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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. File Name: Horses in the Wehrmacht 1941 - 1945 File Submitter: Naxos File Submitted: 13 May 2012 File Category: Germany Horses in the German Army - published by the Historical Division Headquarters, US Army Europe Due to size the document is posted here in 6 parts Click here to download this file
    2. Lederer was promoted to Major on Jan. 1, 1937 In 1939 he commanded the Panzerabwehrabteilung 6 in Herford
    3. Hans-Wolfgang LEDERER was promoted to Oberleutnant on April 1, 1925 serving in the 14./Komp. Infantrieregiment 11 Here are his WWI awards:
    4. Oberleutnant von Trotha gefallen am 30 Juni 1918 Gefechtstand bei Meteren (Steenwerck) see: http://www.remembrancetrails-northernfrance.com/learn-more/battles/kaiserschlacht-the-german-spring-offensive-of-1918.html
    5. I found this: Oberst Hans-Wolfgang LEDERER born on Dec. 6, 1894 - died on July 7, 1985 Jan. 1, 1937 promoted to the rank of Major (In 1937 he took command of Pz.Abw.Abtl.6 - don't know his later assignments) promoted to Oberst on March 1, 1942
    6. It is the military rank of a "Fähnrich" in the cavalry - English term would be Ensign
    7. Odd is that the Bavarian award is in front of the Iron Cross - indicating that the wearer was a strong Bavarian national - yet he is a member of some very Prussian organizations.
    8. Sorry Jason, I have no good reason to doubt the originality of the bar - just have an opinion on these kind of bars. And to clarify "fantasy" I meant the imagination of the wearer.
    9. During the Weimar time these unofficial veteran's club decorations were often by WWI front soldiers referred to as "Karnevalsorden" - Hence the term carnival bar.
    10. because the man must have belonged to every club and organisation - but even if it is period assembled - it still is a "fantasy carnival bar"
    11. Very interesting, a dated account of wearing the new steel helmet! Als ich Abschied nahm ... das Bild ist im Waldlager am 11. Juni (19)16 (Pfingstsontag) 1/4 (Stunde) vor Abmarsch zur Stellung aufgenommen. Von links nach rechts: Leutnant Müller Hauptmann Müller = Offiziere der MGK des 2. b. Res. Jäg. Btl. Leutnant Benkat ? Humbert Wir tragen den neuen Sturmstahlhelm der, allerdings sehr schwer ist, sich eben sehr gut bewährt hat. (will continue later)
    12. Robin, as a fellow investigator I agree. However, (as you know) mere possibility is not evidence - nor is conjecture. Personally I think the scull patch that started this mega thread is a period worn original - but, and here I am with Chris, so far no convincing evidence has been presented to support my assumption. .
    13. Thank you Justin! The tunic has held up for 68 years just fine, stored in a closet. That is were I keep it as well - in a well ventilated dry closet. The only picture I got of Wahrheit (unfortunately wearing a different tunic). The picture was taken in September 1942, at the time he was serving as an Unteroffzier with Kradschützen-Ersatz.Btl. 2 in Vienna.
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