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    Gentlemen, I am working on a list of all decorations for Rupprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand Kronprinz von Bayern, I hope to be finished tommorow. But I have a first question: On this picture, he seems to be wearing the Zentenarmedaille. Why would a Bavarian receive this? Was it because of his royal status? What other less important, normally unknown Bavarian medals would he have had? Thanks!!!


    Rupprecht_von_Bayern - Kopie.jpg


    On 15/05/2023 at 21:08, Komtur said:

    The participation in the inauguration ceromony of the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Denkmal in front of the Berlin palace qualified for the medal. Supposedly he was invited.

    Absolutely, yes. But would he not simply qualify as an "active" Prussian army officer? He was à la suite of Leib-Kürassier-Regiment „Großer Kurfürst“ (Schlesisches) Nr. 1 (see Royal Prussian army rank list, 1914 issue, p. 362), whose uniform he's wearing in this very picture!




    21 hours ago, Deutschritter said:

    Are four out of five of these medals Bavarian? Can anyone name them? Thanks!!!

    Only the two in front of the Zentenarmedaille are Bavarian: first one is the 1889 St.-Georgs-Jubiläumsmedaille (see here), and the second one is probably the standard Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee from 1905. The fourth medal seems to be some British Victorian jubilee medal, and the last one is probably one from Sweden...



    Thanks so much, that really makes sense, he was à la suite of the Prussian Leib-Kürassier-Regiment „Großer Kurfürst“ (Schlesisches) Nr. 1 as of Rangliste 1897, as I just saw. Thanks again! 



    Sekondlieutenant (2nd Lieutenant): 8 August 1886

    Premierlieutenant (1st Lieutenant): 1 November 1891

    Rittmeister: 17 May 1893

    Major: 4 June 1896

    Oberstleutenant (Lieutenant Colonel): skipped (übersprungen)

    Oberst (Colonel): 28 October 1899

    Generalmajor: 7 October 1900

    Generalleutnant: 11 June 1903

    General der Infanterie: 19 April 1906

    Generaloberst: 4 February 1913

    Generalfeldmarschall of Bavaria: 25 July 1916

    Generalfeldmarschall of Prussia: 1 August 1916

    Posted (edited)

    All additions and corrections very welcome:


    German states

    Knight of the Bavarian (Wittelsbach) Order of Saint Hubert (BH)

    Baden House Order of Fidelity (BdT/BT) in 1887

    Order of Berthold the First (Orden Berthold des Ersten), Grand Cross (BdBI1/BBI.1/BZLBI) in 1887

    Royal Bavarian House Knight Order of Saint George, Grand Prior (BStG1/BG1) in 1889

    Medal of Saint George (St. Georgs-Medaille; BStGM/BG.M)

    ... The St. George Medal or St.-Georgs-Jubiläumsmedaille was donated by Grand Master Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria on 15 December 1889 to commemorate his acceptance into the Order of St. George fifty years earlier.

    Black Eagle Order "with the Chain" ("mit der Kette")

    ... Schwarzer Adler-Orden (PsA) on 22 June 1890

    ... Chain on 17 January 1900

    Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), Grand Cross (neck order for Knight's of the Black Eagle Order)

    Hesse Ludwig (Ludewig) Order, Grand Cross (HL1/GHL1) on 22 March 1893

    Saxon Order of the Rue Crown (SR/SRK)

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Grand Cross (WK1)

    Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille)

    Military Merit Order (Bavaria), Knight's Cross II. Class (BMV3b)

    Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Grand Cross (SEH1/HSEH1/HSH1)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Commander 2nd Class (BMV2b)

    Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee

    ... Jubiläumsmedaille in 1905

    ... Militär-Jubiläumsmedaille in 1909

    ... Crown to his Jubiläumsmedaille in 1911

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Commander 2nd Class (BMV2a)

    ... as of Rangliste 1906 declared as 2nd Class (BMV2)

    Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906 (PEZ)

    Southwest Africa Commemorative Medal (Südwest-Afrika Denkmünze) in Steel for non-combatants

    Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hohenzollern'sches Ehrenzeichen), Cross of Honour I. Class (HE1/HEK1)

    Star to his Bavarian Military Merit Order 2nd Class (BMV2mSt)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, 1st Class (BMV1)

    Duchy of Brunswick Order of Henry the Lion, Grand Cross (BrsL1a/BrH.G.Kr.)

    Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis (Oldenburgischer Haus- und Verdienstorden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig), Grand Cross of Honour (Ehren-Großkreuz) with the Chain (OP1m.K/OV1mK)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr)

    Bavarian Long Service Award (Bayerische Dienstauszeichnung), 2nd Class for 24 years (BDK2)

    House Order of the Wendish Crown, Grand Cross with the Crown in Ore (MWK1m.Kr.i.E/MK1a)

    House Order of Hohenzollern, Grand Commander (Großkomturkreuz; PH1; as of Bavarian Rangliste 1911)



    Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, Grand Cross (ÖSt1/UngSt1/USt1) in 1893

    Austrian Order of the Golden Fleece (Orden vom Goldenen Vlies; ÖGV) in 1900

    Austrian 1908 Jubilee Cross (ÖMJK)


    Foreign (pre-WWI)

    Tuscany Order of Saint Joseph, Knight Grand Cross (TJ1)

    Ottoman Osmanie-Orden (Osmanije), 1st Class with Diamonds (TO1mBr/TürkO1m.Br)

    Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Medal in Gold (GJMg)

    ... The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria was officially celebrated on 22 June 1897 to mark the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession on 20 June 1837. Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria took part representing Luitpold, the Prince Regent of Bavaria.

    Belgian Order of Leopold, Grand Cordon (BelgL1/BL1) in 1897

    Swedish Knight of the Seraphim (SSer/SchwSer) on 18 September 1897

    King Oscar II's Jubilee Commemorative Medal (SJM/SchwJM) on 18 September 1897

    Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Cross (RmSt1/RumSt1)

    Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Ferdinand and Merit of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Knight Grand Cross (ScFd1/Sic.F1)

    Chinese Order of the Double Dragon, First Class, Second Grade (ChDDI2/CDI.2)

    Japanese Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum (JpCh/JKd) on 16 May 1905

    Order of the Gold Lion of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (LgL)

    Spanish Order of Charles III, Grand Cross with Collar/Chain (SpK1m.K/SC1mK)

    Royal Victorian Order, Honorary Grand Cross (GV1)

    King George V Coronation Medal (GKrM) on 22 June 1911

    Crown of Italy, Grand Cross in 1914



    Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class

    Military Order of Max Joseph, Grand Cross on 23 August 1914

    Saxon Military Order of St. Henry

    ... Knight in August 1914

    ... Commander 2nd Class in June 1915

    ... Commander 1st Class in January 1917

    ... Grand Cross in May 1918

    Swords to his Bavarian Military Merit Order Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr⚔)

    Swords to his Württemberg Order of the Crown, Grand Cross (WK1⚔)

    Baden Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order, Grand Cross (BdV1/BV1) on 12 January 1915

    Friedrich Cross (Friedrich-Kreuz)

    Swords to his Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis, Grand Cross of Honour with the Chain (OP1m.K⚔/OV1mK⚔)

    Swords to his Saxe-Ernestine House Order Grand Cross (SEH1⚔/HSEH1⚔/HSH1⚔)

    Swords to his Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hohenzollern'sches Ehrenzeichen) Cross of Honour I. Class (HE1⚔/HEK1⚔)

    Order of Albert the Bear, Grand Cross with Swords (AAdB1⚔)

    Pour le Mérite with Oak Leaves

    ... Pour le Mérite on 22 August 1915

    ... Oak Leaves on 20 December 1916

    War Merit Cross (Brunswick), 2nd Class (BrK2)

    Saxe-Meiningen Cross for Merit in War (SMK)

    Hesse General Honour Decoration

    War Honor Cross for Heroic Deeds (Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat)

    Lippe War Merit Cross (Lippe-Detmoldisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz)

    Bremen Hanseatic Cross (Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz; BremH/BH)

    Lübeck Hanseatic Cross (Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz; LübH/LüH)

    Hamburg Hanseatic Cross (Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz; HH)

    Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross (Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militärverdienstkreuz), 2nd and 1st Class (MMV1/MK1)

    House Order of Lippe, Cross of Honour 1st Class (Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden, Ehrenkreuz I. Klasse) with Swords

    Württemberg Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (WMV1)

    Austria-Hungary Military Merit Cross, 1st Class with War Decoration (ÖMV1mKD/ÖM1K)

    Austria-Hungary Military Merit Medal, Grand Military Merit Medal (Große Militär-Verdienstmedaille) in Gold (ÖGrSL), also called the Grand Signum Laudis (Große Signum Laudis)

    Gallipoli Star (Eiserner Halbmond; TH)

    Gold Imtiaz Medal with Swords (Imitazgefechtsmedaille)



    Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Bailiff Knight Grand Cross (Ehren-Bailli und Großkreuz des Souveränen Malteser-Ritter-Ordens), 1923

    Jubilee Medal (Jubiläums-Medaille des 2. Königlich Bayerischen Infanterie Regiments „Kronprinz“), 1932

    Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer

    Italian Knight of the Annunciation, 1948

    Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Cross in 1948

    Edited by Deutschritter
    Posted (edited)

    Now that's a list... I'm most surprised he received two Italian Dynastic awards so close after the end of World War II, but then, after an invitation by King Victor Emmanuel III, he had gone to Italian exile during the Nazi era...




    On 18/05/2023 at 03:13, Deutschritter said:

    Gold Imtiaz Medal with Swords (Imitazgefechtsmedaille)

    I don't have an actual proof for my assumption, but I'd guess the Imtiyaz medal in gold was accompanied by the same silver medal. At least I have seen several royals wearing such a set of two, in both peace and war time.



    On 18/05/2023 at 03:13, Deutschritter said:

    Baden House Order of Fidelity (BdT/BT) in 1887

    Order of Berthold the First (Orden Berthold des Ersten), Grand Cross (BdBI1/BBI.1/BZLBI) in 1887

    I wanted to provide an exact date, but seemingly, these weren't even published in the Staats-Anzeiger! The Hof- and Staatshandbuch lists him, but with the year only, unfortunately. So nothing to add besides the information this Bertholdorden would be worn as a neck badge and without breast star, just like his Prussian RAO Grand Cross that was awarded additionally to the Black Eagle Order.



    On 18/05/2023 at 03:13, Deutschritter said:

    Black Eagle Order "with the Chain" ("mit der Kette")

    ... Schwarzer Adler-Orden (PsA) on 22 June 1890

    ... Chain c. 1900/01

    Talking about that one: His investiture, and thus the award of the collar, dates, according to a manual addition(!) in my 1884 Die Ritter des Königlich Preußischen Hohen Ordens vom Schwarzen Adler und ihre Wappen (1701–1880) by Count Stillfried, p. 70, to January 17, 1900.



    On 18/05/2023 at 03:13, Deutschritter said:

    Baden Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order, Grand Cross (BdV1/BV1)

    Awarded January 12, 1915, according to Erhard Roth's Verleihungen von militärischen Orden und Ehrenzeichen des Großherzogtums Baden im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914 – 1918, p. 1.


    Edited by saschaw

    The list is somewhat hard to follow as the order is a bit random. Here is what I have for wartime awards, sorted by the level of the state (kingdom, grand duchy, duchy, principality, free city, then foreign states) and alphabetically within each category. The award dates are given where known. "VOB" refers to the date of publication in the Verordnungsblatt des Königlich bayerischen Kriegsministeriums, generally for those awards where the actual award date is unknown. There are also minor discrepancies in some of the award dates in different sources.


