that the break does not exceed twelve months, or (iii) when leave of absence has been granted by the Commandant to a member of the Fiji Defence Force to proceed on leave beyond Fiji provided that the member concerned resumes duty in the Fiji Defence Force forthwith upon his return to Fiji. (b) The following periods, although inadmissible as qualifying service (save in the circumstances hereinbefore described) will not be reckoned as breaking continuity of service:- (i) Service in the Royal Navy, Regular Army, Royal Air Force, or in a Permanent Force of a Dominion, Colony, or territory under His Majesty's protection, or in the Reserves of such Forces or in the Reserves of any Authorised Auxiliary Force of the Empire. (ii) Intervals between service in the Royal Navy, Regular Army, Royal Air Force, or in a Permanent Force of a Dominion, Colony, or territory under His Majesty's protection, or in an Authorised Auxiliary Force of the Empire, during the period 4th August, 1914, to 31st December, 1921. (iii) Service of men of the aforesaid Fiji Defence Force whilst released from military service for the purpose of being employed on work of national importance, which will be de- fined as occasion arises, during a period of embodiment. (iv) Periods of desertion or absence without leave of men of the aforesaid Fiji Defence Force during embodiment or training either in camps or barracks, provided that they continue to serve after their offence has been dealt with. (v) Periods of detention or imprisonment during annual training or embodiment. 8. The Efficiency Medal will be worn suspended on the left breast by a green ribbon, one inch and a quarter in width, with yellow stripes down the edges, but the recipient of any other Long Service, Good Conduct or Efficiency Medal will only be permitted to wear the Efficiency Medal (with or without Clasps) with them if he has completed the full period of qualifying service in respect of each Medal or Clasp. 9. Wearing of Roses-In undress and service uniform when ribbons only are worn, the grant of Clasps will be denoted by the wearing on the ribbon of small silver roses, one or more according to the number of Clasps awarded. The rose (or roses) will not be worn on the ribbon when the Medal is worn. 10. Applications for the Efficiency Medal and Clasps-Applications for the Medal and/or Clasps should be made in writing by the Commanding Officer of the Corps of the Auxiliary Force in Fiji in which the warrant officer, non-commissioned officer, or man is or was serving when he completed the period of qualifying service, and should be supported by a statement in Form A appended to these Regulations of his service qualifying for the Medal and/or Clasps. Commanding Officers will forward their recommendations through the usual channel of correspondence to the Governor-General together with a certificate that the person recommended has completed the qualifying period of 12, 18, or 24 years' efficient service and that he is in every way deserving of the Efficiency Medal or Clasp. 11. Grant of the Medal and Clasps-The Medal and/or Clasps will be awarded on the authority of the Governor-General or Officer Administering the Government and a notification of such awards will be published in the Gazette. 12. Loss and replacement - When a Medal or Clasp has been lost and it is desired to replace it, a declaration must be made before a magistrate staling the circumstances under which the loss occurred, and the rank, name, and corps of the person to whom the Medal or Clasp belonged. This declaration should be forwarded to the Governor-General through the usual channel of correspondence in the case of a member who is still serving, and direct in the case of a person who has retired. The Medal and any Clasp or Clasps lost therewith will be replaced, on payment, if the explanation as to loss is considered satisfactory. 13. Forfeiture and restoration - (a) A recipient of the Medal who suffers death by sentence of a Military Court or is dismissed or removed from his corps or regiment for misconduct shall forfeit the Medal, and any Clasp or Clasps awarded to him, unless the Governor-General shall otherwise direct. (b) A recipient of the Medal who has been convicted of an offence of the following nature, viz., treason, sedition, mutiny, cowardice, desertion, or disgraceful conduct of an unnatural kind (under section 18(5) of the Army Act), or who, while subject to military law, is convicted by the civil power shall be liable at the discretion of the Governor-General to forfeit the Medal and any Clasp or Clasps awarded to him. © A Medal and any Clasps so forfeited may be restored by the Governor-General at his discretion. (d) A notice of forfeiture or restoration shall in every case be published in the Gazette.
