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    1. For three weeks now I’ve been trying to find an invisible (to me anyway) enemy in my computer. With consecutive anti-virus scans I think I’m clean. However, some of my programs have been damaged and need to be either repaired or re-installed.

      1. Claudius


        going on four. Clean, but some programs are still damaged.

      2. Claudius


        may it's time for a new computer.

      3. Claudius


        if it was a horse I could just shoot it...sell the meat to a dog food cannery and then get a new pony.

    2. Sorry about being late for renewal but how can I renew my subscription?

      1. Nick


        I have sent you a renewal notice.
        Thanks for supporting the forum!

    3. recent reply

    4. If a drone flies over my property, and there's no search warrant, can I shoot it down?

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. Claudius


        ...just don’t hit any endangered species like Bald Eagles or Duskytail Darters or you’ll have DNR Rangers and hippy Grandma’s with hemp purses all over you.

      3. Greg Collins

        Greg Collins

        Hope I'm a better aim than that, although after smoking Grandma's purse (depending on the quality of hemp) my aim might be a bit loose;-)

      4. Claudius


        "Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon; windage and elevation." -John Wayne

    5. Finally retired. More time for the collection, but not more money.

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. Claudius


        Congratulations! I have heard that the first year is like one great long vacation.

      3. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Yes - sincere congratulations on retirement. Had you been British you would get a 'gong'. Mervyn

      4. IrishGunner


        Mervyn, thank you. Actually, US get retirement gongs as well; I received my second Legion of Merit.

    6. See, I told you it would work

    7. Арабы делают шикарные бургеры, должен я сказать! http://t.co/bKvJsrS

      1. Claudius


        Это Верблюд?

      2. Mogul


        Курица и говядина.

    8. For some reason, I was not invited to the Bilderburger Group meeting this weekend...

      1. Claudius


        I think Mark Zuckerburg took your chair this time around. He wants to know what happened to his stock value.

      2. JapanX


        It must be a terrible blow for you and these girls under your charge. Good luck next year!

    9. Happy Memorial Day!

    10. The Ice Opinion is an oldie, but still a goodie. Good insight. Follow @FINALLEVEL

    11. At least my Latin is better...

    12. That really tears it. They can already read faster than me as I read upside-down. (They read the book on the table and I sit across and follow along upside-down.) But my younger child corrected my German pronunciation. Either I learned it wrong or they are being taught a different dialect.

    13. That really tears it. They can already read faster than me as I try upside-down. (They read the book on the table and I sit across and follow along upside-down.) But my younger child corrected my German pronunciation. Either I learned it wrong or they are being taught a different dialect.

    14. 2012 Victory Day parade has passed into history; now to find a dvd of it!

    15. Happy Victory Day! Parade steps-off in less than 5 hours!

    16. Victory Day (9 May) is just a few days away!

    17. upload pictures

    18. Happy May Day! Workers of All Nations Unite! You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Chains!

      1. JapanX


        Yep, these famous chains...

        Nothing to worry about mate!

        I assure you that they won't loose these (they are way too leveraged for that to happen)...

        MAY 9 is coming ;)

      2. Greg Collins

        Greg Collins

        Yep, Nick, May 9 is on the way and I have my Glory ribbon ready!

    19. Two days without internet. It was Hell!

      1. Claudius


        I can sympathize. But think this phrase could be immortalized under; “Things you would never hear someone say 20 years ago.”

      2. Brian Wolfe

        Brian Wolfe

        Oh so true.
        When Mervyn and I were kids it was, "Keep your powder dry". Ha ha

    20. I woke up today feeling great. Not feeling Gold -better than that. I feel like PLATINUM!

      1. Claudius


        Update -Supplemental: It has been brought to my attention that Platinum prices have been trailing Gold for some time now, but the sentiment expressed earlier is still the same.

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