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    Good morning!


    I would like to know more about


    Friedrich Carl Ferdinand Deichmann, who stond as a Hauptm. in this Regt 1866-1871. Very curious to see if I can get a more clearing image of his career.


    Any help appreciated 





    • David M changed the title to FR 86: F.C.F. Deichmann

    From the FR 86 Stammliste:




    His son Paul Deichmann (*1873) was also an FR 86 officer.


    His grandson Paul, the later General der Flieger, was also in FR 86 like his uncle and grandfather. General der Flieger Paul Deichmann's parents were Gärtnereibesitzer Karl Deichmann (*1872) and Ottilie, geb. Fösser (1867-1906).



    Hi Dave! Great. I am sohappy the record also liste his kh career. There does not steem to be an Offz. Stammliste of the 3rd kurhessian IR, so I am trying to put it together manually. 


    Thanks again




    Taking a quick look through the FR 86 Stammliste, I see also Carl Schaeffer (1840-1870) from the 1. kurhess. IR, Emil von Borck (1841-1900) from the 2. kurhess. IR, Gustav Schultheis (1833-1899) from the 3. kurhess. IR, Julius von Langenschwarz (1827-?) from the kurhess. Schützen-Bataillon, and Ferdinand Claus (1828-1890) and Johann Auffarth (1830-1902) from from the kurhess. Jäger-Bataillon.


    For the 1st and 3rd kurhessian Infanterie-Regiments there are both no offz. Stammliste. I will be trying to compose these with the data I find in various sources. 


    That being said....any help is welcome ofcourse....including possible pictures 😇


    The Geschichte der waldeckischen und kurhessischen Stammtruppen des Infanterie-Regiments v. Wittich (3. Kurhess.) Nr. 83 1681-1866, published in 1909, has as Anlage 18: "Rangliste des 3. Inf. Rgts. (Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm) bei seiner Auflösung im Jahre 1966, nebst Nachweisen über die ferneren Schicksale seiner Offiziere" with information on 43 officers. It is on Ancestry.


    Thanks Dave! Good to see at least 1 year was done (1866) although I do not have access to ancestry.com, the book you refer to (by Frhr. v. Dalwigk) is being digitalized as we speak and will be available via the online catalogus of the UB Kassel within a few days. 

    I am very curious to find out how detailed it is compared to possible Off.Stammliste of the actual prussian regiments which took up kurhessian officers. E.g. if they are company or batailloncommanders, I would like to add the number of the Co. between brackets. Do not know if Dalwigk goes to that extend.

    • Nick changed the title to List of officers kurhessian 3rd Infantry Regiment

    I asked the admin to change the topic as I would like to collect all related posts concerning my project in 1. Iso bothering you with many topicstarter.


    I am not able to find much on


    Otto Jacobs


    His kurhessian career is a bit vague as he is mentioned in 3. Inf Regt., but at the same time listed as Kriegskommissar.


    In prussian service he was Intendantur-Secretair bei det Intendantur des 11.AK in Kassel in 1869, 1882 Rechnungsrath there.


    I do not know where to look for him and could really use your help in completing the overview of his career. Is there some sort of Stammliste for these kind of military officials?

    Posted (edited)

    Jacobs, Otto Friedrich, * in Wellerode, †16.7.1898 in Cassel. He was 87, so he was born in 1810 or 1811.


    In 1850, he was listed as a Feldwebel and Rechnungsführer in the II. Bataillon of the 3. IR. In 1851, he was listed as Kanzlist (provis.) in the Kriegs-Departement.

    Edited by Dave Danner

    Great, Dave. Good additions. Is there more to be found on his subsequent prussian career? I have only some years now and would love to be able to add exact dates and ODM (if he had any)




    he was born in 1811. The 1866 Hessian court and state handbook lists him as a Kriegs-Kommissar in the war department. The former Hessian Kriegs-Kommissar was appointed as a Prussian Intendantur.Sekretär on 8 November 1867 with seniority of 8 July 1864 and was awarded the Charakter as a Rechnungs-Rath on 28 January 1875. He finally retired on 13 January 1889 with the Charakter as a Geheimer Rechnungsrath. Throughout his Prussian career, he served with the Intendantur of XI. Armee-Korps.






    Posted (edited)

    I finished the list and I am looking for details on the following officers. This list will be expanded .

    Hoping to find career data, ODM info and maybe 1 or 2 photos 


    GREN. REGT 2

    -Cölln, Carl Emil von

    INF REGT NR 14

    -Nordeck, Hugo Wilhelm Philip

    INF REGT 17

    -Becker, Lauren Lois Frederic

    INF REGT 22

    -Gissot, Victor Georg Theodor

    INF REGT 29

    -Budenz, Ignaz Balthasar

    INF REGT 36

    -Gilsa, Friedrich Carl Emil von

    -Meyerfeld, Johann Christian Theodor von

    INF REGT 37

    -Brack, Friedrich Adolph

    INF REGT 38

    -Kaup, Wilhelm Friedrich Georg August Bertram

    -Nordeck, Karl Theodor Heinrich Ernst von

    -Otto, Carl Emil Ernst Hugo 

    INF REGT 53

    -Eschtruth, Ernst Carl Adolph

    INF REGT 56

    -d'Orville, Wilhelm Jacob

    -Stamford, Oscar Heinrich von




    Edited by David M

    INF REGT 58

    -Brack, Friedrich Adolph

    INF REGT 64

    -Schödde, Wilhelm Louis George

    INF REGT 69

    -Becker, Laurent Lois Frederic 

    INF REGT 70

    -Moyé, Gustav Eduard

    INF REGT 72

    -Lambert, Edwin Viktor

    INF REGT 76

    -Schmidt, Friedrich Wilhelm 

    -Stiern von Stiernberg, Theodor Carl

    INF REGT 77

    -Bressler, Hermann

    -Gissot, Victor Georg Theodor

    -Hahne, Lorenz

    -Schröder, Martin August

    -Weiss, Carl Theodor 


    I am so happy with all your help. Atm, the document has 60 pages, which I am sure I will be able to add quite a few more.


    INF REGT 78

    Diemar, Conrad Friedrich Ludwig

    Heym, August

    INF REGT 79

    Stamford, Oscar Heinrich von

    INF REGT 81

    Baumbach, Friedrich Carl Ferdinand Heinrich Wilhelm Reinhard Ludwig von

    INF REGT 83

    Becker, Lauren Lois Frederic 

    Frederking, Johann Philipp August

    Heisterhagen, Carl Sebastian Wilhelm

    Kutzleben, Carl Louis von

    Lengerke, Julius Friedrich Achilles 

    Malsburg, Carl Eduard von der

    Moyé, Gustav Eduard

    Oeynhausen, Adolph Friedrich von

    Osterwald, Moriz Carl Albrecht


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