I've never seen this one before. Interesting fantasy piece, or as Darrell would probably say, it ends with a "p". Since the guy was new, I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt, and the option to ask 'real or not'? Too late now.
Micha, a really nice marked cross. You are one lucky son of a gun. If you ever start chasing rainbows, then please let me know, because I want to be there to see it, because with your luck, I know it's got to be a big pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
I agree, what an ugly cross, in fact it is so ugly, I'll be willing to take it off his hands at a fair price and put it in a home with some other ugly ek's. Nice cross!
Similiar to Godet, but the hinge is a little different. Godet/Zimmermann have very distinctive hinges. I too, now believe these to be early Deumers'. Very nice pick up.
You've got to be kidding me! With so many floating around, may I suggest that I, and others, take a few of them off of your hands. Of course, as a favor to you. We wouldn't want you to be burdened with where to display them, and I have plenty of display room.
The list is like the EVEREADY bunny. It just keeps going, and going, and going. Seriously, this list is what keeps me going and going. I collected some things in the past, where I had every just about every example known to be made. Then I got bored, and usually sold it. With these crosses, particularly the Imperial First Classes, it is probably impossible for anyone to ever have every maker and variation (although Micha is well on his way ). That's the main thing that keeps this so interesting to me. It's the quest that makes it so damn fun. After all, don't we all want, what we can not have.
Ahhhhhhh! You taunt me again! Now as I'm fixing to go to bed and about to lay my head on my pillow, I think of pillowbacks, and instead of visions of sugar plums in my head, it will be Godets! A long night of tossing and turning trying to figure out how and if I will ever land a pair like these. Thanks a lot Greg. Seriously though, I never get tired of seeing crosses like these.
How many twin post pillowbacks have you seen? Not counting yours of course. I saw one several years ago, can't remember where, maybe ebay, estand, or a dealer (D.N., Weitze, Barry?) anyway, if I recall correctly, I think this particular cross may be the same one, maybe. If you got it from one of these sources, then it probably is. If not, if you got it at a show or an individual, well then, that means I know of two of them that exist!
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