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    Gentlemen, as I read in this forum, Oskar von Lindequist was maybe used in the Großes Hauptquartier Seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs at the beginning of WWI. Does anyone know, if he was reactivated? Z. D.? If yes, did he receive any awards for WWI? I hope to soon have the list of all decorations completed. Thank you!


    Oskar von Lindequist II.jpg


    As always, Gentlemen, I would be grateful for any corrections, additions and/or dates;:


    2.5.1857 Sekonde-Lieutenant (2nd Lieutenant)

    14.7.1864 Premier-Lieutenant (1st Lieutenant)

    22.3.1868 Hauptmann (Captain)

    18.8.1872 Major

    22.3.1877 Oberst-Lieutenant (Lieutenant Colonel)

    16.9.1881 Oberst (Colonel)

    1.9.1887 Generalmajor

    24.3.1890 Generalleutnant

    22.3.1895 General der Infanterie

    13.9.1906 Generaloberst

    1.1.1911 Generaloberst mit dem Range als Generalfeldmarschall


    Prussian War Medal for 1864 (Kriegsdenkmünze für 1864 (Preußen)

    Imperial Russian Sankt-Stanislaus-Orden, III. Class (RSt3)

    Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class with Swords (PRAO4⚔/PrA4⚔)

    Commemorative Cross for the Campaign of 1866 (Erinnerungs-Kreuz für den Feldzug von 1866)

    Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross (Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Militärverdienstkreuz), 2nd Class (MMV2)

    Russian Order of Saint Anna (Sankt-Annen-Orden), 3rd Class (RA3)

    Iron Cross (1870), 2nd Class

    War Commemorative Medal of 1870–1871 (Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71; KD70/71) with five battle clasps

    Russian Order of Saint Vladimir, 4th Class with Swords (RW4⚔)

    House Order of the Wendish Crown (Hausorden der Wendischen Krone), Commander (MWK2b/MK2b)

    Order of Saint Stanislaus, 2nd Class with the Crown (RSt2mKr)

    Austrian Franz-Joseph-Orden, Commander with Star (ÖFJ2bmSt)

    ... solely listed in the Rangliste of 1872

    Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), Knight's Cross I. Class with Oak Leaves and Swords (BZL3a.mE⚔)

    Order of the Iron Crown (Austria), 2nd Class (ÖEK2)

    Order of the White Falcon (Hausorden vom Weißen Falken), Commander's Cross (GSF2)

    House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross (HOH3)

    Swedish Order of the Sword, Commander 2nd Class (SS2b)

    Danish Order of Dannebrog, Commander 2nd Class (DD2b)

    Order of the Crown of Italy, Commander (JK3)

    Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion, Commander 2nd Class with Swords (BZL2b⚔/BZ2b⚔)

    Order of Albert the Bear, Commander 2nd Class (AAB2b/AB2b)

    Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Commander (JMuL3/JM3)

    Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander 2nd Class (SA2b)

    Friedrichs-Orden, Commander's Cross (Kommenturkreuz) 2nd Class (WF2b)

    Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow and Swords on Ring

    Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 2nd Class

    Order of Glory (Tunisia), Grand Officer (TJft2)

    Russian Order of Saint Anna (Sankt-Annen-Orden), 2nd Class with Diamonds (RA2mBr)

    Order of the Cross of Takovo (Serbia), Grand Officer (ST2mSt/ST2)

    ... listed in the Rangliste 1881 as ST2mSt, commander with star, as of 1882 as ST2, grand officer, who automatically, like the grand cross recipients, received the breast star to the decoration.

    Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz; DA/PDK)

    Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold, Commander (ÖL2)

    Russian Order of Saint Vladimir, 3rd Class (RW3)

    Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander 1st Class (SA2a)

    Order of the Crown of Romania (Orden der Krone von Rumänien), Grand Officer (RumK2)

    Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hohenzollern'sches Ehrenzeichen), Cross of Honour 2nd Class (HEK2)

    Oak Leaves to his Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion Commander 2nd Class with Swords (BZL2bmE⚔/BZ2bmE⚔)

    Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Commander 2nd Class (HSEH2b/HSH2b)

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Commander (WK2/WK2b)

    Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and Swords on Ring

    Princely House Order of Hohenzollern, Cross of Honour 1st Class (HEK1)

    Swedish Order of the Sword, Commander 1st Class (SS2a)

    Danish Order of Dannebrog, Commander 1st Class (DD2a)

    Hesse Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstorden Philipps des Großmütigen), Commander 1st Class (GHVP2a/HP2a)

    ... later classified as Commander 1st Class (GHVP2a⚔/HP2a⚔)

    Russian Order of Saint Stanislaus, 1st Class (RSt1)

    Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Commander (JMuL2/JM2)

    Franz-Joseph-Orden, Grand Cross (ÖFJ1)

    Military Order of Christ (Portugal), Grand Cross (PC1)

    Commemorative plaque for the royal princes, general adjutants and wing adjutants

    Star to his Red Eagle Order 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and Swords on Ring

    Prussian Order of the Crown, 1st Class

    Friedrichs-Orden, Grand Cross (WF1)

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Kommenthur with Star (WK2a)

    House Order of Hohenzollern, Star of the Commander (Stern der Komthure)

    Red Eagle Order, 1st Class with Oak Leaves and Swords on Ring

    Liakat Medal (Ottoman Empire) in Gold (TVM1)

    Württemberg Order of the Crown, Grand Cross (WK1) on 5 March 1897

    Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille)

    Schaumburg Lippe House Order, Cross of Honour 1st Class (SLH.EK1/SLH1)

    Red Eagle Order, Grand Cross with Oak Leaves, Crown and Swords on Ring (PRAO.G.K.mEu.Kr.u⚔a.R)

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, 1st Class (BMV1)

    Hesse Ludwig (Ludewig) Order, Grand Cross (HL1/GHL1)

    Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold, Grand Cross (ÖL1)

    Order of the Black Eagle with the Chain ("mit der Kette") in 1902

    Royal Victorian Order, Honorary Grand Cross (GV1)

    Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Cross (JMuL1/JM1)

    Baden House Order of Fidelity (BdT/BT)

    Knight of the Russian Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (RAN)

    ... with this, he also received the highest class of all subordinated orders.

    Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Cross (BMV.G.Kr)

    Order of Charles III (Spain), Grand Cross (SC1/SpCIII1)

    Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906

    House Order of Hohenzollern, Grand Commander's Cross (Großkomturkreuz)

    Diamonds (Brillanten) to his Russian Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (RANmBr)

    House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis, Ehren-Großkreuz or Grand Cross (OV1)

    Belgian Order of Leopold, Grand Cordon (BelgL1/BL1)

    Military Order of Aviz (Militär-Orden San Bento d’Aviz), Grand Cross (PBd’A1/PB1)



    À la suite of the 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß and of the Grenadier-Regiment „Königin Olga“ (1. Württembergisches) Nr. 119

    10 June 1913 until death Chef (Colonel-in-Chief) of the 1. Nassauisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 87

    Dean of the Merseburg Cathedral Chapter

    19 December 1910 to 21 January 1914 Head (Bundesvorsitzender) of the umbrella organization for war veterans' and reservists' associations "Kyffhäuserbund" (English: Kyffhäuser League) as well as the Deutscher Kriegerbund (DKB) and the Preußischer Landes-Kriegerverband (PLKV)

    ... resigned for health reasons, his successor on 9 February 1914 was General der Infanterie z. D. Ludwig Gustav Paul von Ploetz

    1911 to 1915 Member of the Prussian House of Lords

      On 10/07/2023 at 11:56, Deutschritter said:

    Gentlemen, as I read in this forum, Oskar von Lindequist was maybe used in the Großes Hauptquartier Seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs at the beginning of WWI. Does anyone know, if he was reactivated? Z. D.? If yes, did he receive any awards for WWI? I hope to soon have the list of all decorations completed. Thank you!


    Oskar von Lindequist II.jpg


    Nice photo

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