Antonio Prieto Posted September 2, 2013 Author Posted September 2, 2013 (edited) LONG SERVICE AND GOODCONDUCT (MILITARY) MEDALTHE MEDAL FOR LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT (MILITARY)(FIJI) REGULATIONSTABLE OF PROVISIONSREGULATION1. Short title2. Purpose of the Medal3. Subsidiary title and emblem4. Eligibility for award of Medal and Clasp5. Qualifying service6. Standard of character and conduct required7. Eligibility of commissioned officers in certain circumstances8. Recommendation9. Award of the Medal or Clasp10. Forfeiture and restorations---------------------------------Made by the Governor under the Royal Warrantof 23rd September 1930Short title1. These Regulations may be cited as the Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct(Military) (Fiji) Regulations.Purpose of the Medal2. The Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct (Military) (hereinafter referred to asthe Medal) and a clasp to be attached to the ribbon by which the Medal is suspended(hereinafter referred to as the Clasp) are awarded for long service and good conduct bywarrant officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Regular Force of theRoyal Fiji Military Forces who have performed the requisite qualifying service ashereafter defined:Provided that prior service in any of the regular or permanent Forces of any other part ofthe Commonwealth, duly certified, which has not qualified for any other long service, orefficiency award shall count towards such qualifying service to the extent hereafterspecified.Subsidiary title and emblem3.-(1) The subsidiary title "Fiji" shall be inscribed on the bar attached to the mount of theMedal to denote that at the time when the recipient qualified for the award of the Medalhe was serving in the Regular Force of the Royal Fiji Military Forces.(2) The Clasp will be denoted by the wearing on the ribbon of a silver rose emblem, butonly when the Medal itself is not worn.Eligibility for award of Medal and Clasp4.-(1) The medal will be awarded as a reward for long service and good conduct to allwarrant officers, non-commissioned officers and soldier of the Regular Force of theRoyal Fiji Military Forces have completed eighteen years of qualifying service ashereinafter defined and whose character and conduct have been irreproachablethroughout their service and who are recommended by their Commanding Officers asbeing in every way worthy of the distinction.(2) The Clasp will be awarded to all warrant officers, non-commissioned officers andsoldiers who having been awarded the Medal completed a further period of eighteenyears qualifying service as hereinafter defined and whose character and conduct havebeen irreproachable throughout their service and who are specially recommended by theirCommanding Officers.Qualifying service5.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this regulation, the following will count as qualifyingservice for the Medal and for the Clasp:-(a) service in the Regular Force of the Royal Fiji Military Forces as from the dateof attestation, including service under the age of eighteen years;(b) mobilized service in the Royal Fiji Military Forces Reserves;© embodied service in the Royal Fiji Military Forces Territorial Force;(d) previous service in any of the regular or permanent Forces of any other part ofthe Commonwealth, to the extent that such service was permitted as reckonabletowards, but had not qualified for, the Medal for Long Service and Good Conductin the Force in which it was performed.(2) Leave without pay for any period in excess of twenty-eight days at any one time shallnot count as qualifying service unless granted for a purpose considered by theCommander, Royal Fiji Military Forces to be in the interest of the Force.(3) Qualifying service need not be continuous.Standard of character and conduct required6. The standard of character and conduct required for a grading of "irreproachable" shallnormally be a Regimental Conduct Sheet clear of adverse entries and no recommendationshall be submitted unless this condition has been fulfilled;Provided that in exceptional and very deserving cases a recommendation for an awardmay be submitted if in the opinion of his Commanding Officer the only offences recordedon the Regimental Conduct sheet of the warrant officer, non-commissioned officer orsoldier in respect of whom recommendation is made are of a minor or technical natureand there is no evidence of deliberate misconduct, and in every such case therecommendation shall be accompanied by a statement setting out details of anymitigating circumstances and the reasons why it is recommended that the normalqualifications should be set aside.Eligibility of commissioned officers in certain circumstances7.-(1) Where a warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier is appointed to acommission in the Regular Force of the Royal Fiji Military Forces at any time after the2nd day of September, 1939, he shall be eligible to qualify for the award of the Medalprovided that not less than twelve years of such service were completed in the ranks.(2) Where a warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier is appointed to acommission in the Regular Force of the Royal Fiji Military Forces at any time after the2nd day of September, 1939, and has completed the first nine years of the second periodof approved qualifying service in the ranks he shall, if in possession of the Medal, beeligible to qualify for the award of the Clasp.Recommendation8.