    • Königlich Bayerischer Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden, Großkreuz (26.8.1914)
    • Königlich Bayerischer Militär-Verdienstorden, Schwertern zum Großkreuz (10.12.1917)
    • Königlich Preußisches Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (16.10.1914)
    • Königlich Preußisches Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse (16.10.1914)
    • Königlich Preußischer Orden "Pour le mérite" (22.8.1915)
    • Königlich Preußischer Orden "Pour le mérite", Eichenlaube dazu (20.12.1916)
    • Königlich Preußischer Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Schwertern zum Großkomturkreuz (23.12.1917)
    • Königlich Preußischer Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Stern zum Großkomturkreuz mit Schwertern (23.3.1918)
    • Königlich Sächsischer Militär-St. Heinrichs-Orden, Ritterkreuz (23.11.1914)
    • Königlich Sächsischer Militär-St. Heinrichs-Orden, Kommandeur 2. Klasse (9.6.1915, VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Königlich Sächsischer Militär-St. Heinrichs-Orden, Kommandeur 1. Klasse (4.1.1917)
    • Königlich Sächsischer Militär-St. Heinrichs-Orden, Großkreuz (7.5.1918)
    • Königlich Württembergischer Militärverdienstorden, Großkreuz (2.12.1914)
    • Großherzoglich Badischer Militär-Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstorden, Großkreuz (12.1.1915)
    • Großherzoglich Hessisches Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen "Für Tapferkeit" (VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militärverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse (VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militärverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse (VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Großherzoglich Sächsischer Hausorden der Wachsamkeit oder vom Weißen Falken, Großkreuz mit Schwertern (1917)
    • Herzoglich Anhaltischer Orden Albrecht des Bären, Großkreuz mit Schwertern (VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Herzoglich Anhaltisches Friedrichkreuz (VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Herzoglich Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse (VOB 21.8.1915)
    • Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Schwertern zum Großkreuz (2.4.1915)
    • Herzoglich Sachsen-Meiningsches Ehrenkreuz für Verdienst im Kriege (29.9.1915)
    • Fürstlich Hohenzollernscher Hausorden, Schwertern zum Ehrenkreuz 1. Klasse (20.1.1915, Kgl. preuß. nachträgliche Genehmigung am 24.4.1917)
    • Fürstlich Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz (7.6.1915)
    • Fürstlich Lippisches Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat (7.6.1915)
    • Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden des Ehrenkreuzes, Großkreuz mit Schwertern (13.12.1917)
    • Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz (9.11.1915)
    • Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz (19.10.1915)
    • Lübecksches Hanseatenkreuz (2.11.1915)
    • K.u.k. Österreich-Ungarisches Militärverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration 1. Klasse (VOB 6.6.1915)
    • K.u.k. Österreich-Ungarisches Große Militärverdienstmedaille (22.8.1917)
    • Großherrlich Osmanische Kriegsmedaille ("Eiserner Halbmond") (VOB 26.2.1916)
    • Großherrlich Osmanische Silberne Imtiaz-Medaille mit Säbeln (VOB 26.2.1916)
    • Großherrlich Osmanische Goldene Imtiaz-Medaille mit Säbeln (VOB 26.2.1916)


    I do not know of an award of swords to Rupprecht's prewar WK1 or OV1mKette.


    Posted (edited)

    Thank you, Dave!!! List update:


    German states

    Knight of the Bavarian (Wittelsbach) Order of Saint Hubert (BH)

    Baden House Order of Fidelity (BdT/BT) in 1887

    Order of Berthold the First (Orden Berthold des Ersten), Grand Cross (BdBI1/BBI.1/BZLBI) in 1887

    ... This Berthold-Orden would be worn as a neck decoration and without breast star, just like his Prussian RAO Grand Cross that was awarded additionally to the Black Eagle Order.

    Royal Bavarian House Knight Order of Saint George, Grand Prior (BStG1/BG1) in 1889

    Medal of Saint George (St. Georgs-Medaille; BStGM/BG.M)

    ... The St. George Medal or St.-Georgs-Jubiläumsmedaille was donated by Grand Master Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria on 15 December 1889 to commemorate his acceptance into the Order of St. George fifty years earlier.

