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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Please have a look: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=43205&pid=400351&st=0&#entry400351 Hardy
    2. Thomas, it could also read Yamy. There are a coulpe of places by that name in the Ukraine.
    3. Lieber Herr Schönmann Zu meinem grossen Bedauern hörte ich gestern durch Ihre Frau Gemahlin von Ihrer Verwundung. Hoffentlich ist die Sache nicht schlimm. Wenn ich es irgend machen kann, besuche ich Sie demnächst dann ist wohl Besuchszeit. Mein Bruder schlägt sich noch immer in den Vogesen rum. Mein letztes Stündlein hat auch bald geschlagen. Also gute Besserung und herzliche Grüsse Ihr L. Gross
    4. That is what I thought - February 1945, an experienced, well decorated Flak soldier serving in an Infantry Regiment (not even Artillery) seems a waste of talent and training.
    5. Does the board have the national colors (black - white - red) woven in?
    6. Now with the better scan - I can see it is not WWII - I have no idea what it is - some guard unit). Perhaps Chip might now
    7. Hauptmann of Prussian Infanterie-Regiment Nr.13 Enlisted man or NCO of Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr.12 (is the bottom field-grey or blue?) unknown ID tag WWII Sturmartillerie collar tab WWII Kriegsmarine Oberleutnant zur See (Gordon Williamson would know better regarding the device) bottom: Generic Oberleutnant WWI (Saxon, if the thread woven in the silver is green)
    8. A Kanzleidiener usually gets the mail and files documents when he is not sharpening the pencils or refilling the inkwells at the office. These government jobs were usually given to deserving NCOs after their Military service.
    9. Franz Joseph Oechsner was no longer alive in 1884 Michael Marbeiter born on September 29, 1833 living in Freiburg i.B. is listed in the 1884 as a Kanzleidiener in Freiburg.
    10. Feldwebel Michael Marbeiter and Feldwebel Franz Joseph Oechsner were awarded: Prussian Iron Cross second class on January 20, 1871 Silver Baden Merit Medal (Karl-Friedrich Militärverdienst-Medaille) on February 15, 1871 Ritterkreuz des Zähringer Löwen Orden second class with swords on April 3, 1871
    11. The Ritterkreuz zum Zähringer Löwen Orden (second class with swords) was awarded to senior Baden NCOs for valor on the battlefield during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71. The medal bar you are showing belonged to a senior NCO (I can not explain the Prussian order in it)
    12. Here is the award publication of the Zähringer Löwen Orden to the Feldwebel Marbeiter and Oechsner of the 5th (113) Baden Infantry Reriment. The order was awarded on April 3, 1871
    13. After the 1870/71 war, 3 Feldwebel of IR113 and 3 Feldwebel of IR112 were awarded the Zähringer Lion. (these are the only two Regiments your man could have belonged to). Of the three men in IR113 only two have also been awarded the silver Merit Medal. That leaves two in that Regiment. I tend to believe that he is more likely from 113 that 112. I will list the names of the possible Feldwebel from 112 later. This is a beautiful and stunning bar!
    14. Original and battle-worn! This maker has one of the best looking Erdkampfabzeichen
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