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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Indeed... luckily not big level... it is also a little bit "own faultish" ... you have to read up a bit before you buy... at least a minimum of research
    2. Fantastic Bluse Jeff!!!!! the 9th is the closest Infantry Regiment to where I live and quite a few people from the village where I live served in the regiment!
    3. A good friend of mine who dabbled in collecting is leaving the hobby after being burned twice in a month by crooked sellers... that is just the kind of behavior we need to keep this hobby going! ? ... he has asked me to see what he can get for the following, unfortunately out of my collecting scope so i cannot give him a good estimate... any help welcome... All were originally from one house, so probably father and son. Both EK39 different makers but no stamps, ek14 is stamped G, the EK2 mounted on an EK1 document was done by the family and was originally in a frame, no idea why the Wrong ribbon is on it, probably for postwar display, Really nice EK1 box, but no EK1 inside.
    4. Hi, the top one is actually The Reichs Kokarde, I have seen quite a few that have aged to yellow in the middle... the bottom one is the Prussian one. Does it have any stamps? All the best Chris
    5. I was wondering.... 5th Mounted Brigade Field Telegraph weapon 9 ? It was found in South Africa so could be Boer War, Or German south West Africa 14-15 or German East Africa campaign by South African forces?
    6. Hi, really nice! Are you sure it is Meck though? I would have thought Prussian? Are the cards from the artist A. Reich? Best Chris
    7. Yup, it looks pretty cool... if I understand correctly it is usually prewar, or just after the outbreak... it lost popularity as it was usually called "Englische Kord".... and later use of such fabrics was forbidden.
    8. Hi, you are right, my formulation was pretty vague. I had meant to ask what the regulations were for service of foreigners in the German army. Obviously we know Hitler served in the Bavarian army although he was Austrian ... why had they not pushed him over the Border to Austria to serve in the K.u.K. Army?
    9. Hi, Agreed, but this is to a Schweizer who served in a Bavarian Infantry Regiment as a normal Bavarian Infantryman.
    10. I Agree... I wonder what the German rules were with foreign volunteers... maybe he had a German parent part or grandparent?
    11. I will be adding more when I have a moment... first is an Officers with brass buckle, which belonged to an officer in the 2nd Bavarian jäger Batl., I assume this was one of the very early wartime ones, the Second one seems to be later, the buckle dark bronzed for wear in the field....
    12. As always.... when i get a beer mug I drink a single beer out of it, from the regiments Home Town.... obviously 95% München as they are all Leib regiment Beer Mugs..... going from top left to bottom right you can see how Bier Mug design changed over the period of 25 years or so....
    13. OK, this came from the village about 4km from here.... direct out of a private house, in a good friends collection for many years. Unfortunately it was not possible to establish an exact identity... The Tunic had been stripped, there were traces of Tresse around the collar, at some stage red cloth collar patches had been added, and officers boards had been sewn in but removed. My friend had added boards (for display) but the wrong ones. It had been decades in an attic and had lots of small moth damage. So... that is where I started.... I removed the boards he had added and sewed the shoulders closed... as I do not know the regiment of the original dude I do not want to sew in the wrong boards.. as place holders i just added generic slip on 2 reserve Inf boards. A very lucky find was 2 bits of Aschingerborte which was mixed in with WW2 insignia from the same house. I assume they were original to the tunic and took the liberty of adding them.... and then I fixed the mothholes.... it was while I was doing this that I realized I need reading glasses!! So here it is, in all its glory....
    14. Hi, these were on a M16 Bluse in Bavaria... maybe post ww1 additions but definitely worn for a purpose.... there were some metal devices which are now no longer there and I cannot say what they were... you can see the holes in the tabs where they were to be found.... Any ideas? Thanks Chris
    15. This is obviously a very old repaint, and not repainted to fool anyone... possibly still WW1, maybe Reichswehr?
    16. ... unfortunately not Bavarian so it is going into the trade box...... but killer condition! I think it is the early color used up until 1914. Owner appears to have served as an officer with Russian Auxiliary troops in WW2
    17. Apparently the Issue ones to Feldwebel etc came in 2 or 3 different sizes... my largest one is stamped "II" for size.... the officers ones are a bit "ladylike" ... smaller, finer, lighter... I have an artillery sword which seems to have been shortened for a smaller officer, both sheath and blade!
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