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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Paranoia? Is that an English term for good eyes? Better pictures, though I have them even bigger... too large for GMIC, unfortunally...
    2. Well it seems to be, doesn't it? http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=330303904132
    3. Well, the 1916 (WWI !) award to Zar Ferdinand is not really odd, he was the chief to an allied army in war... but the Pour le Merite to the Duke of Connaught again sounds very odd. Back to the Ernestine, may it be they were given to foreigners with rules as some foreign orders have?! Swords in peace time, if given to a military was not common in Germany. Hessen did that with the "Philipp" but stopped it in the 1890s(?). I don't know any other state or order with such a rule...
    4. It's eCrap at its worst and the only possible "wearer" is Mr. A. M., the seller himself. Why does noone ask before he buys, why does noone read the threads? There's actually "enough" written about eBay seller "am-militaria" on this board.
    5. I see the same, but why would he wear it with swords? All that sounds pretty much like a peace time "dynastic" award. From what I know SEHOs were not given with swords to anyone in uniform as other states did. So why... :unsure:
    6. Looks rather like an old, gilt "Spangenst?ck" to me. Or are those modern fakes known? I know the medals arer heavily faked, but those sold by e.g. "sterog62" aka "ichverkaufealles12345" and "aubanan12" look somewhat different to me... (I would not buy ANYTHING from those mentioned eBay guys... )
    7. One of the best groups I've seen for a long long time on eBay. Great find, keep it in honour and please, never split that one. Would be a real shame... That 3rd grade Double Dragon, is that a neck badge, right? I have not seen a handful "dragons" in German groups by now... :cheers:
    8. Thanks Naxos. Though, "all" is somewhat much. Ulsterman, I know where that one came from. Very unreliable source for medal bars, and the sewing is typical... :Cat-Scratch:
    9. Hardy, most likely a modern put-together bar! Did really all 126er get the medal? There's no published list for the SVM and I know they went to 126ers - but really to all? And, did all officers get a BZL? Some did, that far I know...
    10. Oh dear, that bargain is still available? Gentlemen, if I collected Bavaria... I have not seen more than five in te years... ;)
    11. For the KVK? No, there's no published list. I'm not sure if there is a complete roll in the archives... but that are several thousand awards (don't have any numbers but guess 10 to 30k), most to unidentifiable people... don't know if this is one of the more usefull lists to do... anyway, it would be a quite interresting one to say the least... :unsure:
    12. Thanks for all the responses... Yes, and that all as said very alphabetically. He just missed to write his name on the back... That one would be worn on the same ribbon as the peace time decoration, or am I wrong?
    13. WOW, that prince is a funny guy. Just to add, my naughty doctor has been identified by Daniel: it is Stabsarzt d.R. Dr. Franz Gugelberger. :)
    14. Please, please, never again ask that question. The answer is: any. Most to the people you are listing, but I have seen them to a Pour le Mertie winning officer. To civil doctors. Still not sure if they were given to women... Back to the bar: the combination seems okay, would be even typical with a Baden XV - but the sewing does not looks good.
    15. Great bar, did it come up again? It was on eBay about a year ago and it was D. Niemann who bought it back than. No idea what happened later to it. Still not in a GMIC member's collection... ?! :catjava:
    16. Claudius, nice odd combination. I don't think it were many of those Bavarian medals that went to "foreigners". ;)
    17. Yes, there were lots. Well, at least some. Wasn't that even an official way to wear it, similiar to the HOH3X with the big crown and swords? I think Deruelle has such a photo of a wreath - for a Badener in WW2! - in wear... (just search for Karl Ens) :rolleyes:
    18. One of the biggest and one of the latest bars in this style I have ever seen: a pre 1915 "old style" ribbon bar with several WWI awards, so presumably from 1914/1915. Daniel Krause couldn't come up with a name by now so he assumed it may be a reserve officer with LW2, or it is a general's bar with some "Kleindekorationen". Much foreign ribbons to the end so I'm not absolutely sure what exactly the awards are. That's how far I came by now: - Preußen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914 II. Klasse; - Anhalt Friedrichkreuz; - Bayern, Militär-Verdienstorden IV. Klasse mit Schwertern; - Preußen, Kronenorden IV. Klasse; - Preußen, Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung I. oder II. Klasse; - Preußen, Erinnerungsmedaille 1897; - Anhalt, Hausorden Albrecht des Bären, Ritterdekoration I. oder II. Klasse; - Baden, Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Ritterkreuz I. oder II. Klasse; - Mecklenburg- - Mecklenburg- - Persien, Sonnen- und Löwenorden IV. Klasse(?); - Japan, Orden der Aufgehenden Sonne VI. Klasse(?); - Italien, Orden der Krone Italiens, Ritterkreuz. The order of the two Mecklenburg ribbon suggests a Griffin order and a jubilee medal - or might it be possible someone placed a Schwerin griffin order ahead to a Strelitz Wendish crown?! The bar looks very much alphabetically, and that indeed would be! Additionally, all is sorted to five topics: Prussian war awards (just the EK), Prussian peace time awards, foreign war awards, foreign (but German) pre war awards and then, last but not least, the foreign pre war stuf. Ahead of that foreign war awards would have had their place, if he had something like a Austrian MVK3KD. The plain blue ribbon, from it's position may be a peace time Prussian crown order - or a Württemberg FriedrichX! Both possible, depending on where what "section" ends. I'm totally lost, any help appreciated.
    19. I'm not sure about the Kriegerverdienstmedaille... However, the bar was not good and even for the "parts", 169,- Euro was more than enough.
    20. That would just have been fair as they were then treatet as soldiers of a German state as any other state - but it did not happen. From what I know, no Iron Crosses were handed out post 1924. But, I have seen at least one post 1938 "Austrian" ribbon bar with "EK" ribbon quite to the last. Not for an EK, but for the KrVM. The Austrian wound medals sometimes werer exchanged for the Prussian badges! Almost as weird... Do you know that Austrian rule? If not, I'm still not convinced on this and think it was a very Prussian rule, even if not a written rule. I know at least one BULGARIAN NCO group with Prussian WWI KrVM. By no none Ottoman, but that has to be out there for sure.
    21. Unfortunally my father didn't win and it endet anywhere else, though - I hope you like that tag.. PS: I went to Kaiserstra?e last week and looked for house 181, but that isn't anymore. May have been destroyed in WW 1944 as large parts of Karlsruhe, or in the mean time...
    22. Mhh, but that would make the bar 1913 era. Less likely, isn't it? Those exist and I know, but this one anyway looks "older"...
    23. Sure about that? In Prussia, there were "rules" that were nothing else than "the king has said oce..." and some of those are not even given in statutes. I've seen a Bulgarian WWI NCO group with Kriegerverdienstmedaille, have by now only seen Ottoman officers with any German WWI awards - those, of course, with Iron Crosses. The "rules" should have bee the same for Austrians, Bulgarian and ottomans... I don't think that was an Austrian but a very Prussian limitation given in WWI, by whatever reason.
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