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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Rich Gordon sent me a couple of pics of one of these for the book, now I have found a different one.... I have to dig it out Richards Photo, but I think there was a different number above the "800" Does anyone know who made these?
    2. Some military history here, really interesting in 3 parts.. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9b0_1332196120
    3. It is not so for all bavarian EK docs of course, but if you were to choose the best 20 looking EK docs, probably over half would be Bavarian. I an wondering if it was because they were catholic. You see this at bavarian flea markets, intricate and byoootiful certificates for Confirmations, Baptisms, etc. etc. I think being catholic gave the Bavarians a tradition of relatively expensive multi coloured certificates and probably a larger number of priners geared up to do this kind of work. Even the smaller uglier documents.... most bavarian units seem to have found a printer to do unit specific documents and avoiding Generic documents that could be used for any unit. Of course, there are exceptions, but this seems to be a trend... Best Chris
    4. Oh bloody hell... another tanker :-( Well, I guess if you collect EKs you are OK. That IS a nice piece indead.... I would walk a mile for one like that! Welcome to the forum!
    5. Hey, Does anyone want to write a proper review for the book? I would like to put it on Kaiserscross. Thanks Chris
    6. Here is a model 1873 revolver, this particular one made in 1882. The stamps on this one identify it as being one of 13 000 made for the Marine. It has been neutralised, but you cannot get its 12mm rounds anymore anyway.... A fantastic bit of history....
    7. Very nice indeed. I had one in a blue box with a silver EK printed on the lid. This one is really interesting because of the dedicaton slip. Best Chris
    8. Another update... http://www.kaiserscross.com/152301.html
    9. Muchos Grazias... I guess the Landwehr Hauptmann on the first doc is a way too long shot for an ID? Best Chris
    10. Here is one that is not 100% clear... about 95% sure it is a black ribbon for war service at home although it is not mentioned....
    11. The above is a black ribonned one for service in Germany, as an officer in a Bekleidungsamt... below same with white ribbon for an other rank also in a Bekleidungs amt...
    12. Maybe the rarest awards of the EK 1914 is the Black Ribbon for home service. One of the arguments used about the "devaluation of the EK 1914" was the fact that it could be awarded for service.... but these are as rare as hens teeth, I have only found 3 100% sure Black ribboned cross documents for service within Germany.
    13. My error, it is not. That will teach me to look at stuff outside of my field. Ignore all my posts above, they are the product of wild speculation. Whatever it is, in the complicated bog of Albert the Bear goodies... it looks to be a really nice piece.
    14. I am guessing this is so top of the line that if it is good, you need to send it to Hermann Historica for auction, i.e. An extreme amount of dosh. Anything else and you will kick yourself for years afterwards.
    15. Hi, I think this is one of those things that has a (*) instead of a price in catalogs.... Thats probably the price of that bar on the beach you want to open down in Florida!
    16. Poor bastids were probably only trying to feed their families... Matt is becoming the long arm of a facist state! He needs to remember 'is working class roots!!!!
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