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    Marcus H

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    Everything posted by Marcus H

    1. I agree with John, in so far as to say, I really don't like the maker mark.......indeed obverse and reverse pic's would be an advantage for further deliberation......but he maker mark, it's not right or what you'd expect. Kr Marcus
    2. Very nice broth ! Your getting into these Russian medals aren't you !
    3. Andy D, this is your forte man, where are you ??? I'll e mail the git.
    4. I have my moments don't I Not that they add up to much. :speechless-smiley-004: Gerd broth, I'd seriously leave her alone, she's been like that for 20 odd 30 odd years or how ever old these are, if you can do it ...yeah why not. But, every time I've tried to rectify something I always cock it up :excl: How much did you get it from him for ?
    5. And the last for now, on the note of Honour Crosses these two........
    6. And my favourite, I visited the exact place where this bar was assembled 70 odd years ago in Berlin. The 14-18 Honour Cross is a BRONZE example, seldom encounted, I wasn't even aware of this when I purchased the bar......it's of course non magnetic....and was pointed out by obsevation by Rick L, I'd still be unaware of it if he hadn't have spotted it (How he knew, god knows ???)
    7. Nothing special again, the only fact being this is a frmae marked L/12 EK 2
    8. An odd pair, not often seen.....a bit tatty though
    9. Nothing compared to the ones shown but heres a couple of mine:
    10. The box is good too. Thats a KB made box by the looks, when you get it, check out the underside of the box and see if it is the same as the outer covering out of interest. Kr Marcus
    11. The ribbon bar device is on backwards, note how flat it is on the 'front' and on the reverse there's a pointy bit going down to the ring. Here's my two, looks like the same maker/mint mark too, on mine Kr Marcus
    12. It was a hard choice to make, it was like leaving a family......I'm a commercial pilot now, but I couldn't write a cheque when I left the army I didn't know how too !!! You guys were in Croatia on the docked 'bomb' ship, I visited there a couple of times when they needed a passenger in a wagon for guys going on leave.....there was a PRI down there, but futher down the road at the Dutch EFFI in Split which was better.......I got real food there !!!! In 98-99 I was at Lipa the inland equivelant the main DSA & BFI, we had a couple of Navy types drop in, their officers are great unlike the some arrogant sods we had......and I don't fit the bill at all with my pip's. Your still judged even as a 'ranker' in the mess (looked down on in other words, by 24 year old kids with 9 months in and all they can excalim about is OTC ....I dropped out of Uni when I was 19..I hated it) I see you were in Ireland too, from the medals, for a collector thats a nice rare treat, RAF and Navy medals with NI and other !!!! I think I know where perhaps you were, I was bitten by a Navy Police dog up there Good to see your bar nice and clea too !!! Let me see, cellotape around the medal and a cotton wool ear bud for cleaning the bar......LOL thats the way I used to clean mine. Cellotape, the use's it has, uniform, beret etc etc Your my senior service, and this reserve rupert pongo respects our fish head brothers.......I certainly wouldn't have started a fight with you guys !!!! Funny how traditions pass on, we used to have gunfire every Christmas morning on tours. And we also respect the fact you poor buggers on board, did a 6 monther with no leave or a longer duration. At least we had a break of two weks in tour....well it was 11 days in reality. And I could spread my legs i.e no pun intended there.....I mean dance about, hop in a wagon and drive here and there, I think you guys were kind of limited to an extent. My hats off to you guys, the Navy made Great Britain, kept us from loseing the war in WW2 and took us here there and every where.......I think your life was harder. A good buddy of mine was on carriers, aircraft tech......he now works for BMI.....but he was on constant 12 hour on 12 hour off. Sod that......I did similar in Ireland and other other places but for 24 & 48 hr durations only. Keep in touch and keep safe mate, a pleasure to converse with you. Kindest regards, Marcus
    13. No it was UN, I went there first in '93 then when back in '95 we were still UN then over the Christmas period changed to IFOR.....a year or two later it became SFOR and when there in Bosnia last 98-99 there was a potential of being called DFOR.....but I don't think that came into fruition. Able Seamam well god bless you mate you to worked for a living, unlike these Officer types My regular serive ended as me being a Corp, and that was only a gesture to keep me in Nah, I'd had enough and found a rare good woman. Married now though for fives years the army didn't seem so bad Kr Marcus
    14. Arhh I was out there at the same we changed over from UN to NATO after the 'agreement' I came home in the March that year too. We ended up as IFOR that time. I never got a citiation Kr Marcus
    15. The only other doc's I'm personally aware of for Brit medals (I'm not a collector of these at all really) are along the lines of this which accompanied the medals in a box just post WW2.
    16. In response to Rick's rquest: This is the only ever citation/award document I ever received. In my near on 11 years in the regular army, it was never a thought or consideration we didn't even know they existed....not to our likes anyway. I was aware of many countries award certificates but the UK forces, I never heard of the likes. And only because I was a collector of such things. The only exception I can think of is we had TA (Territorial Army) serve with us amany a time (they were better soldeirs than us LOL), on just a 6-7 month tour or an S-type engagement where they served a year with a regular outfit. This was the only exception when they went to Northern Ireland. They were bestowed with certificate for the NATO Former Yugoslavia Medal, which was plain white and printed, that I recall and know of one at least. And come to think of it he wasn't TA but a reservist actually, now I think about it. All documents relating to service, duplicate med doc's, medals, course's etc were as I recall kept in A4 sized light brown folders on us. I dare say it's it's on a computer too. Never did I reiceve a documnet for the Gulf War medal of 1990/91, GSM, UN, or Former Yugo NATO medal. The only one was for Kosovo, and that was a PR excercise of pomp, as we were the first troop's to do a full tour of Kosovo. The date on the certificate neglects to mention, I was in Greece and Macedonia and Kosovo three months prior to this tour date, and the main body came over on the 25 Sept not October. And then when back in Germany it was two weeks before I came back to the UK, April in fact .......gripe, gripe, moan, moan !!! I wasn't married at the time, so I had to stay behind and sort out my section kit and wagons. On leaving the army just less than year after this last tour, I received from Glasgow (main doc place in the UK, apert from a storeage facility in Milton Keynes) my discharge papers, where it mentions the 'awards' you have, and my 'red' book. Other than that, to my knowledge Ricky, Brit Forces never got certificates for general medals such as mine, which every Tom, Dick and Harry has. I'm not conversant with the Civil remit. I think it's just a Brit thing, even on promotions, I never got a certificate as such when an ordinary rank. On my Regular Reserve Commission I did get a certificate and an allegiance citation as such, a reminder of my loyalties Thats all a bit long, sorry for the testimonail...you can tell I'm going to be of those boring old men Kr Marcus
    17. Marcus H

