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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I like the cloth suspension better. I assume #1 was real gold, real diamonds??
    2. Now that's beautiful.... I'm still pretty astounded at how the prices of these have skyrocketed these past two years....
    3. Hi Ed, I'm really pleased with the quality of this Order. Perhaps surprised would be a better term. Interesting that the quality is so much better than anything put out by Cuba in the same era. Very nice indeed!!
    4. Anybody have statutes and/or details of the conditions for this award??
    5. All of the German States subordinated their own awards to Prussia, with the exception of Bavaria and Saxony. This practice continued until about 1934-35 when the National-Socialists established specific regulations regarding the order-precedence. However, the typical Austrian tri-folded ribbons was copied in other states as a matter of personal taste/expression. This was much more predominant amongst Saxons than Bavarians. Interesting photo Chris!
    6. This one was sold in Italy recently, Second Class Award.
    7. And if this isn't bad enough.... check out the opening (placed!!) bid on this G?de COPY! Who are these people??
    8. I'd bet the scrap value of the piece is lower than the value of the order itself. Such a waste...
    9. I don't think I've ever cleaned a military order or decoration beyond a soft-bristle brush to loosen up dirt. An archive-quality camel hair is just right. Spotlessly clean always gives me pause to instantly wonder what else is wrong...
    10. Reverse. Again, single pin, not a double. It will be interesting to see if/when these two pin variations were actually made.
    11. The First Class Order. Mi Amigo in Europe states that this badge is actually real silver. A first time this has been noticed.
    12. Reverse: Note the single pin as opposed to the double prong we've seen on other Orders.
    13. All 3 classes of the Orden "Ernesto Che Guevara". Gold on the left, washed out by the scanner.
    14. Cuban Academy Badge, ca. 1960-70 (??). Nice mimic of a Soviet Jr. Officer Academy Badge. Lesser materials.
    15. I think the PCOwX & RAOwX are just like a NC EK2... if it's not mounted on a bar, there's no point in owning one... Nice Navy Bar!
    16. Fake Prussian Pilot Badge, corrected the mark, wrong pin and crap quality. Don't get sucked in!
    17. OK, first time I've seen an example like that Ed Thanks!!!
    18. I think we talked about this before... it's almost a paralel to some of the odd, out of sequence Soviet award numbers.... The "Everything in one box and what comes out, comes out" theory... I liked this set every time I've seen it!
    19. I agree with Ed, does not look like enamel on there. But the patina, if chemically applied, is very, very well done.... Note the cut suspension ring that's not quite lined up as well!
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