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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Kevin, ORAG - M? stands for ORAG Bayerische Schneidergenossenschaft eG M?nchen the Bavarian Tailor Supply Company is still in business today. Regards, Hardy
    2. Thanks PK for your excellent additions to this thread! Here is another unusual badge (Reiterabzeichen) on a panzer wrapper (not from my collection)
    3. Here you go Chip - It looks to me that the leather straps around the and heels of the boots are there to tighten the boots around the ankles - so the mud would not suck the boots of the feet. Hardy
    4. Thanks guys - I knew you would appreciate these pics. I like the every day frontline-trench look. But what about those chaps - has anyone seen similar field made over-pants before? Hardy
    5. I'm sure if you start a new thread for your badge (name it: Bordsch?tzen-Abzeichen or Luftwaffe Gunner Badge) - you will have some replies. Regards, H
    6. The card is addressed to his Friend Karl R?b in Elberfeld. He is hoping that Karl is well and he lets him know that Willy Opladen is with the 3rd Batterie (Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 13)
    7. The man is: Sanit?ts-Unteroffizier der Landwehr Biewald from the Prussian City of Elberfeld. His unit is the 4. Landsturm-Reserve for Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 13 At the time Biewald was writing the card his unit was in Strassburg. Regards, Hardy
    8. Oberst Dr. Hans Georg Walter von Mangoldt-Gaudlitz. Regimental commander 1914 to 1915 Hardy
    9. Officer of Ulanen-Regiment Nr.17 in Parade dress (from the cover of R.J. Marrion's Lancers and Dragoons, Uniforms of the Imperial German Cavalry 1900-1914) Hardy
    10. Rod, see here as well: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/1._K%C3%B6nig...Ungarn%E2%80%9C
    11. Rod here is a Regimental History available: http://libraries.admin.ch/cgi-bin/gwalex/c...2&authidu=4 by Oberstleutnant Fleck Regards, Hardy
    12. Another picture from the first trench. Note the improvised helmet cover
    13. One more - Any idea about the meaning of the white stripe? Hardy
    14. Prosper, what a photographic document - thanks for showing! Hardy
    15. A photo dated March 1917 - on the the front it says: Please Keep - March 1917. On the back is a letter from Arthur to his mother, dated July 23 1917. Arthur writes joyful that his friend Paul Riedel has joined him and is now with the 9th Kompanie Infanterieregiment 139. Arthur and Paul as well as Walter Junghans, Albin Bretschneider and Max Schuster (serving in the same Regiment) are all from the small Saxon village of Reinsdorf near Zwickau. The photo in detail: Note the M1910 tunic still worn in March 1917 by a frontline Regiment - Grabendolch and Seitengewehr-Troddel worn on empty Bayonet frog Note the trench chaps, unusual bayonet frogs worn by both soldiers and the leathers around the bottom of the boots Regards, Hardy
    16. There are those who build new medal bars - and there are those who rip original medal bars apart. You find them all on Ebay.
    17. Thank you Sascha, I thought you might contact him. Well we tried, Hardy
    18. If you have problems with the links, here are the ebay.de Artikelnummern: 280219718056 and 280219716633
    19. The seller is selling only within Germany Perhaps he hasn't ripped it apart yet - Can someone from Germany contact the seller and tell him to leave it alone and sell it as is? Hardy http://cgi.ebay.de/Eisernes-Kreuz-II-Klass...3QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.de/Verdienstmedaille-Fried...6QQcmdZViewItem
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