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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Thanks again Rick for your affort. As it didn't work from the rank lists and from Saxons on it is more work I tried it the other way round, beginning with the Bavarian MVK1aX, compared to BZL. Can anyone approve a SA3aX to Mr. Otto Ziegler, EtapTeleSek. ? :rolleyes:
    2. Thanks Claudio, I do know that awards. They were not given to Austrian EMs and NCOs but to officers ONLY. Does not matter here as this guy was officer's rank. Still, I rather assume a German as there are too few Austrian awards. I'm not sure about the Maltese cross but the Red Cross awards were widely spread to Germans. No Truppenkreuz, no 1908 medal? Great bar, please don't get me wrong. ;o)
    3. I guess he wasn't, too much German stuff while nothing "typical" Austrian. Still , a great bar.
    4. #1 is just great, I would have loved to get that one, too - but it went to high for me. Pity you missed the matching button with the two (Baden) minis... #3 is typical Austrian eCrap. Who was the seller? Was it "heustadl13", "leginaer-vienna" or someone else? However, those are the same and if you take a close look on the rest of the offers... Still, great Baden bar and if you ever get tired of it... :rolleyes:
    5. Great bar, think I had this one in hands on Kassel show - but for that price, I think it should be at least identifiable. If it is not, too expensive... :rolleyes:
    6. From the awards, this one looks like the lower row of two, doesn't it?
    7. Ah Claudio, you won it? Simple, but though a very nice one, really. What are those maker marks on the Honour Crosses? First is a "CEJ" for C.E. Juncker, berlin - but what are those two others?! Never seen before... is that "GEBR. G. & CO, BERLIN" ?! :speechless1:
    8. Do you mean #6? If so, no - this used to be mine. ;o( I absolutely do not like the last one. Ribbons look wrong, backing looks wrong, the needle hook does look worst. The other are indeed fine and interessting, and luckily nothing with any Baden connection... :cheers:
    9. Mhh, I think I would - great award. But, isn't there any list for those?! With that few awards this would get quite easy.. well, stupid question. Apparently there is no list?! Now that he is a Prussian with MVK1aX... He wears his Prussian stuff in front of all others. A real prussian indeed... You know I will... even if it becomes a daughter... :cheers:
    10. 100 points for "SPM". Those medals were given by all (or almost all?) cities in Baden, were very well struck and engraved on the reverse - and this is the one of (the city) Baden (aka "Baden-Baden"). The coat of arms gives it, with the typical mural crown. Very nice photo, but for sure not Mr. Reddemann. Though, could you show it fully? Thanks in advance.
    11. Sorry but no, could not have been as those medals were never given to German soldiers in the colonies. Those would have received a MEZ2 while KVMs would have gone to Blacks - and he does not really look Black... ;o) Plus, I'm unaware of any KVMs given for colonial campaigns on white-black ribbons. Not sure about that, but never saw that before.
    12. Big enough, but still... KO4 and "XV" - if it is - suggests some kind of Zahlmeister or similar to me. Right direction?!
    13. Looking through my photos I re-found this Reichswehr-Stabsoffizier. A part of his medals is quite sharp, but the other part is unfortunally not. Does someone know him and his decorations? I came to: EK II, Kriegshilfekreuz, Rote Kreuz-Medaille 3rd class, a "XXV" or "XV", a crown order 4th class, a 1897 medal. Then it get's strange... Bavarian MVK 1st or 2nd class with crown and swords, a Saxon Albrechtsorder 3aX, a Baden Zähringer Löwe and... whatever... maybe Schaumburg-Lippe in the end... HELP?!
    14. You did, I'm quite sure you did. Or have I never before shown "him" here before? As said, those were given to "foreign" NCOs. Not too often it seems, but it was a pretty "common" award. Nothing "exotic". Still, that's the only one "in wear" in am aware of.
    15. Sorry, but no. That "wei?-schwarze" Krieger-Verdienstmedaille is a pre war, peace time award to foreign NCOs who have not seen any combat before. No clue who of the named it might be. I guess there are no lists for the KVM, are there any? I'm not even sure if those are mentioned anywhere as they were not a real part of Prussia's "Ordenssystem", if I remember correctly. PS: could please someone fixe the thread's name? Sachsen but not Saschen... ;)
    16. Christer, you got it, great! The Prussian pre-WWI "Krieger-Verdienstmedaille" is right for this combination. Almost half of Prussian's decorations could have been awarded "am wei?-schwarzen Band", but on a foreign (and yes, a Saxon or a W?rttemberger is a "foreigner" from Prussian view) NCO bar it cannot be anything else. No second Iron Cross, no Red Eagle Order, no Crown Order and especially no Luisenorden. By the way, the photo of one in wear you saw was presumably my W?rttemberger... Rick, now was that too difficult? I have some more difficult things in stock, that might get funny...
    17. Actually it was (at least for me), but though I have no problems with the bar. The combination does make sense for an elderly EM who fought in 2nd line and lost his son - but it was banned to wear both, any of those who could have get both had to decide for one! Still, there's much stuff around that "should not be" but is - fine. I like it.
    18. Not "all the time", but it can. Why not? My father bought even rarer stuff on eBay.com, that was not even expensive. By the way, thanks for showing! One of the best looking pre-imperial German awards of all. I think I've never seen both at once... ;)
    19. Gaah, it was you who outbid me on that? Nice one... Even nicer I got his pre war old style one place bar. Have it not here by now, but it is for just the last ribbon. It is black and you should know what it is for. Shall I help you?
    20. Ah, Roman, did you get it? I saw it too and thought about it, if it's good or bad. I wasn't sure but actually I rather like than disklike it. If it's good - this is a very nice combination to a Prussian officer. The bar should date into the 1870s or 80s, the long service cross seems indeed to be an elderly one. Let's wait what others think about it... =)
    21. Hey, no more fakes out there on the market, or why has this thread been sleeping for more than a year?! Well, I found a new guy with thirteen eBay auctions, each with several ribbon bars, many very big ones, up to about 12 awards - in each lot. I looked closely but found NOT EVEN ONE bar that I like in all this stuff. The seller is new and is name is "apriori030", please have a look: http://shop.ebay.de/merchant/apriori030
    22. Ah okay, thanks. Though, it is very close to my Godet:
    23. Yes, it is. Some of the others are lose, too. But they are still in place and we can see where they were fixed - and from the height one can assume it had to be a XV in 3rd place, or am I totally wrong? I'd hardly doubt a LW1 and a LW2 would, as it's smaller, be fixed at a lower point. PS: if anyone should be interessted in the bar: it might be on the sales section in some days. I'm totally out of money... :speechless1:
    24. Sure, sure - but that one "should" be in last place, then. Well, who knows with such a guy... :banger:
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