      French Medals

      Excellent Darrel and thank you :food-smiley-004: At last some info on it proper. Kr Marcus
    18. I get them from America Rick, over here all you can really get are the modern day glossy examples and for the same price you can get a lovely period one from the States This boxed one I bought from a surplus store in Pearl Harbour....uh hum 15 years or so ago, it was my first ever over sea's purchase, money through the post etc. I've a few boxed ones, not as many as I'd like though. Kr Marcus
    19. The only one I think of these I have with a bar, this is one of a grouping to a silver star winning submarine officer, of which I have his uniform.
    20. Marcus H

      French Medals

      The rev
    21. Marcus H

      French Medals

      And this one is a pain to find anything on, Lord Denys clandestine operations medal.
    22. Marcus H

      French Medals

    23. Marcus H

      French Medals

      Cheers mate, that would be great it's 2300 now in the UK but I hope to still be around a little later......it a Bank Holiday anyway. Good threads by the way, I love all these other medals and it makes such a change from ruddy packets LOL Now these two Darrel, I'm not sure on commerative colonial of sorts I think. The left one has 'Orient' on it and some dates on the flag I can just make out 1915 & 16 I think ? The right one 'Levant', well one text says it's a Vichy medal this being the 1941 instituted one and it was first adopted in 1922. And it's the Commerative Medal for Syria and Lebanon when a another bar is on it, yet the other text say's the silver bar is the 1920's one and the brass one '41 ??? You can't see on these scans very well but they both have maker marks too. Very similar designs on the reverse as well ?
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