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    Become a GMIC Patron by taking out an annual subscription. GMIC needs members willing to support the forum so that it remains a FREE resource for all. Annual membership subscription available.

    Advertising Now Available

    GMIC Advertising Space Now Available to Purchase. Commercial and Private Advertisements available for members now.

    Enamel Members Pin Badge

    Available in limited numbers. Enamel.GMIC Membership pin badge now for sale. Please support the forum and continue making it a free resource for all. Discount for certain Membership Groups.

    1. Calling all movie and TV buffs... we invite you to play the cinema quiz.

    2. We'd like to invite a new player to ask question 127 in the cinema quiz. Come have some fun!

    3. THE SOVIET QUIZ - Beyond 100......will we hit 125 questions by 31/12??? Help us get there....

    4. THE SOVIET QUIZ - We have reached question 100!!! The honour of answering it is up for grabs....good luck!

    5. The Soviet Quiz - Who will get to ask the prestigious 100th question??? And who will get the honour of answering it?

    6. I have the best girlfriend ever...she and her friend, Laura, made a nice Thanksgiving dinner and also cleaned up the back yard and let me relax and take a nap.

    7. Happy St. Barbara's Day to all of the Gunners

    8. Temperature has dipped below zero... First flakes of white crap are here... Here we go again. SIGH

      1. azyeoman


        Come on down to Arizona; this is our best time of year!

    9. Anti Partisan Badge

    10. The Soviet Quiz - The honour of asking or replying to question 100 could be yours.....All welcome to join in!

    11. All Photo Comp. prizes and certificates have now been sent. Notify me if any don't arrive. Mervyn

      1. Spasm


        Certificates arrived this morning (Sat 26th) tahnkyou all very much - she's chuffed to bits as well

    12. Sorry to see that some members are not active anymore !

    13. No body is reading their mails !

    14. Final tracking numbers for plaques added to Comp. Forum. Only Cimbineus has to give his address !

    15. Tracking numbrs for main prizes are on the Comp. Forum. When I have the remaining ones I will add their numbers. All Certificates are being sent by Airmail.

    16. Hello Gentlemen, Ladies, if there are any present.

    17. ***Your address is required : For Plaques: Tachel ; Cimbineus ; Harvey ; John Temple-West . For Certificates : jkas ; Bob Lyons ; Steve T ; Gongz ; JimZ. All others will be despatched tomorrow.

    18. 17 Nov. URGENT. The following members have still to IM their postal names and addresses for the despatch of prizes and certificates.(I may have some on file, but it is easier if I can take them from IM's) Tachel; Chris B.; Cimbineus ; John Temple-West; jkas ; Harvey ; demir ; Hauptman ; Bob Lyons ; jeffskea ; speagle ; Steve T ; Gongz ; JimZ ;

      1. perce


        Hi Mervyn- the photo hauptman submitted was on my behalf because I had problems accessing the forum( you can ask him if you need to) My address is E8291620 Sgt R D Percival, SARF NMC, SARF HQ, RAF Valley Holyhead, Anglesey,LL65-3NY, UK

    19. My computer has been repaired and there is ample space for IM's. If you are a prize winner or, the recipient of a GMIC Certificate - please IM to me your name and postal address. All are ready for despatch. Category winners will be printed out on the Competition Forum very shortly. Mervyn

    20. We've passed the 100th question... come join the fun!

    21. Launched my blog after a minor glitch. Thanks for the help Mervyn.

    22. We're now on Question 100 in the Cinema Quiz... a definite landmark!

    23. www.tudoporsaopaulo.com.br - 1932 Brazil Constitutionalist Revolution

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