-(1) Every recommendation for the award of the Medal or Clasp shall be initiated by theCommanding Officer of the warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldierconcerned, and, accompanied by a certificate, signed by the officer making therecommendation, as to the eligibility of such warrant officer, non-commissioned officeror soldier for such award, shall be submitted by the Commander, Royal Fiji MilitaryForces through the normal channels to the Governor-General for his consideration.(2) A Commanding Officer, may, in a case where he does not wish to recommend theaward of the Medal or Clasp to a warrant officer, non commissioned officer or soldierwho would otherwise be eligible, issue a certificate to that effect, such certificate beingnoted in the records of the warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldierconcerned.Award of the Medal or Clasp9.-(1) The Medal or Clasp will be awarded on the authority of the Governor-General andnotification of every such award shall be published by notice in the Gazette.(2) Presentation of the Medal or Clasp should, if practicable, be made at a regimentalparade.Forfeiture and restorations10.-(1) If the character and conduct of any person to whom the Medal or the Medal andClasp has been awarded ceases to be irreproachable his Commanding Officer shall atonce withdraw the Medal or Medal and Clasp and report the case to the Commander,Royal Fiji Military Forces, for submission through the usual channels to the Governor-General who may order the forfeiture of the Medal or of the Medal and Clasp.(2) Any Medal or Medal and Clasp forfeited under the provisions of this regulation may,in the discretion of the Governor-General be restored at any time.(3) Notice of every forfeiture or restoration of the Medal or Medal and Clasp shall bepublished by notice in the Gazette. Edited September 2, 2013 by Antonio Prieto
Antonio Prieto Posted September 2, 2013 Author Posted September 2, 2013 THE REPUBLIC OF FIJI DECREE NO. 42 FIJI REPUBLIC MEDAL DECREE 1988 A DECREE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION AND INSTITUTION OF THE FIJI REPUBLIC MEDAL AND FOR MATTERS ANCILLARY THERETO IN exercise of the powers vested in me as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Fiji, I, acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, hereby make the following Decree- Short title and interpretation 1. - (1) This Decree may be cited as the Fiji Republic Medal Decree, 1988. (2) In this Decree, “Medal” means the Fiji Republic Medal instituted and created by Section 2 of this Decree. Style 2. There shall be instituted and created a medal for Fiji styled the “Fiji Republic Medal”. Medal to be awarded by the President 3. - (1) The Medal shall be awarded by the President, acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister, to persons eligible under Section 5 of this Decree. (2) Where a person has been selected by the President as eligible to receive a medal in accordance with Section 5 of this Decree, but the President is himself unable to confer the award on that person, it shall be competent for the President to appoint some other person to confer the Medal on his behalf. Civil and Military Divisions 4. The Medal shall be awarded to persons in accordance with the next following section in either the Civil division or the Military Division. Eligibility 5. The persons eligible for the Medal shall be selected on the basis of meritorious and faithful service: (a) for the purpose of the Military Division of the Medal - from those loyal citizens of Fiji or others, male and female, who have served or are serving in established posts on the strength of a unit in the Fiji Military Forces, or in established posts in the Fiji Police Force, in the Fiji Prisons Service, in the Fire Services or in the Forest Guards in Fiji; and (b) for the purpose of the Civil Division of the Medal - from those loyal citizens of Fiji or others, male and female who have - (i) served or are serving as members of the Civil Service in Fiji; or (ii) rendered outstanding public service to Fiji. Description 6. - (1) The Medal shall be silver and gold and oval in shape, bearing on the obverse two crossed swords pointing upwards, superimposed in the centre with a representation of a naval anchor and a tabua, with two coconut leaves one on either side of the anchor. (2) The reverse side of the Medal shall be inscribed- (i) in the case of a Medal awarded in the Military Division-with the words: "For services in the Army, Navy, Police, Prisons, Disciplined Services"; and (ii) in the case of a Medal awarded in the Civil Division-with the words: "For service to the Republic". Registration 7. The names of all those to whom the Medal is awarded shall be entered in a Register which shall be divided into the separate Civil and Military Divisions and which s all be kept in the Office of the President. Ribbon 8. The Medal shall be worn on the left breast suspended from a ribbon 36 mm in width, consisting of three stripes of equal width, coloured- (a) in the case of a medal awarded in the Civil Division - navy blue, peony red, with a white strip down the centre, and rifle green in that order; and (b) in the case of a Medal awarded in the Military Division - navy blue, peony red and rifle green in that order. Forfeiture 9. It shall be competent for the President for the time being to cancel and annul the award to any person of the Medal, and thereupon the name of such person in the Register shall be erased. Restoration 10. The President may restore any Medal which may have been forfeited in accordance with Section 9. Regulations 11. The President may make regulations generally for the effective administration and the better carrying out of the purpose of this Decree. Dated this 6th day of October 1988.
