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    H. Goring Xmas Gift

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    I remember hearing or reading about these a long time ago .....Herman gave a Bank Savings Book with 1000RM as Christmas gift to the Children of Pilots and Crew members killed in Combat ..but I never found one. Well ...I got one ! ...took long enough :)

    Anyway , thought I'd share it with you.

    Interesting to see that the book was still used after the War. 1000RM was a lot of money back then.

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    An extremely rare piece, Mike. I've only ever seen one other.

    Very nice. :love:

    Thanks John ,

    I think Herman only did this once ..so I guess if I looked up the Luftwaffe Casualties for 1940 , that would give a good idea of how many of these were given out.

    But I wonder if it was only for the Children of Pilots and Crew members killed or any Luft Soldiers..

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    I had two of these years ago, to the sons of a RK winner.

    I think one is on Bill Sheas site.

    Chris ...I just found it on his site and what's interesting is , Shea's was given in 1944 ! So I guess these were around for most of the War and not just 1940 . Thanks for the tip on that.

    You'd think there'd be more of them around then ..unless , collectors rarely saw them since the families kept them because of the cash value

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    Guest Rick Research

    I would think that these were NOT, in fact, ever cashed in--

    or the books would have been surrendered.

    Like the compulsory D.A.F. dues which were supposed to pay for every German worker getting a Volkswagen after the Final Victory (and still being sued about into the 1970s before THEY were all told to pound sand, as I recall)...

    I doubt a pfennig cash ever came of these.

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    I would think that these were NOT, in fact, ever cashed in--

    or the books would have been surrendered.

    Like the compulsory D.A.F. dues which were supposed to pay for every German worker getting a Volkswagen after the Final Victory (and still being sued about into the 1970s before THEY were all told to pound sand, as I recall)...

    I doubt a pfennig cash ever came of these.

    Suprisingly enough... both books to the Sommer kids (one of them being on Bill Sheas site) WERE in fact cashed in. The thing with these is, each of the recipients had an actual NORMAL bank account opened in his name, this was just a fancy bank book.

    After the war the Sommer kids took the money out (entered in ball point pen in the book) of the account.

    As in Mikes book, the accounts were frozen... then after a while they were reopened.

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