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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Hi, a silly question... did the WW1 and WW2 daggers have the same blade? Best Chris
    2. The gold one for those who actuially passed? ;-) No idea... an interesting looking badge that I know nothing about... what exactly are they? Best Chris
    3. Hi, I love the KS98 bayonets and recently added a WW1 Era Eichhorn one to the collection. These are often called Officers Side Arms, but I figured anyone who could afford one.... But here is the kicker.... Wonderful, byooootiful piece.... but the slot on the back is just a mm different from the bayonet post on the rifles... tried a G98, a G88... it does not fit. it is almost as if they were sold as side arms... but were not really to be used on a rifle.. has anyone else tested this? Thanks Chris
    4. Really strange... the Prussian Army less strict on things like that than most modern armies.... can just see telling my Company Commander "Well... I just thought it looked better this way...." and what the result would have been... :-)
    5. You think these are faded to that color... or discioloured to that color? Best Chris
    6. Indeed... for some reason it reminds me of a KKK hood.... Do you have any idea how long into the war units had red numbers? I imagine with the Battle of the frontiers, race to the sea etc. few units had time to stop and chance numbers... I wonder of some units turned their covers inside out to hide the red. For the one above... I tend to think it is private purchase, inspite of the hooks... Best Chris
    7. I kept off commenting as i was not sure... but I agree with MM... for some reason it seems to be more of a Populist style than you would expect for an official regimental keepsake.. Best Chris
    8. A few of these on Ebay recently... anyone bought one? If so, lets see it!!
    9. A bit in the past this... but anyone got any since then? Best Chris
    10. I think the "WW1 EK and "stuff"" is probably the biggest and most interersting collecting field there is. 1) The variations of the cross itself are waaaay nore then the WW2 kind... and the fine features make then so much nicer but more than that 2) The huuuge variety of WW1 Documents, print variations, associated paper work... leaves WW2 in the dust and not to forget 3) All the "Stuff"... for some reason it never took off in WW2... coffee cups, beer mugs, postcards, banners, bunting, jewellery, cigarette cases, ..... there is an endless array of "stuff" that is EK related. If you cannot afford to collect EK1s, then there are postcards... or EKs on copper driving band broches... There is "something for everyone" in the field... What is YOUR main EK interest?
    11. Some nice stuff, including a page on the elite 10. R.D. http://www.kaiserscross.com/152301.html Best Chris
    12. Depends what it is... Tinnie? joke thing?... Depends what it was claimed to be on ebay...
    13. Well, that is hotly debated... my 6 year old claims it was nicked from a group of 4 moulds to make shapes out of sand and insists he wants to take it to the playground. Negatiations continue in the morning... :cheers:
    14. Hi, I am guessing they pushed them around to fill gaps, hard unit to pin down indeed! Thanks for the input guys
    15. Hi, So far I have nailed down Prussian, Soxan, Bavarian, Würt. death documents... from the wording on this it must be the Lippe-Detmold version... I was happy to find it :-))
    16. Was really happy to get this... The cover and Picklehaube of a Reserve Officer in the Grenadier regt 101. As it is one of the 2 Regts my wifes great grandfather served in as a Lt. d. Res... I was happy to get it :-)))) Here is a question... On the 15th of August 1914 it was ordered to change the numbers to Green... but not having Harry potter in the Ranks and no "Changeoh!" spell in their pocket... and seeing that the regiments were doing record marches every day.... how long was it before these orders were implemented? I can quite see regiments going into 1915 and still not having green numbers. The cover here has hooks, but is an officers one, it is what I assume to be a scarce variation without the spike part seperately on with strips of cloth...
    17. "Prosper had a good idea what a Fallschirmkampfbeobachter actually was on A N other forum, I believe a Parachute Jump Instructor (PJI). I have his Flugbuch also and there are some clues in there......." Hi, my understanding of this qualification are JU52 crew members who are trained in matters relating to dropping paratroopers. Observers who not only find the drop zone but are able to judge if the Jump can be carried out (Weather/wind/etc. etc.) Best Chris
    18. In 251 divs it is listed in the 10. RD until sometime in 1916... but no date when it left. Ruhmeshalle has it just in the 212 and 207 Divs... which cannot be as then 14-16 is missing... Anyone else have an idea when they were in the 10. RD ? Thanks Chris
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