    Black Eagle Order "with the Chain" ("mit der Kette")

    ... Schwarzer Adler-Orden (PsA) on 22 June 1890

    ... Chain on 17 January 1900

    Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), Grand Cross (neck order for Knight's of the Black Eagle Order)

    Hesse Ludwig (Ludewig) Order, Grand Cross (HL1/GHL1) on 22 March 1893

    Saxon Order of the Rue Crown (SR/SRK)

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Grand Cross (WK1)

    Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille)

    Military Merit Order (Bavaria), Knight's Cross II. Class (BMV3b)

    Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Grand Cross (SEH1/HSEH1/HSH1)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Commander 2nd Class (BMV2b)

    Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee

    ... Jubiläumsmedaille in 1905

    ... Militär-Jubiläumsmedaille in 1909

    ... Crown to his Jubiläumsmedaille in 1911

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Commander 2nd Class (BMV2a)

    ... as of Rangliste 1906 declared as 2nd Class (BMV2)

    Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906 (PEZ)

    Southwest Africa Commemorative Medal (Südwest-Afrika Denkmünze) in Steel for non-combatants

    Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hohenzollern'sches Ehrenzeichen), Cross of Honour I. Class (HE1/HEK1)

    Star to his Bavarian Military Merit Order 2nd Class (BMV2mSt)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, 1st Class (BMV1)

    Duchy of Brunswick Order of Henry the Lion, Grand Cross (BrsL1a/BrH.G.Kr.)

    Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis (Oldenburgischer Haus- und Verdienstorden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig), Grand Cross of Honour (Ehren-Großkreuz) with the Chain (OP1m.K/OV1mK)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr)

    Bavarian Long Service Award (Bayerische Dienstauszeichnung), 2nd Class for 24 years (BDK2)

    House Order of the Wendish Crown, Grand Cross with the Crown in Ore (MWK1m.Kr.i.E/MK1a)

    House Order of Hohenzollern, Grand Commander (Großkomturkreuz; PH1; as of Bavarian Rangliste 1911)



    Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, Grand Cross (ÖSt1/UngSt1/USt1) in 1893

    Austrian Order of the Golden Fleece (Orden vom Goldenen Vlies; ÖGV) in 1900

    Austrian 1908 Jubilee Cross (ÖMJK)


    Foreign (pre-WWI)

    Tuscany Order of Saint Joseph, Knight Grand Cross (TJ1)

    Ottoman Osmanie-Orden (Osmanije), 1st Class with Diamonds (TO1mBr/TürkO1m.Br)

    Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Medal in Gold (GJMg)

    ... The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria was officially celebrated on 22 June 1897 to mark the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession on 20 June 1837. Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria took part representing Luitpold, the Prince Regent of Bavaria.

    Belgian Order of Leopold, Grand Cordon (BelgL1/BL1) in 1897

    Swedish Knight of the Seraphim (SSer/SchwSer) on 18 September 1897

    King Oscar II's Jubilee Commemorative Medal (SJM/SchwJM) on 18 September 1897

    Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Cross (RmSt1/RumSt1)

    Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Ferdinand and Merit of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Knight Grand Cross (ScFd1/Sic.F1)

    Chinese Order of the Double Dragon, First Class, Second Grade (ChDDI2/CDI.2)

    Japanese Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum (JpCh/JKd) on 16 May 1905

    Order of the Gold Lion of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (LgL)

    Spanish Order of Charles III, Grand Cross with Collar/Chain (SpK1m.K/SC1mK)

    Royal Victorian Order, Honorary Grand Cross (GV1)

    King George V Coronation Medal (GKrM) on 22 June 1911

    Crown of Italy, Grand Cross in 1914



    "VOB" refers to the date of publication in the Verordnungs-Blatt des Königlich Bayerischen Kriegsministeriums, generally for those awards where the actual award date is unknown. There are also minor discrepancies in some of the award dates in different sources.


    Military Order of Max Joseph, Grand Cross on 23 or 26 August 1914

    Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class on 16 October 1914

    Saxon Military Order of St. Henry

    ... Knight on 23 November 1914

    ... Commander 2nd Class on 9 June 1915 (VOB 21 August 1915)

    ... Commander 1st Class on 4 January 1917

    ... Grand Cross on 7 May 1918

    Württemberg Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (WMV1) on 2 December 1914

    Baden Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order, Grand Cross (BdV1/BV1) on 12 January 1915

    Swords to his Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hohenzollern'sches Ehrenzeichen) Cross of Honour I. Class (HE1⚔/HEK1⚔) on 20 January 1915

    Swords to his Saxe-Ernestine House Order Grand Cross (SEH1⚔/HSEH1⚔/HSH1⚔) on 2 April 1915

