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    Posted (edited)

    Only 63 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    We learnt this week the death on 29th August 2007 of Pierre Messmer, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Pierre Messmer has been Prime Minister of France from July 1972 to May 1974, George Pompidou being President of the French Republic.

    Pierre Messmer, born in 1916, has decided to join the team of Charles de Gaulle as soon as June 1940.

    Here is his bio as published by AFP :

    "Pierre Messmer, French wartime figure and former PM, dead at 91

    PARIS, Aug 30, 2007 (AFP) - Pierre Messmer, a former French prime minister who fought under general Charles de Gaulle to free his country from Nazi rule, died Wednesday in Paris aged 91, hospital officials said.

    Following the French surrender to Nazi Germany in 1940, Messmer travelled to London to join De Gaulle's army in exile, the Free French Forces, battling to oust German troops and their allies in Libya and Egypt and finally Paris.

    After the end of World War II, Messmer held several posts in French colonial Africa, before being named minister of the armies under De Gaulle in 1960, and prime minister under president Georges Pompidou from 1972 to 1974.

    President Nicolas Sarkozy paid tribute to "the magnificent fighter who was one of the first to join general De Gaulle", as "a man of duty, a man of conviction" and "one of the most illustrious children of our republic".

    "France has just lost one of its greatest servants and the entire nation bends to salute his memory," said a statement from Sarkozy's office." AFP

    Pierre Messmer has had a very long carrier in the French political sphere, and has been elected at the prestigious Acad?mie Fran?aise in 1999. On 6th June 2006, Pierre Messmer had been appointed Chancelier de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    His numerous awards included :

    * Grand Croix of the L?gion d'Honneur

    * Order of the Lib?ration

    * Croix de Guerre 1939-1945

    * M?daille de la R?sistance

    * M?daille des Evad?s

    * M?daille Coloniale with agraphes "Erythr?e", "Libye" and "Bir Hakeim"

    * M?daille Comm?morative 1945

    * Officer of the American Legion

    * Commander of the Nichan Iftikhar (Tunisia)

    * Commander of the Ordre Royal du Cambodge

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 63 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe
    • 4 months later...
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    Only 62 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 13 January 2008 died Paul Bonaldi, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Paul Bonaldi, born in 1917, was serving in Chad in the French colonial troups before WW2. As soon as June 1940, he joined the French free Forces, and took part to the Koufra, Fezzan, Tripolitaine and Tunisia campaigns. He took part to the landing in Normandey in the 2nd DB, and participated to the Liberation of France. He will be one of the few Frenchs to enter Hitler's eagle Nest in Berchtesgaden.

    After the war, he bacame a salesman and manager.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 62 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic / Theatrum Belli

    • 3 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 61 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 28 January 2008 died Michel Carage, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Michel Carage, born in 1921, is a student in June 1940. As soon as June 1940, he joined the French Free Forces, in Camberly (England). He will then join the Free African Forces in September 1941, in Moyen Congo, Cameroon and Chad in 1942. He took part to the Fezzan, Tripolitaine and Tunisia campaigns, and then Chad again, under the command of General Leclerc. He took part to the landing in Normandy in the 2nd DB, and participated to the Liberation of France. He will be wounded during this campaign.

    After the war, he created several companies.

    Here is his bio (in French) :

    <a href="http://www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr_compagnon/178.html" target="_blank">http://www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr_compagnon/178.html</a>

    After his death, there are now only 61 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe
    • 2 months later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 60 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    In February 2008 the Chancellery of the Order of the Libeartion found trace of a companion that had "disappeared" for many years : Joseph Rysavy.

    Unfortunately, Jospeh Rysavy died on 23 April 1946, in Oran (Algeria).

    Joseph Rysavy, born in 1904, joined the French Free Forces, in London, as soon as July 1940, and took part in the campaigns of Dakar, Erythrea, Syria, Libya, Bir Hakeim, Tunisia and Algeria.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    There are now only 60 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe

    Only 60 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    As of today, here is the list of these 60 Companions :


