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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Hi Val, almost impossible to judge one of these from photos of this quality. But right off the bat...... Number plate doesn't conform to "textbook" examples Number box seems "soft" and not as distinctly shaped as it should be Insert does not fit to wreath the way it should (look at gap at the end of the bayonet & Grenade on the left. Compare to this "75"
    2. It's always interesting when these Sax-Weimar ribbons show up with the swords on them. A rather "over the top" statement as the award itself signifies combat, as opposed to other medals where the combat award is actually designated by the swords. Here's another example. A set of 3 bars to one man, with matching bow. All with the Sax-Weimar War Medal with (redundant) Swords!
    3. OK, I was wrong, here's the final one. Case of issue for The Honor Cross, First Class of the House Order...
    4. And finally, the case for the Knight's Cross to the House Order of Henry The Lion
    5. Front Fighter Clasp to The Ernst August Cross, Second Class. A non-descript cardboard box with no title, no maker marks, but real silver.
    6. Honor Medal to The Brunswick House Order. Cased & Outer Boxed! Just as it left the jeweler.
    7. Everybody loves Brunswick Orders, Decorations and Medals, Right? Well here's a few examples of what they came in! Brunswick Ernst August Cross, First Class
    8. Hi Christophe.. it looks like it would be easy enough to simply slip replacements onto the bar. Just tuck them into the folds in the center. if you are handy, you might even be able to sew them in. I do not see any harm in this type of retoration/repair as long as original pieces are used.
    9. The Saxon Military Order of Saint Henry is the Kingdom's highest award and all grades will always take precedence over any other Saxon Award, irrespective of the grade and/or class.
    10. Well, I just read this entire thread and cannot imagine anything missing here. Thanks, Rick
    11. No worries, no regrets! (Well, Ok, maybe a few regrets)........ I can't think of a better home for it!
    12. Hi David, at the top of Imperial is a pinned thread that starts to dealve into just that topic. Take a peek, some answers can be found there!
    13. Don, my concern is the pin. It should not be the wide/flat one on yours, should look comparable to the one Gordon is showing. Most of the fake ones I have encountered with this maker mark have this heavy/flat pin.
    14. Here's what was inside that little cardboard box. Mike's pictures are an excellent reference....... the (really good) copies of this badge have superb enamels, but they still have not perfected the rivets....... wire hooks to the frame are a HUGE no-no, except from 1920-35, during the First Republic. Zimbler did wire things togethor, but the body better be a hollow-stamped, fire-gilded bronze base or it's a sinker! Here's a late-war one that was in the little red box:
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