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    as a general rule, officers who had served 10 years active duty would be granted the permission to wear the "Army Uniform", that is a non unit specific uniform. Those who had served 15 years would be granted the authority to wear "Regimental Uniform" as would those who had served a lesser period but were retired on account of wounds received during wartime. Generals including brevet major generals were always granted the permission to wear the generals' uniform with "inactive status" insignia. 

    In the case of Reserve and Landwehr officers the qualifying periods for the two distinct types of uniform was 20 and 25 years respectively.

    As you surmise, worn as spectators at parades, Feiertagen and the like.



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    The one part I don't understand is which uniform you wore, when you served in multiple regiments.  It would seem like it should be the regiment you retired from or the one you spent the most time in, but I have seen cases all over the place. The regiment you felt the most affinity toward? Did you need permission from the regiment, and there was risk of getting turned down?

    In Andreas' document above, we see Fritz Erich with the uniform of IR 44. Erich served 1870-78 in 4.GRzF, 1878-1890 in IR 44, 1890-97 in IR 132, and 1897-1901 in FR 36.  Erich served the most time in IR 44, but he was commissioned in the more prestigious 4.GRzF, and went to war with that regiment, earning the EK2 as a Portepee-Fähnrich.

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    it is something I am looking into but I get the impression that although one pretty much automatically earned the right to the continued wearing of uniform on retirement after serving the requisite number of years, the officer still had to formally apply, and I assume that he would choose the regiment he felt the most affinity towards.



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