Igor Ostapenko Posted April 19, 2006 Author Posted April 19, 2006 g_deploige said: see her the St George 4th class from king Albert I on exhebition in the Royal Army Museum in BrusselsBelgian King Albert I recieve Order of st. George 3rd class too .We can to see this Order in the Museum ?
g_deploige Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 There is no 3rd class in the museum, and the information I have there is not mentioned that king Albert I recieved the 3rd class, see below the russian decorations of King Albert, only the St georges 4th class is in the Royal Army Museum, the others has to bee in the Museum of the Dinasty in Brussels BellevueRUSSIE Collier de l'ordre de sainte-Andr?Chevalier de l'ordre de Sainte-Alexandre NewskiGrand Croix de L'ordre de Sainte Anne 15 mai 1896, d?cret du Tzar Nicolas II au couronnement de qui le Prince venait d'assister comme repr?sentant du roi Leopold IIRef : Memorial du roi Albert p 223Chevalier de l'ordre Militaire de Sainte-Georges VIII 5404-5405Aug 1914, t?l?gramme du Tzar Nicolas II avertissant le Roi de ce que lui ?tait attribu? cet ordre "qui n'est d?cern? qu'aux braves"Ref : Memorial du roi Albert p 291Chevalier de l'ordre imperial et Royal de l'Aigle Blanc (Pologne)Grand Croix de l'ordre Imperial et Royal de Saint Stanislas (Pologne)1765/1875
Igor Ostapenko Posted April 19, 2006 Author Posted April 19, 2006 (edited) OK !But from Russian Archive - King recieve Order 4th and 3rd class ! ( Фонд 970. Опись 3 . Дело 1940 . Листы 11-12 ) ! Edited April 19, 2006 by Igor Ostapenko
Igor Ostapenko Posted April 20, 2006 Author Posted April 20, 2006 g_deploige said: see olso M?dailles de Saint-Georges, R?cipiendaires belgessee olso The russian bar 1916-R-1917see olso Les Petits Belges en Russiesee olso Belgian Armoured Cars in RussiaBut the medal an cross of Saint georges is olso given by the Tsar Nicolas II to belgian soldiers at the belgian Front. In the Archiefs of the Belgian Army (at the Documentation Center of the Royal Army Museum in Brussels) are some letters that mention that the Divisions had to disigne X officiers, x NCO's and X soldiers to recieve a decoration of the Tsar of Russia.In WW I The allied forces exchanged decorations for there soldiers, the French, Britsch, Servians, Russian etc did itOn the site of N . Botta-Kuznezoff I see link Somebody have this book ?JACQUIJ (Philippe), "D?corations imp?riales russes, croix et m?dailles de Saint-Georges", in Armes-Militaria-Informations (A.M.I.), n?6, f?vrier 1990, pp 57-59.
Vatjan Posted April 20, 2006 Posted April 20, 2006 Igor Ostapenko said: Somebody have this book ?JACQUIJ (Philippe), "D?corations imp?riales russes, croix et m?dailles de Saint-Georges", in Armes-Militaria-Informations (A.M.I.), n?6, f?vrier 1990, pp 57-59.It's not a book, but an article in a magazine. The article is very general in nature and does not give any indications to names and numbers of foreign soldiers, who were awarded St George crosses or medals.Except for the mention that the ACM received 104 crosses and medals on september 4, 1916 in Izerna.Jan
love4history Posted May 5, 2006 Posted May 5, 2006 Hello,Trying to learn something here. Am I correct in assuming that the Croix St-George also should be numbered and by that number you could trace down the owner? I posed a question on the St-George Croix on the Imperial Russian section but no answer yet sofar so if anyone could help me with some info, please feel free Thx
Vatjan Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 @ love4historyYes, they are nummbered and theoretically they can be linked to one person.In practice this might be hard, seeing that apparantly the archives in russia for the 3rd class are not complete, and because for exemple in Belgium, the government was not used to numbered decorations, and just handed the lot the Tzar gave them without bothering with the numbers.@Igor, Guyin the "Golden book of the belgian people", it is mentionned that King albert received the 4th class of the order, Queen Elisabeth got a 1st class St Georges Medal and Prince Leopold got a St Georges Cross 4th class. This book gives the awards for august 1914 to may 1915.