    Marcel ALBERT

    Ren? BAUDEN


    Robert BINEAU

    Henri de BORDAS


    Daniel CORDIER

    Louis CORTOT

    Yves de DARUVAR

    Bernard DEMOLINS

    Pierre DESHAYES

    Victor DESMET

    Jean-Pierre DULAU

    Rudolf EGGS

    Constant ENGELS

    Robert GALLEY



    Alain GAYET

    Hubert GERMAIN

    Charles GONARD

    Jacques HEBERT

    Paul IBOS

    Fran?ois JACOB

    Henry LAFONT

    Pierre LANGLOIS

    Claude LEPEU

    Roger LESCURE

    Ren? LESECQ


    Louis MAGNAT

    Jacques MAILLET


    Jean-Pierre MALLET

    Robert MASSON

    Fred MOORE


    Jean NETTER

    Mr POIS

    Roland de la POYPE

    Andr? QUELEN

    Claude RAOUL-DUVAL

    Serge RAVANEL

    Jacques ROULEAU

    Charles RUDRAUF

    Raymond SABOT

    Andr? SALVAT

    Robert SAUNAL


    Pierre SIMONET

    Jacques de STADIEU


    G?rard THEODORE


    Jean TRANAPE

    Edgard TUP?T-THOME

    Andr? VERRIER

    Aloizo WALEINA

    Nicolas WYROUBOFF

    This complete list, with all bios, can be found here :



    • 1 month later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 59 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 12 May 2008 died Jacques Rouleau, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Jacques Rouleau, born in 1922 is exactly 18 years old (his birthday) on 18 June 1940. With the authorization of his parents, he joined the French Free Forces, in London. He will then join take part in the Dakar expedition, and will be in Cameroon and Congo, and from 1942 in Lebanon. Fom 1944, he will fight in Alsace, and will be seriously wounded in April 1945 in the French Alps. He will lose part of his left arm.

    After the war, he will go back to Moyen-Congo and Nouvelle-Caledonie, as head of a society.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 59 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe
    • 4 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 58 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 28 June 2008 died Aim? teisseire, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Aim? Teisseire, born in 1914, is based in the 3rd Colonial Infantery Regiment (3rd RIC) in 1939. He will fight in the Ardennes in May and June 1940, until when he is wounded in Nancy. He will evade in August 1940, and will join the FFl in 1941. He will then take part in the Chad operations, and will be then in Morocco. Back to england, he will take part of the D-Day landing in Normandy, and then will fight in France and Germany until Berchtesgaden. He will again be wounded several times.

    After the war, he will be have several command responsibilities in Saigon, Madagascar, Cameroon and Algeria.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 58 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe
    • 1 month later...

    Only 57 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 7 August 2008 died Raymond Sabot, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Raymond Sabot, born in 1919, is Sergeant in the Colonial Infantry troups, in Tripoli (Lebanon) at the moment of the Armistice of 1940. He refuses this situation and joins the British in Palestine, and is part of the 1st Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine (1st BIM), first ?l?ment of the "Free Frenchs". He will fight in Libya, Syria, will be back in Bir Hakeim. In 1943, he will be in Tunisia, and will land in Italy in April 1944, where he is wounded. He will be evacuated via Tunisia.

    After the war, he will be have several military responsibilities with Charles de Gaulle (aide de camp adjoint), and inside the Ministry of Defence.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 57 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    • 1 month later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 55 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 4 July 2008, a judgement has been made in Paris by the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris. It has officially and legally declared "absent" two Companions of the Liberation :

    * F?licien Gargu? or N'Gargu?, who did not give any news since June 1941, and whose date and place of birth are unknown, with spelling of names uncertain.

    * Ange Pois, who did not give any news since June 1941, and whose date and place of birth are unknown.

    Here are their bios (in French) :



    You will find attached the official and legal notice published in the French press on 23 September 2008.

    There are now only 55 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Edited by Christophe

    Only 55 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    As of today, here is the list of these 55 Companions :


    Marcel ALBERT

    Ren? BAUDEN


    Robert BINEAU

    Henri de BORDAS


    Daniel CORDIER

    Louis CORTOT

    Yves de DARUVAR

    Bernard DEMOLINS

    Pierre DESHAYES

    Victor DESMET

    Jean-Pierre DULAU

    Rudolf EGGS

    Constant ENGELS

    Robert GALLEY


    Alain GAYET

    Hubert GERMAIN

    Charles GONARD

    Jacques HEBERT

    Paul IBOS

    Fran?ois JACOB

    Henry LAFONT

    Pierre LANGLOIS

    Claude LEPEU

    Roger LESCURE

    Ren? LESECQ


    Louis MAGNAT

    Jacques MAILLET


    Jean-Pierre MALLET

    Robert MASSON

    Fred MOORE


    Jean NETTER

    Roland de la POYPE

    Andr? QUELEN

    Claude RAOUL-DUVAL

    Serge RAVANEL

    Charles RUDRAUF

    Andr? SALVAT

    Robert SAUNAL


    Pierre SIMONET

    Jacques de STADIEU

    G?rard THEODORE


    Jean TRANAPE

    Edgard TUP?T-THOME

    Andr? VERRIER

    Aloizo WALEINA

    Nicolas WYROUBOFF

    This complete list, with all bios, can be found here :



    • 2 months later...

