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    As you can see by the uniform he is wearing, he served in the Ottoman Navy. To be more precise, he was in Ottoman service from 1892 until 1903, and he reached the rank of Vice Admiral (Ferik Amiral) in the Ottoman Navy. He was a Naval Advisor and Wing Adjutant to Sultan Abdul Hamid II, an Association Leader and served as Ottoman Fleet Chief during the war with Greece in 1896/97.

    Before the Ottoman service he was in the Kaiserliche Marine. He left the Kaiserliche Marine on 17 May 1892. After that he was given the Char. of a Kapitän zur See in 1894 and the Char. of a Konteradmiral in 1901.

    For more info about his awards see here: https://gmic.co.uk/topic/76318-awards-of-char-konteradmiral-curt-kalau-vom-hofe-help-needed/

    95809164_649171195933271_7822672808084766720_n - Copy.jpg

    • 4 years later...
    8 hours ago, MCM said:

    @Kriegsmarine Admiral, do you happen to recall where you found this photograph? I would like to use it in an academic text, but I would need to cite the source. Thank you!




    The photo comes from the book "Deutschlands Admirale 1849-1945" by Hans H. Hildebrand and Ernest Henriot, Volume 2, page 199.


    Also, and I completely understand if you do not have time for this, but if possible, I'd be grateful if you could take a picture of the caption of the image. For the image caption in my thesis, I'd need to include basic information such as the date of the photograph, where it was taken, the photographer (if known), and the copyright (sometimes this is listed on a separate page), and ideally, what rank he was at the time. Thanks v. much for your time! ––M



    2 hours ago, MCM said:

    Also, and I completely understand if you do not have time for this, but if possible, I'd be grateful if you could take a picture of the caption of the image. For the image caption in my thesis, I'd need to include basic information such as the date of the photograph, where it was taken, the photographer (if known), and the copyright (sometimes this is listed on a separate page), and ideally, what rank he was at the time. Thanks v. much for your time! ––M



    Sorry, but there is no caption, or any other information about the photo for that matter.

    All I can tell you is that he is wearing the Ottoman Navy uniform with the rank of Ferik Amiral (Vice Admiral). However, I don't know when he was promoted to this rank.

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