Jacky Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 vatjan said: Felix Oudenne, shtabs-kapitan (SEE PIC IN ATTACH)Receive Order of st. George 4th class (order of 11 Army 20.12.1916 № 943 )& Georgian Sword (order of d7 Army 21.11.1917 № 1888 )Also receive-Knight Order of Leopold 1 with palm-Knight Crown order with palm-Croix de Guerre with 5 palms and 3 lions -Yzer medal-Belgian allied victory medal-Commemorative medal 1914-1918-Order of St Vladimir 3rd class with swords and horizontal ribbon-Order of St Anna 2nd class-Order of St Stanislas 2nd classOh my... he must have had an angel on his shoulder ...... To live long enough to keep on going collecting palms and lions, also palms on his National orders....This man must have been impressive in full dress with all his medals!!!How did it end for him at last?? A great carreer or back to normal at last?? A captain must have been someone of certain class, not the rich but also not poor....I know it's quite late, but I would like to know something....I'm wondering what the georgian Swords were like.......Does anyone have a picture of that mysterious decoration??Thanks in advance
Jacky Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Thanks... I see that the ribbon of the St George order hangs on the sword..Is this a higher or lower or what ever decoration??For which criteria was this sword awarded??so.. higher esteem than st george cross but lower than the order, I presume?
Vatjan Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 (edited) "deleted due to wrong information about Cpt Oudenne" sorryJan Edited September 13, 2008 by Vatjan
Jacky Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 So what would he have had in total when he died...Certain some more decorations for WW2.But also some officers-crosses with swords, due to surviving WW2.WW2 Commemorative cross with Red Crosses.CdG WW2. etc etc
ErikMuller Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 g_deploige said: It is about 6 trucs full of paperBig trucks, small trucks? How many metres? Looks like fun to make an inventory for g_deploige said: For all this an inventory has to be made, it is a titan work, in the documentation center only 2 persons works on a little resarch, normaly when you are going there you have to do the research yourself.Making an inventory always is a terrible job. In this case I think that it just doesn't have any priority. It is remarkeble that Jan has access to this lot of paper yet. In the Netherlands it would be unheard of that someone gains access to an uninventorised archive! Even for me as an keeper of records it is inpossible!@vatjanI smell an SKF-article here Jan!
Vatjan Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Hi Erik, great to see you here, welcome ErikMuller said: ... It is remarkeble that Jan has access to this lot of paper yet. In the Netherlands it would be unheard of that someone gains access to an uninventorised archive! Even for me as an keeper of records it is inpossible! SSShhhttt!! don't give 'em any bad ideas ErikMuller said: @vatjanI smell an SKF-article here Jan! That's exactly what it will be, ... some day
Jacky Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 Even Bill Simpson shows one group with a St George Cross on his site... It's a St George Cross 3rd class and yes a long surviving soldier as he did get the knights of the 3 national orders with swords, and the officer L" with swords..Kind regards.