    Only 54 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 24 October 2008, a judgement has been made in Paris by the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris. It has officially and legally declared "absent" Alo?zo Waleina, Companion of the Liberation, who did not give any news since 1948.

    Alo?zo Waleina, born in 1913 in Riga, joins the FFL (Free franch Forces) in London as soon as August 1940, and fights in Erythrea in 1941, where he is wounded. He will then fight in Syria, Libya, and at Bir Hakeim. In 1943, he will in the French Air Force in the Middle-East, will go back to London for training, before being sent in Britanny on the 6th June 1944. Back to London in february 1945, his last mission will be over the Netherlands in April 1945, where he is agian wounded.

    After the war, he will retire in London.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    There are now only 54 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    • 3 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 53 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 19 December 2008 died Robert Saunal, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Robert Saunal, born in 1920, was a student in mathematics when he joined London in June 1940. And on 1st Jly 1940, he joins in the FFL (Forces Fran?aises Libres). In 1941, he will be in Levant, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. In 1942, he wil fight in Libya (Tobrouk, Bir Hakeim...), where he is wounded and captured in June 1942. He will be in a prisoner camp in Italy in 1943, from where he will escape and fight again in Italy. He will the land in France and will fight until the end of the war.

    After the war, he will be have several industrial management and direction responsibilities.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 53 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe
    Posted (edited)

    Only 52 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 31 March 2009 died Jacques Maillet, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Jacques Maillet, born in 1913, was a Member of Staff of the Air Ministry in 1940. As soon as 1941, he joined the secrets services of the Free Frenchs, and led several intelligence missions. Obliged to evaded from France, through Spain, he will come back in France in 1943, where he had the mission to prepare the economic situation of the post-war period. He will conduct several missions linked to the future organisation of France after the war. From 1944 to 1948, he will have important functions in the Ministry of Labour.

    After the war, he will be have several industrial management and direction responsibilities in the French aerospace environment.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 52 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    Edited by Christophe
    • 3 months later...

    Only 51 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 27 April 2009 died Serge Ravanel, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Serge Ravanel, whose real name was Serge Asher, born in 1920, was a student when the war began. Je joined the French Resistance in 1941, and then the group of journalists of the Temps Nouveaux review. He created his own Resistance group at the end of 1941. He will then join the group Lib?ration-Sud, and is arrested in November 1942, and again in March 1943 after an evasion. Free in May 1943, he becomes National Head of the Groupes-Francs, and adopts his war-name "Ravanel". He will again be arrested in October 1943 and will again evade himself. In June 1944, he will be appointed by General Koening Head of the FFI Forces of the Toulouse region, and will participate in the liberation of Toulouse, Autun, Royan. Wounded in September 1944, he will rsign from his command position.

    After the war, he will be have several industrial management and direction responsibilities in French ministries.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 51 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    • 2 months later...

    Only 50 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 31 May 2009 died Roger Lescure, Companion of the Lib?ration.

    Roger Lescure, born in 1912, is a member of the French Communist Party when the war began. As part of the Resistance, he is arrested in April 1943, and will evade in September 1943. He will continue to participate in the Resistance and be part of the FFI forces. He will participate to the liberation of the town of Egletons in Correze, and be part of FFI forces until the end of the war.

    After the war, he will be have several commercial activities.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 50 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.


