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    1. No, I don't have enough medals yet....

    2. Hi Walter,
      ein sehr nettes Site!
      Walter Gropius

    3. Happy Oktoberfest! Let the games begin!

    4. Back in Yerevan - long trip

    5. Long lay-over in Wien; should have re-booked my tix and spent the weekend

    6. Heading back to Yerevan in a few hours

    7. Bob - care to share just who is Tetyana? :-)

    8. Hi Dave, I'll send you 420 via paypal and try it as a gift. My direct mail is davidstrappini@live.com send me your paypal address, Thats your e-mail..yes. I'll transfer then if you mail me direct I'll send you my postal address. Regards David

    9. thank you mr. Mitton, i'm a college student, not a member of Indonesian forces (i wasn't pass the test to military academy)..
      that a military academy uniform, but with lt.general epauletes, lol..

    10. Well - you certainly believe in a direct approach........ Welcome to GMIC and I am sure you will make friends and enjoy your time.
      Tell us a little about yourself - are you in the Indonesian Forces - what is the uniform you wear?
      I have a fondness for Indonesia - I used to live in Thailand and did the advertising for Garuda Airlines. Best wishes Mervyn Mitton

    11. A true Gentleman and Scholar. I'm not only proud to call him my friend... I'm truly honored to do so.

    12. Off to the Courthouse at Nambour today....ho hum....

    13. No! he works for a living!!!!

    14. Did Chris surrender?

    15. i'm searching for cheap german, belgium, or france medals for my collection, anyone can help? i only have about $50, i hope i can use it wisely..

    16. Daylight savings has started in Oz

    17. How to research a Brunswick Waterloo medal recipient?

    18. U.S. Army 1969-'71 / Spec.5 Field Artillery Crewman

    19. Support the GMIC...Subscribe Today!

    20. hayo ini sapa?

    21. limited budget! oh no..:(

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. kapten_windu


        loh, kok ada ini?
        ni sapa ya?

      3. uwhy


        masa ga kenal id ane sih gan :cd:

      4. kapten_windu


        ampun dah, ngapain lo k sini..-.-"

    22. Saw his first xmas decorations and cards in shop displays. Is it September or has December crept up on me??

    23. On the Butchers block at 11:30 hours 30th September for an inflamed wisdom tooth removal, inflamation was caused when all the wisdom leaked ;-)

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