    War Honor Cross for Heroic Deeds (Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat) on 7 June 1915

    Lippe War Merit Cross (Lippe-Detmoldisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz) on 7 June 1915

    Austria-Hungary Military Merit Cross, 1st Class with War Decoration (ÖMV1mKD/ÖM1K; VOB 6 June 1915)

    Hesse General Honour Decoration "For Bravery" (VOB 21 August 1915)

    War Merit Cross (Brunswick), 2nd Class (BrK2; VOB 21 August 1915)

    Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross (Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militärverdienstkreuz), 2nd and 1st Class (MMV1/MK1; VOB 21 August 1915)

    Friedrich Cross (Friedrich-Kreuz; VOB 21 August 1915)

    Order of Albert the Bear, Grand Cross with Swords (AAdB1⚔; VOB 21 August 1915)

    Pour le Mérite with Oak Leaves

    ... Pour le Mérite on 22 August 1915

    ... Oak Leaves on 20 December 1916

    Saxe-Meiningen Cross for Merit in War (SMK) on 29 September 1915

    Hamburg Hanseatic Cross (Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz; HH) on 19 October 1915

    Lübeck Hanseatic Cross (Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz; LübH/LüH) on 2 November 1915

    Bremen Hanseatic Cross (Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz; BremH/BH) on 9 November 1915

    Ottoman Gallipoli Star (Eiserner Halbmond; TH; VOB 26 February 1916)

    Ottoman Silver Imtiaz Medal with Swords (VOB 26 February 1916)

    Ottoman Gold Imtiaz Medal with Swords (Imitazgefechtsmedaille; VOB 26 February 1916)

    Order of the White Falcon (Hausorden vom Weißen Falken), Grand Cross with Swords (GSF1⚔) in 1917

    Austria-Hungary Military Merit Medal, Grand Military Merit Medal (Große Militär-Verdienstmedaille) in Gold (ÖGrSL), also called the Grand Signum Laudis (Große Signum Laudis) on 22 August 1917

    Swords to his Bavarian Military Merit Order Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr⚔) on 10 December 1917

    House Order of Lippe, Grand Cross (Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden, Großkreuz) with Swords (LDH.G.Kr⚔) on 13 December 1917

    Swords to his House Order of Hohenzollern Grand Commander on 23 December 1917

    Star to his House Order of Hohenzollern Grand Commander with Swords on 23 March 1918



    Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Bailiff Knight Grand Cross (Ehren-Bailli und Großkreuz des Souveränen Malteser-Ritter-Ordens), 1923

    Jubilee Medal (Jubiläums-Medaille des 2. Königlich Bayerischen Infanterie Regiments „Kronprinz“), 1932

    Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer

    Italian Knight of the Annunciation, 1948

    Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Cross in 1948



    Honorary doctorate (Dr. iur. utr. h. c.) of the University of Berlin in 1910

    Honorary member of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1911

    Honorary doctorate (Dr. phil. h. c.) of the University of Erlangen on 5 July 1925

    Honorary citizen of the University of Munich, 1949

    Honorary member of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nürnberg, 1952


    Orders (Großmeister)

    Grand Master of the Order of Saint Hubert, 1921 to 1955

    Grand Master of the Royal Bavarian House Knight Order of Saint George, 1921

    Grand Master of the Military Order of Max Joseph, 1933

    Edited by Deutschritter

    I found one minor mistake in the updated list: His Lippe (-Detmold) award was a Grand Cross with swords, not the Ehrenkreuz 1st class. While the cross is technically the same, the class isn't: The 1st class cross is worn as a neck badge, while the Grand Cross is worn on a sash and accompanied by a breast star. This highest class was usually reserved for the ruling Princes of Lippe, but was awarded a (very!) few times to other Royalty.


    • 1 year later...

    I was struggling with this, too.  Thanks for the post.  From this earlier image, I think we can see the St. George Medal, the 1905 Prince Regent Luitpold Medal, (Prussian) Wilhelm I Centennary Medal (the focus of this entire post); (British) Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Medal (1897); and the (Swedish) Oskar II SIlver Jubilee Medal (1897).  

    1900 - detail of Ruprechts medals.JPG

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