    Only 50 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    As of today, here is the list of these 50 Companions :


    Marcel ALBERT

    Ren? BAUDEN


    Robert BINEAU

    Henri de BORDAS


    Daniel CORDIER

    Louis CORTOT

    Yves de DARUVAR

    Bernard DEMOLINS

    Pierre DESHAYES

    Victor DESMET

    Jean-Pierre DULAU

    Rudolf EGGS

    Constant ENGELS

    Robert GALLEY


    Alain GAYET

    Hubert GERMAIN

    Charles GONARD

    Jacques HEBERT

    Paul IBOS

    Fran?ois JACOB

    Henry LAFONT

    Pierre LANGLOIS

    Claude LEPEU

    Ren? LESECQ


    Louis MAGNAT


    Jean-Pierre MALLET

    Robert MASSON

    Fred MOORE


    Jean NETTER

    Roland de la POYPE

    Andr? QUELEN

    Claude RAOUL-DUVAL

    Charles RUDRAUF

    Andr? SALVAT


    Pierre SIMONET

    Jacques de STADIEU

    G?rard THEODORE


    Jean TRANAPE

    Edgard TUP?T-THOME

    Andr? VERRIER

    Nicolas WYROUBOFF

    This complete list, with all bios, can be found here :



    • 1 month later...
    • 3 weeks later...

    Only 49 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 13 August 2009 died Nicolas Wybouroff, Companion of the Liberation.

    Nicolas Wybouroff, born in 1915 in Russia, emigrates in France with his family in 1924. In August 1940, he enroles himself in the French Free Forces in London, under the name of Fleury. He will fight in Syria in June 1941, then in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. Wounded in May 1944, in Italy, he is evacuated to North Africa. He will then fight in France.

    After the war, he will be an international civil servant at the United Nations, and the will be in France in charge of Refugees.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 49 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Libération.

    • 4 months later...
    Posted (edited)

    Only 48 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 17 November 2009 died José Aboulker, Companion of the Liberation.

    José Aboulker, born in 1920 in Algeria, is studying medicine in 1940. Disappointed and demobilized in 1941, he will be soon be one of the most important organisers of Resistance in Algeria. He contributes to the preparation of the Allied landing in North Africa. Arrested in December 1942, he is then freed, and joined de Gaulle in London in May 1943. He will contribute to organise the Health services of the FFI. He will fulfill his missions in France, Algeria, London...

    After the war, he will be a reknown professor in the Paris Hospitals organisation.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 48 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Libération.

    Edited by Christophe

    Only 47 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 19 November 2009 died Jean Mufraggi, Companion of the Liberation.

    Jean Mufraggi, born in 1914, is Sergent-Chef in the Colonial Infantry, based in Cameroon in 1940. He contributes to rally the West part of Cameroon to Free France. He will then take part in all Middle East campaigns in 1941. Wounded in Syria in 1941, he will then fight in Libya, Bir Hakeim... Beginning of 1945, he will the fight on the Atlantic front, in France in Royan, La Rochelle.

    After the war, he will then fight in Indochina in 1948-1950, and continue his military carreer in the Army until 1955.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 47 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Libération.

    Posted (edited)

    Only 46 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 20 November 2009 died Roger Malfettes, Companion of the Liberation.

    Roger Malfettes, born in 1918, in Algeria, will refuse capitulation in 1940, and be one of the "chypriots" joining Egypt in the first Free French unit. He will fight in Libya, Bir Hakeim, Egypt, Tunisia, and land in Italy in 1944. He will then land in Provence in 1944.

    After the war, he will have several positions in the French Colonial Administration in Africa.

    Roger Malfettes has not authorized his biography to be published in the website of the Order of the Liberation.

    After his death, there are now only 46 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Edited by Christophe

    Only 45 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 21 December 2009 died Jean-Pierre Dulau, Companion of the Liberation.

    Jean-Pierre Dulau, born in 1912, will take part in the Campaign of France and Narvik. As soon as June 1940, he joins the French Free Forces in London, and will fight in Senegal, Cameroon, Soudan, Chad, Libya, Bir Hakeim, El-Alamein,and Tunisia. He will continue his camapigns in Italy and France.

    After the war, he will continue his military career in Morocco, and occupy civil industry positions in Tunisia.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 45 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Posted (edited)

    Only 44 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

    On 5 January 2010 died Jean Netter, Companion of the Liberation.

    Jean Netter, born in 1914, fights in Belgium in 1940 where he is wounded. As soon as June 1940, he enroles himself in the French Free Forces in London. He will fight in Senegal, Cameroon, and many other french colonies of Africa, in 1941-1942. He will then join Egypt in November 1943, and Sardinia in April 1944, and take part in the campaign of Italy.

    After the war, he will live in Germany and create there an industrial company.

    Here is his bio (in French) :


    After his death, there are now only 44 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


    Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Libération.

    Edited by Christophe

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