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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Hi, this is by far the best one... http://www.memoiredeshommes.sga.defense.gouv.fr/ best Chris
    2. Here is something extremely interesting....... Rohr, inspite of his by then "famous" unit.... took 25 years to make major.... In the Nazi Period there was little or no mention of the unit.... which i have always found to be very strange indeed.... Until i found this online.... The founder and pioneer of German storm-troops, Captain Willy Martin Rohr, was half-Jewish. American military historian Bryan Mark Rigg tells in his book Hitler’s Jewish soldiers: the untold story of Nazi racial laws and men of Jewish descent in the German military (2002) how Rohr's two quarter-Jewish sons got special exemptions from the Nuremberg laws and went on to serve in the Wehrmacht during the WW II with many decorations: Quote: p. 115 On 14 February 1940, Admiralstabarzt Dr. Fikentscher turned to OKW on behalf of a half-Jew and retired navy staff doctor, Ferdinand Rohr, brother of the famous World War I storm battalion commander, Willy Rohr. 330 Rohr had described the adversity Mischlinge experienced, 331 having not only himself and his siblings in mind, but all their children as well. It is significant that Fikentscher listened to Rohr and took his grievances directly to OKW, and it may have had some influence on Hitler. It was noted that after this conference that Hitler would consider protecting half-Jewish parents of those soldiers who had proven themselves in battle and who had been declared deutschblütig. 332 Rohr had two nephews (Heinz and Joachim Rohr) who would receive this highly sought after exemption in December 1939, but any protection that it may have given their half-Jewish father, Willy Rohr, was for naught because he was the only one of Ferdinand Rohr's siblings who had already died. pp. 204-205 Simon was lucky that he was not one of the several Mischlinge the Wehrmacht discharged between 1934 and 1939. However, many of those discharged were told that if war broke out, they would be drafted back. For example, in 1936 the army discharged lieutenants and quarter-Jewish brothers Heinz and Joachim Rohr. At the time, Heinz felt sad. The commander of Dresden's Kriegsschule, 46 General Joachim Lemelsen, took Heinz into his arms, shook his head, and said: "How could they do this to your father?" Rohr's father, Willy, was a famous World War I officer, commander of Storm Battalion Rohr. Before Rohr left, Lemelsen told Heinz to call him if he ever needed any help. 47 Rohr knew that he could do nothing other than obey the laws, so he decided to start his university studies. But before leaving, his superior told him to apply for an exemption. Not Rohr, but his mother Elisabeth, who still had several contacts among the military elite, started the difficult process to obtain exemptions for her sons.
    3. That is a nice group indeed! Pity they dont have the full name of the guy on the plaque...
    4. Here is a nice one.... even the kaisers EKs are drawn clearer than the rest of the card...
    5. Here is an example of what I mean... with the women, we automatically think "turkish ribbon" because EKs to women are so rare... If this guy just had the ribbon, would we think the same?
    6. He is a combat engineer, the award is the military cross of valour.
    7. Muchos Grazias! I thought (with my limited knowledge in facial recognition) that he may have such origins, Thanks
    8. Hi, as there was no regulation, it has always been my HO that it is often guess work to what was made during and post war. German industry was not bombed to bits by 1918 so there is no real reason that makers changed what they were doing and how they were doing it on 11 November 1918... there was probably a slow evolution in changes... it is very possible that it is a wartime privately bought piece as well... I dont think it is possible to say for SURE, so my HO is just a gut feeling, not based on proof of any sort...
    9. Caporal Bacaoutdinov recieves his medal... Can anyone make an educated guess what he may be? Russian?
    10. I thought only MOH after a certain date were forbidden and the really early civil war ones were OK?
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