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    That's a nice one and I would have probably obtained it as well! Henning Volle, on the basis of Neal O'Connor's researches, gives only 1654 awards(!) on the "red ribbon" für daheim erworbenes Verdienst... and to be honest, I cannot even remember the last single mounted one I've seen!


    Source: Volle, Henning. Stiftungen und Erneuerungen von deutschen Orden und Ehrenzeichen im Ersten Weltkrieg. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ordenskunde e. V. (DGO), Konstanz am Bodensee 2014. See p. 68.

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    11 hours ago, graham said:

    I have an unmounted one, although I am not sure about the ribbon

    With unmounted ones, you can never be sure if they were awarded this way, but I don't see anything that makes me doubt it's at least an authentic ribbon - as far as this can be determined from photos alone...




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