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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Ah, you bought it. I wanted to but had a veryyyy bad feeling about it, so passed. I hope this crap doesn't reach such a high price again.
    2. Why should it have been given out post-war? More likely is pre-war, I've got a document to a Prussian Major for the same order (in another grade). Those were worn again when war was over ... ;o)
    3. Hmm, I'm not sure with this bar, too. It MAY be good. Some nicer pictures, e.g. the back might help. I don't mind the small EK bar and I don't mind heavily the single long service. The Romanian order even may be a pre-war present to an young Leutnant, not yet awarded an order by his own Kaiser, the other Imperial awards seem okay for an young Austrian officer in WWI, that wasn't wounded. I'm 50/50 ...
    4. I guess the WWI awards of the "Kreuz des Allgemeinen Ehrenzeichens" are very low as in 1912 the "Verdienstkreuz in Silber" and "Verdienstkreuz in Gold" (1912-1918) were founded and awarded for very similar "merit". My father has a medal bar with "Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen" and the "Verdienstkreuz in Gold", so I think the crosses might have been used instead of the "Kreuz des Allgemeinen Ehrenzeichens", which makes actually all three not too common. They are expecially hard to find in mounted groups, singles are more common.
    5. Uwe is right, a grand cross had a crown and lions, and a grand cross to a foreign nobleman in peace time came without swords, so the example on the picture (from A. Thies?!) matches. Those grand crosses came always with a breast star, that's why Uwe asked for the star.
    6. Gentlemen?! This is a "Kreuz des Allgemeinen Ehrenzeichens", a Prussian civil award from 1900 to 1918 era. It could be found in the OEK as #1837.
    7. A put together in my humble opinion, but using very nice parts ... By the way, was it usually that the Bavarian MVKs 2nd class are not enameled in 9mm size?
    8. As far as I know, an Austrian NCO could NOT become an officer - or am I wrong?!
    9. I think it's a "decoration", but a Freikorps expert could verify this. As it's a pinback award, it has NO ribbon. The cross comes with or without swords, so as we don't see swords on the picture I think this one is one without.
    10. And here he is: a vet of 1870/71 on a post 1891 photo, his MVO - back then just one class, silver with golden medaillons, blue enemaled - updated with swords:
    11. The crosses are not to uncommon, but hardly ever seen on a German ribbon or medal bar. Nice stuff, I like those things.
    12. But wasn't it offered as identified? I remember the auction, but I'm not sure ... Though very nice bar, anyway.
    13. Hase? Oh, you mean Hassan - "My name is Hassan ... " I'm confused ... very confused ... Gentlemen, please stop asking question in this thread ...
    14. Gentlemen, I'd rather say it's a "Ehrenkreuz der Baltischen Landeswehr" from 1919. It's hard to recognize, but I see a shield on the cross, but not a skull.
    15. The colours of W?rttemberg are red and black, just a few ribbons are yellow and black, as well as Baden-W?rttemberg's (modern state in southwest Germany since 1952) flag is.
    16. Oh, I don't know ... but it may be the reason Chris asked this questing. Hit me if I was wrong, Chris.
    17. No, not Oberbayern. The Cross reads W?rttembergischer Kriegerbund Gm?nd (with Umlauten!), so it's not Gmund in Bavaria but Gm?nd aka Schw?bisch Gm?nd. =)
    18. Uuuuh, I think there isn't a typical Baden WWI mount. The 1870s are actually very typical, WWI to 30s/40s had it's problems with the "Italian style loop" ... Streibich has an almost nice mounting, but with a nicer one one wouldn't see the stichting around the loop. This could (or should) have been made invisible. It mostly depends on the taylor and his profession ... ;o)
    19. I don't even like the ribbons. They presumable don't glow under black light, but though don't seem to be real to me. I have not yet seen one ribbon or medal bar offered by him that I liked. None. One of his EK II on white and black ribbon (he sold some of those) as one place medal bar sold for 150,- Euro recently ... Might someone be so kind to post it in some other forums? But please, don't use any evil words ...
    20. Yes this is it, but without swords, as a pin ack cross, and as a real one ... I'm not sure, the picture ist not of best quality, but in MY humble opinion it is ... ;o)
    21. I don't want to write too much as the seller has a lawyer who easily get's very angry, but please, Gentlemen, take a close look on am-militaria's medal and ribbon bars.
    22. Speaking about WWI, you're pretty right, but the 1870 bars (and as well 1897 era) do have a nice wide hock in most cases. =)
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