Antonio Prieto Posted September 3, 2013 Author Posted September 3, 2013 Sometimes I find a search page which shows some legislation. But failure to find many other.... In this case in Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute
Antonio Prieto Posted September 4, 2013 Author Posted September 4, 2013 FIJI REPUBLIC MEDAL DECREE NO. 42/1988 Description 6. - (1) The Medal shall be silver and gold and oval in shape, bearing on the obverse two crossed swords pointing upwards, superimposed in the centre with a representation of a naval anchor and a tabua, with two coconut leaves one on either side of the anchor. (2) The reverse side of the Medal shall be inscribed- (i) in the case of a Medal awarded in the Military Division-with the words: "For services in the Army, Navy, Police, Prisons, Disciplined Services"; and (ii) in the case of a Medal awarded in the Civil Division-with the words: "For service to the Republic". Ribbon 8. The Medal shall be worn on the left breast suspended from a ribbon 36 mm in width, consisting of three stripes of equal width, coloured- (a) in the case of a medal awarded in the Civil Division - navy blue, peony red, with a white strip down the centre, and rifle green in that order; and (b) in the case of a Medal awarded in the Military Division - navy blue, peony red and rifle green in that order.
JPL Posted November 1, 2013 Posted November 1, 2013 Antonio/Megan, Found a news article on the awarding of a few Fiji awards, one being the Bravery Medal which has a picture of the recipient wearing the medal. A 13 year old boy of Labasa Sangam Primary School received bravery award from the President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau after he saved his family from a house fire last year. Semi Bale Mara recalls it was early in the morning in December when he woke up after he felt heat on his blanket and realized that his grandfather’s home in Tuatua Labasa was on fire. Mara said he quickly got up and struggled through the house to wake up and get his family members out of the house which was later destroyed by the fire. Other award recipients included Colonel Paul Manueli for the Companion Order of Fiji for eminent achievement and merit of the highest degree in service to Fiji. Officer of the Order of Fiji recipients included Physiotherapist Cathy Wong, former Police Commissioner Brigadier General Ioane Naivalurua and Apakuki Kurusiga for distinguished service of a high degree to Fiji and distinguished service in a responsible position. The Civil Service Medals were awarded to Permanent Secretary for the Public Service Commission Parmesh Chand, Finance Permanent Secretary Filimoni Waqabaca, Works and Transport Permanent Secretary Francis Kean, Immigration Department Director Nemani Vuniwaqa, itaukei Affairs Permanent Secretary Savenaca Kaunisela and Prisons Commissioner Ifereimi Vasu for outstanding merit in the civil service. Here is the link to the complete story: Jean-Paul
Antonio Prieto Posted November 17, 2020 Author Posted November 17, 2020 (edited) 50th anniversary of Independence commemorative Medal Edited November 17, 2020 by Antonio Prieto
heusy68 Posted January 28, 2021 Posted January 28, 2021 Hello Gentlemen, Here is some photo of the Fiji 50th Anniversary of Independence Medal in their case of issue. Regards to all. Emmanuel 1
heusy68 Posted February 2, 2021 Posted February 2, 2021 (edited) Hello Gentlemen, Here photo with the reverse : FIJI - 50th ANNIVERSARY - OF INDEPENDENCE - MEDAL - 10th OCTOBER - 2020 Edited February 2, 2021 by heusy68 1
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