Igor Ostapenko Posted June 21, 2006 Author Posted June 21, 2006 Thank you, Jacky !!! I ask from Bill Simpson the number of cross ... But not receive ansvere ... Cross 3rd class ! On the picture - "british brothers" of this cross from my collection
Jacky Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 thanks for your and back for your pictures!!Do you have more? Or have you already posted your collection?Kind regardsJacky
Igor Ostapenko Posted June 27, 2006 Author Posted June 27, 2006 (edited) vatjan said: Hippolyte Semet , major Receive Georgian Sword (order of 11 Army 11.10.1917 № 689 )Also received -Officer Order of Leopold 1 with palm-Officer Crown order with palm-Croix de Guerre with 3 palms-Belgian allied victory medal-Commemorative medal 1914-1918-Order of St Vladimir 3 & 4 class with swords and horizontal ribbonAwards of major Semet - in the Belgian Museum - Royal Military Museum (RRM) 802191 Sabre d'officier russe d'honneur avec fourreau d?cern? au major d'E.M. Semet, Cdt le corps exp?ditionnaire belge en Russie (apr?s campagne de 1917 en Galicie) 802192 Dragonne de sabre d'officier russe d'honneur d?cern? au major d'E.M. Semet, Cdt le corps exp?ditionnaire belge en Russie (apr?s campagne de 1917 en Galicie) 802201 Paire de plaques d'?paule de grande tenue d'officier belge du lt gl Semet 802205 Croix russe de St Georges du major Semet, cdt du (Corps des Autos-Canons belges en Russie, 1916-1918) 802206 D?coration russe ayant appartenu au Major Semet, cdt du Corps des Autos-Canons belges en Russie 1915/18 : D?coration de l'Ordre de St. Anne, ? titre militaire 802207 D?coration russe ayant appartenu au Major Semet, cdt du Corps des Autos-Canons belges en Russie 1915/18 : D?coration de l'Ordre de St. Anne, ? titre militaire 802208 D?coration russe ayant appartenu au Major Semet, cdt du Corps des Autos-Canons belges en Russie 1915/18 : Ecrin 802209 D?coration russe de l'Ordre de Ste Anne du major Semet, cdt du (Corps des Autos-Canons belges en Russie, 1916-1918) 802210 Ecrin de d?coration russe du major Semet, cdt du (Corps des Autos-Canons belges en Russie, 1916-1918) 802214 Poignard de St. Georges donn? par le Tsar Nicolas II au Major Semet, cdt le corps des autos-canons mitrailleuse belges en Russie (1915-1918) 802217 Photo du major Semet, cdt le corps belge en Russie (1915-1918) 802218 Photo du major Semet, cdt le corps belge en Russie (1915-1918) 802222 Photo du major Semet, cdt le C.E.B. en (Russie 1915/18) 802223 Photo du major Semet, cdt le C.E.B. en Russie (1915-1918) 802224 Photo: Exp?ditionnaire belge en Russie des Autos-Canons Mitrailleuses (1915-1918) : Le g?n?ral Carton d?corant le major Semet 802229 Photo retra?ant la Vie du Corps Exp?ditionnaire belge en Russie des Autos-Canons-Mitrailleuses (1915-1918) : le g?n?ral russe accompagn? du major Semet Belgian colleques !!! anybody can make the photos of awards of Major Semet ? On the photo - Dragonne de sabre d'officier russe d'honneur d?cern? au major d'E.M. Semet, Cdt le corps exp?ditionnaire belge en Russie (apr?s campagne de 1917 en Galicie) Edited June 27, 2006 by Igor Ostapenko
Igor Ostapenko Posted June 27, 2006 Author Posted June 27, 2006 And I see in the collection of Museum st. George medal 3rd class of Volontaire de Guerre Hustin
Igor Ostapenko Posted June 27, 2006 Author Posted June 27, 2006 And st. George cross 4th class of soldat F. Baplu,but without number
Vatjan Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 Igor Ostapenko said: Awards of major Semet - in the Belgian Museum - Royal Military Museum (RRM)Belgian colleques !!! anybody can make the photos of awards of Major Semet ? On the photo - Dragonne de sabre d'officier russe d'honneur d?cern? au major d'E.M. Semet, Cdt le corps exp?ditionnaire belge en Russie (apr?s campagne de 1917 en Galicie)I'm working on getting these pictures, but I'll need some time. See also post 34 for semet St George SwordJan
Igor Ostapenko Posted June 27, 2006 Author Posted June 27, 2006 Miniatures of awards of Cl?ment RANSY .
Jacky Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 Igor Ostapenko said: Miniatures of awards of Cl?ment RANSY .What a tiny george cross........Couldn't he afford a larger one or did he think so minimalistic about that award
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