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    Everything posted by kapten_windu

    1. wow, nice collection, i never see this kind before, anyone can explain?
    2. thank you mr. Mitton, i'm a college student, not a member of Indonesian forces (i wasn't pass the test to military academy)..
      that a military academy uniform, but with lt.general epauletes, lol..

    3. i'm searching for cheap german, belgium, or france medals for my collection, anyone can help? i only have about $50, i hope i can use it wisely..

    4. Hi Xtender, may i know where you get this medal? but as i see in the pictures, it's an original.. cmmiw.. kapten_windu
    5. very interesting! i hope it reach my country, so i can buy it, i need more knowledge about german's badge..:jumping:
    6. hayo ini sapa?

    7. The rarest Indonesian medal is bintang Garuda (Garuda Star), it awarded to people that in airforce service during 1945-1949.. I've been search it for months but i can't get it, even those real photo!! i give 2 thums up to anyone who can find this medal..!! i just can get the picture in: http://www.setneg.go.id/index.php?option=com_tandajasa&cat=13&Itemid=43
    8. almost all of this are the classic mode, now the shape and material is little bit different.. many of your picture are belong police and some other of it from army( parawing, masterparawing).. but i can't identificate some of them because i still an amateur enthusiast..
    9. the 2nd class is very similar with the 3rd one, but different in ribbon.. a little story about this medal: this medal is awarded for very special person that have been 25years in naval duty, or a honourable person from navy, army, or defend ministry.. usually awarded to navy admiral, you are very lucky to get this item.. but the rarest medal from Indonesia is Bintang garuda (garuda star), it only awarded until 1950s, i have been search it, but it's very difficult to get, even just a real potrait of it.. i challenge everyone here to get it.. :)
    10. limited budget! oh no..:(

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. kapten_windu


        loh, kok ada ini?
        ni sapa ya?

      3. uwhy


        masa ga kenal id ane sih gan :cd:

      4. kapten_windu


        ampun dah, ngapain lo k sini..-.-"

    11. little correction from me, it's a Jalasena Utama (1st class).. the second class is not using neck ribbon..
    12. a little story about bintang mahawira (bintang sakti).. the last recipient is never saw it, he was died during the battle in Aceh.. his name was Lumbuan Tobing, an army NCO..
    13. wow, nice thread.. i'm from Indonesia, i collecting some of them..
    14. if you want to ask about Indonesian medal or military item, you cand send me a message,

    15. it's no problem, as long as it for good things, everyone may use my picture.. yes, i ever brows megan's website, very2 nice, i can see lot of beautiful medals around the world..:beer:
    16. hey, if you need indonesian military item you can contact me, thanks..:)

    17. this is swa bhuana paksa nararya (25 years service and faithfull medal 3rd) it now has been sold to my Friend in Belgia, very2 nice..
    18. thanks for hugh for this Indonesian section.. :)
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