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    Welsh Ranks on Police LSGC medals.

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    • 7 months later...

    Have confirmed that in North Wales Police where there is detective rank qualifying for the long service medal they do add DET for english & DTF for welsh preferences.

    They have been ordering in this way for a number of years.


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    • 1 month later...


    Issued to a female officer from Dyfed Powys Police yesterday (06.06.24), having qualified 12 months ago. Interestingly she wasn’t given the option of whether she would like her rank engraved in Welsh or not. So it appears North Wales Police are the only force to be awarding Welsh engraved medals. Certainly any E11R versions seen, will be unique to NWP.





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    • 1 month later...

    I believe South Wales Police, have now embraced the concept of offering their officers the choice of whether they would like their medals engraved with their rank in Welsh. Would be interested to learn whether Gwent and Dyfed Powys have yet begun to do so? As it stands now any E11R versions, with the rank in Welsh, are unique to North Wales Police. But am yet to see any examples come onto the market.

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    Some more information which has come to light when referring to the use of Welsh ranks. In particular the rank Cwnstabl (Constable) when used in connection with Ditectif (Detective) it becomes Gwnstabl. 


    The word changes depending on where it appears in a sentence and what context it is being used in, therefore Gwnstabl replaces Cwnstabl when used in conjunction with Ditetcif (Detective. Conversely  it should in point of fact be Gwnstabl Ditectif but that is taking it a little to far grammatically, when engraving medals perhaps.


    Where as the same is not true when using  Prif Arolygydd or Chief Inspector, the Prif or Chief/Main remains the same way around and not Arolygydd Prif as you would think. 


    All very confusing, but I thought it might be of assistance to someone in the future when one of these medals comes onto the market. 

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    As a Welsh speaker, this is correct.


    The bit about Cwnstabl turning into Gwnstabl is technically called 'mutation', it's supposed to make a sentence flow more smoothly. There are rules about mutations but I don't actually know them, it's just natural to me!


    Like many borrowed words in Welsh, although Cwnstabl looks odd to an English speaker, it is pronouced the same as "Constable".


    Throughout the pandemic, one of the high spots was that the Welsh for coronavirus was.... coronafeirws! Which, of course, is just a translation of coronavirus into Welsh phonetics. That's what we do with borrowed words, and is why they sound the same although they look very different!


    'Prif' always comes before the word that is being referred to as the 'Chief' or 'Highest' - for example, a university is a prifysgol (ysgol means school).

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