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    Posted (edited)

    This is what I have for August von Mackensen, any corrections, additions or dates are very welcome:


    Iron Cross (1870), 2nd Class

    ... for the voluntary leadership of a patrol behind enemy lines at Toury near Orléans on 5 October 1870 on behalf of Friedrich Heinrich Albrecht Prinz von Preußen, commander of the 4. Kavallerie-Division

    War Commemorative Medal of 1870-1871 (Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71) with seven battle clasps ( „Wörth“, „Loigny-Poupry“, „Le Mans“, „Beaugency-Cravant“, „Sedan“, „Orléans“ and „Beaumont“)

    Hesse Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstorden Philipps des Großmütigen), Knight 2nd Class (GHVP3b/HP3b) as of (and only, therefore possibly misprint) Rangliste 1883 (p. 22)

    Lippe House Order (Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden), Cross of Honour 3rd Class (LH.EK3/LH3)

    Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class

    Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 3rd Class

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Commander 2nd Class (BMV2b)

    Franz-Joseph-Orden, Commander (ÖFJ2)

    Order of Henry the Lion (Herzoglich Braunschweigischer Orden Heinrichs des Löwen), Knight's Cross 1st Class (BrHL3a/BrH3a) in June 1893

    Saxon Albrechts-Orden, Officer's Cross (SA3) in August 1893

    Anniversary Oak Leaves (Jubiläums-Eichenlaub „25“ 1870/1895) to the Iron Cross 2nd Class

    Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz; DA)

    Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille)

    Jerusalemkreuz 1898

    Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow and Crown in September 1898

    Schaumburg Lippe House Order, Cross of Honour 2nd Class (SLH.EK2/SLH2) in February 1899

    Ottoman Osmanie-Orden (Osmanije), 2nd Class (TO2)

    Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander (Komtur), 2nd Class (SA2b) in March 1899

    Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class in September 1899

    Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Commander 2nd Class with Oak Leaves (BZL2bmE/BZ2bmE)

    Hesse Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstorden Philipps des Großmütigen), Commander 2nd Class (GHVP2b/HP2b)

    Order of Henry the Lion (Herzoglich Braunschweigischer Orden Heinrichs des Löwen), Commander's Cross 1st Class (BrHL2a/BrH2a) in November 1899

    Schaumburg Lippe House Order, Cross of Honour 1st Class (SLH.EK1/SLH1)

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Commander / Kommenturkreuz (WK2b)

    Russian Order of Saint Stanislaus, 2nd Class with Star (RSt2mSt)

    Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander (Komtur), 1st Class (SA2a) in June 1900

    Franz-Joseph-Orden, Grand Cross (ÖFJ1)

    Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and the Crown on 18 January 1901

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Commander (Großkomturkreuz), reclassified 1905 (BMV2a) in April 1901

    ... since ranking list 1906 renamed Military Merit Order II. Class with Star (BMV2mSt)

    Order of the White Falcon (Hausorden vom Weißen Falken), Commander's Cross with Star (GSF2mSt) in June 1901

    Mecklenburg Order of the Griffon (Großherzoglich Mecklenburgischer Greifenorden), Grand Commander's Cross (MGrO2a/MG2a)

    Ottoman Medschidie-Orden (Medjidie-Orden), 1st Class (TM1)

    Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern, Commander's Cross (HOH2b) in September 1901

    Star to his Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class in August 1902

    Russian Order of Saint Stanislaus, 1st Class (RSt1)

    Russian Order of Saint Anna, I. Class (RA1) in December 1903

    Star to his Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and the Crown (RAO2mKr.uSt) in June 1904

    Prussian Order of the Crown, 1st Class on 27 January 1906

    Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906

    Red Eagle Order, 1st Class with Oak Leaves and the Crown on 27 January 1908

    Red Eagle Order, Grand Cross with Oak Leaves and the Crown on 27 January 1910

    Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis (Oldenburgischer Haus- und Verdienstorden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig), Grand Cross of Honour (Ehren-Großkreuz) in August 1910 (OV1)

    Star (Stern der Komture) to his Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern, Commander's Cross (HOH2a) on 10 September 1910

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Grand Cross (WK1) in November 1910

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr) in April 1912

    Grand Cross of the Saxon Albert Order (Albrechts-Orden) with the Golden Star (SA1mgSt) in June 1912



    Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class

    ... 2nd Class repetition clasp (1914) to the EKII (1870)

    ... 1st Class on 17 September 1914 for the Battle of Tannenberg

    Pour le Mérite with Oak Leaves

    ... Pour le Mérite on 27 November 1914

    ... Oak Leaves on 3 June 1915 for the breakthrough battle near Gorlice-Tarnów and the reconquest of Przemysl

    Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold, Grand Cross with the War Decoration (ÖL1K) in 1914

    Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Grand Cross with Swords (HSEH1⚔/HSH1⚔) on 27 January 1915

    Princely Waldeck Cross of Merit (Fürstlich Waldeckisches Verdienstkreuz), 1st Class with Swords (WVK1⚔) on 30 March 1915

    Swords to his Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr⚔) on 31 March 1915

    Swords to his Württemberg Order of the Crown, Grand Cross (WK1⚔) on 19 April 1915

    Austria-Hungary Military Merit Cross, 1st Class with the War Decoration (ÖMV1mKD/ÖM1K) on 6 May 1915

    Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern, Grand Commander's Cross with Swords (HOH1b⚔) and Star with Swords (Stern der Großkomture; HOH1a⚔) on 10 May (or 29 May) 1915

    Bavarian Military Order of Max Joseph, Grand Cross (BMJ1) on 3 June 1915

    Black Eagle Order (SAO) on 28 August 1915 for the Vistula-Bug offensive (Brest-Litowsk)

    Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, Grand Cross (ÖSt1/USt1) on 24/25 September 1915

    Diamonds (Brillanten) to his Austria-Hungary Military Merit Cross, 1st Class with the War Decoration (ÖM1K.Br) on 28 November 1915

    Ottoman Osmanie-Orden (Osmanije), 1st Class (TO1) on 3 December 1915

    Saxon Military Order of St. Henry, Knight's Cross (SH3) and Commander 1st Class (SH2a) on 6 December 1915

    Swords to his Grand Cross of the Saxon Albert Order with the Golden Star (SA1mgSt⚔) on 15 December 1915

    Saxon Order of the White Falcon (Hausorden vom Weißen Falken), Grand Cross with Swords (GSF1⚔) in 1915

    Bulgarian Order of Bravery (Militärorden für Tapferkeit), 1st Class (BT1) on 18 January 1916

    Star with Diamonds to his Ottoman Osmanie-Orden (Osmanije), 1st Class (TO1mStuBr) on 24 March 1916

    Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hohenzollern'sches Ehrenzeichen), Cross of Honour 1st Class with Swords (HEK1⚔) on 22 November 1916

    Ottoman Istechar-Orden (Order of Glory) with Diamonds (TNJmBr) on 31 December 1916

    Grand Cross of the Iron Cross on 9/11 January 1917

    Carl Eduard War Cross of Saxon-Coburg and Gotha (CK) on 26 April 1917

    Military Order of Maria Theresa, Grand Cross (ÖMT1) on 26 March 1918


    Date unknown

    Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross (Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militärverdienstkreuz), 2nd and 1st Class (MMV1/MK1)

    Bremen Hanseatic Cross (Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz; BremH/BH)

    Lübeck Hanseatic Cross (Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz; LübH/LüH)

    Hamburg Hanseatic Cross (Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz; HH)

    Princely Reuss Cross of Honor (Fürstlich Reußisches Ehrenkreuz), 1st Class with the Crown and Swords (REKj1mKr⚔)

    Swords to his Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis, Grand Cross of Honour (OV1⚔)

    Swords to his Red Eagle Order, Grand Cross with Oak Leaves and the Crown

    Bulgarian Order of Saint Alexander, Grand Cross with Diamonds and Swords (BA1mBr⚔)

    Bulgarian Order of Military Merit, Grand Cross with the War Decoration

    Gallipoli Star (Eiserner Halbmond; TH)



    Erinnerungszeichen zum 70. Geburtstag Kaiser Wilhelms II. in January 1929

    Bulgarian War Commemorative Medal 1915–1918 (Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1915/1918) with Swords

    Hungarian World War Commemorative Medal (Ungarische Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Medaille) with Swords

    Austrian War Commemorative Medal (Österreichische Kriegserinnerungsmedaille) with Swords

    Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer, 1934


    GFM August von Mackensen.png

    Edited by Deutschritter
    Posted (edited)

    Good question. I know that some museums have a piece or two, but I have never seen a large collection. He had to flee in 1945, it is not known, if he had them with him and if they survived British captivity. 

    Edited by Deutschritter
    On 12/05/2023 at 18:15, VtwinVince said:

    I wonder if any of these pieces exist in collections today?

    I do not know how many of his other decorations they have, but Mackensen's Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes is treasured at the Bundesarchiv - Militärarchiv Freiburg i. Br. What is today believed to be a wearer's copy of the same award, and guaranteed to be from the Mackensen family estate, was sold in F. R. Künker's autumn 2019 auction, see here, offered alongside several other (mostly non-phaleristic!) pieces from the same estate, see here.


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