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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Langemark was spelled by the German Army during the war without the ck
    2. Very nice ! I believe that the last line of the inscription reads: Langemark Hardy
    3. Gordon in German we call orange orangenrot it does not mean that the color is more red than orange Hardy
    4. I think the Casino is in (B http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2008/post-1062-1226108977.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2008/post-1062-1226108830.jpg) Bry, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France - 20km west of Mauberge. Hardy
    5. Just noticed - right upper corner of the picture is the shingle
    6. I read Oberstabsarzt Fervers as well - Tervers would be my second option
    7. Reading the actions that lead to the award of the crosses - I'm not sure anymore - yes I agree Kevin it could have been the Bundesverdienstkreuz Metropolitan Police Gallantry Awards 1970 onwards Wilkin Keith 1986 A German Award PC With PC Thain on motorcycle escort duty rode deliberately into path of oncoming vehicle whilst escorting President of Germany on State visit in Banstead en route to Gatwick Airport. See Encyclopedia under Special Escort Group. (Entry amended 7 November 2008) Thain Alistair 1986 A German award PC With PC Wilkin on motorcycle escort duty rode deliberately into path of oncoming vehicle whilst escorting President of Germany on State visit in Banstead en route to Gatwick Airport. See Encyclopedia under Special Escort Group. Entry amended 7 November 2008.
    8. quote: "is it not possible to have been awarded to the British policemen?" yes Kevin, it is absolutly possible but not for military frontline actions. Hardy
    9. Kevin, the Bundesverdienstkreuz is a civilian award for exemplary service for the Federal Republic in politics, economy education and so on ?Er wird verliehen f?r Leistungen, die im Bereich der politischen, der wirtschaftlich-sozialen und der geistigen Arbeit dem Wiederaufbau des Vaterlandes dienten, und soll eine Auszeichnung all derer bedeuten, deren Wirken zum friedlichen Aufstieg der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beitr?gt." Hardy
    10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badge_of_Hono..._the_Bundeswehr Bundeswehr Ehrenkreuz established in 1980 I can see were Ehren-kreuz (honor cross) can be misread as iron cross. Hardy
    11. Thank you Rick "Der verbrannte K?rper eines Engl?nders vorm Tank" The burned body of an English (soldier) infront of the tank I don't want to show the picture out of respect for the deceased (quite graphic) Hardy
    12. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2008/post-1062-1225961629.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2008/post-1062-1225961648.jpg Yes, it's him: Born in Munich, Bavaria to an artist his family soon moved to the spa city of Bad T?lz. After he finished school Schleich decided to enroll to a cadet programm in the Bavarian Army and eventually earned a commission with the 11th Bavarian Infantry Regiment in 1910. In Regensburg was the garrison of the Kgl. Bayer. 11. Infanterie-Regiment von der Tann, III Bayer. Armee Korps
    13. The Medal was awarded at the Coronation of Alfonso XIII of Spain in 1902 (Medalla de la Coronaci?n de Alfonso XIII)
    14. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2008/post-1062-1225757597.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2008/post-1062-1225757628.jpg
    15. Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen (IAB) and Sportabzeichen (DRL), in the button hole: EKII and Ostmedaille. Can you read the number on the shoulder board?
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