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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Wow, two real MVK1X in one thread, without the usual "less nice" ones that are virtually everywere. Thanks guys!
    2. Great one, Werner, with a lovely RAO-Duo... to imagine... I cannot imagine a Prussian officer with BMV4XKr and all that other stuff but not one single Prussian order. Do you? Must in my honest opinion be some "bigger" non-Prussian stuff with the big Prussians worn in full size... cannot find someone either, but can imagnie this much more. :catjava:
    3. Sorry to disagree with all said, but in my eyes this is a mid 30s bar for Frontfighters' Honourcross and Hungarian WW1 medal... Anyone to agree?
    4. Unfortunally I can only see its star, would really like also to see the cross. That on his neck is "only" the RAO grand cross m.E. Just in case someone didn't notice.
    5. Actually not. Baden's LD came in only one class, so it's not a "2nd" class. Lovely one, by the way. :cheers:
    6. Interresting points, Daniel. It was not banned in WW1, still very many did not wear their awards any more, we see this quite often. And I assume more often than still worn. I have no D?hle (yet), but there's still the point if Imperial Russia is just the same as post 1917 "Jewish-Bolshevik" Russia. I think it isn't, nazis definitelly thought the same, and in detail it might have been up to wearer's choice however. Thanks to all!
    7. Here's one more on Luisen order ribbon - in wear! Saw this postcard by coincidence on eBay. The ladys wearing uniforms is odd. Wearing medal bars is even more odd.
    8. Any ideas about this one? I assume a Prussian general with all Prussian stuff no more on the bar, while wearing "foreign" stuff as "Kleindekorationen". I cannot find him like this, but anything else does not make sense... it might well be a war time bar, so he could have ended with some more others... :banger:
    9. Hmm okay, thank you. But was "Russia" an enemy in 1914/17 and in 1941/45... ? Just the same? I assume this again a personal choice of the wearer - or non-wearer... :speechless:
    10. Recently there was a small discussion on a German forums regarding when Imperial Russian award were and when were not worn by German receipients. In World War 1 awards were usually not worn. After the peace of Brest-Litowsk things may have changed and the awards were worn again. However, in post WW1-Germany and the so-called "Third Reich" they w e r e worn. The actual question is: was there a change in 1941, in rules or in facts? Was it common still to wear Imperial(!) Russian awards while fighting the Russians? I am not sure and have nothing on those final four years of the great slaughter. At least I can well imagine they were worn - as they were never given by the Bolshevik (the actual enemy in WW2) but in good old imperial days - or even after WW1 by the "whites", then for fighting the Bolshevik, as they were now in 1941-45... Anyone knows, or has information on it? PS: I know I'm a bit off-topic here, but am to shy to go to the WW2 zinky guys or to the Russian section. Once imperial, ever imperial. ;)
    11. I tried but didn't win. Saint Michael and a nice Weimar non-combattatant bare are worth what had to be paid - but one cannot get anything. ;)
    12. Looks like a played with nonsense-"group": EK1 1914 without EK2, Wiederholungsspange 1939 in post 1957 version, without any other awards from 1918 on. No.
    13. Sure? Until now I was pretty sure this did not even exist, and I'm actually a bit in those...
    14. Have you ever held a G?de MVK?! I think I still have one of those, with it's "certificate". Will scan and show later... those ARE G?de, no matter what dealers try to sell them as Spangenst?cke or post-1918 issues. ;)
    15. There's a very good one, unfortunally in German: Volle, Henning: Badens Orden, Ehrenzeichen, Pr?mienmedaillen. Freiburg im Breisgau 1976.
    16. However, the bar itself does not look bad. I wonder what those white-black ribbons actually are for in this combination as I have a matching buttonaire. That is not faded W?rttemberg yellow, is it?!
    17. I bought mine in 2001, when they were still somewhat more expensive than now. But it still WORKS, for almost a decade... And Rick, I have to admit something... it's not an epson! Agfa SnapScan 1212, I guess out of order for some years. But works.
    18. Kriegerverdienstmedaillen were not given to (German) foreign soldiers in the colonies. The only people to receive those were, at least I've never heard of anything else, Black soldiers and police troops. The very few (Prussian!) Kriegerverdienstmedaillen on black/white ribbons that appear in German groups were given between colonial action and WW1 to non-Prussian EMs. Not for their colonial campaigns but though on black/white ribbon in recognitition of that earlier campaigns. Those who haven't seen warface before got it on white/black ribbon according a decree by Wilhelm II. from december 1st, 1888. I'm not aware of any awards post August 1914 to Germans, but then it became the standard award for non-German EMs that could not receive the EK that wnet to foreign officers only: Austrians, Bulgarians and - have not yet seen but can assume - Turks. I won't comment any more on this interresting picture unless I've seen scans of it. ;)
    19. And I forgot to bid on it... lucky Heiko... I see a medal bar with MVK, MEZ1, EK2, VKfKH.... but assume rather a China medal in last place. Isn't Bavarian MVM somewhat bigger? Heiko, get a scanner, please...
    20. Makes no difference. Baden and Lippe stuff is faked as well. And baden awards are actuually uuuugly... so leave those for me. ;)
    21. Hmm, a NCO without long service award? I'd rather assume an EM. Has this Bulgarian medal to be war time, as it's on bravery ribbon? I think so. Krause does just give FIVE awards of this class to W?rttembergers... four to Unteroffiziere... and one to a Sergeant! I cannot be sure but assume this is Sergeant Dumat's bar. PS: and even if it's not his - a lovely trio. :cheers:
    22. I don't see any problems with this bar... and the LD2 is a quite interresting over-sized one. :rolleyes:
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