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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. I saw that bar but decided to finish my run through the show before buying anything. Then I ran into Stephen Previtera and Paul who told me Rick was there and I had to meet him. Next thing I know Rick whips that baby out and I said dang, I was just looking at that a couple of minutes ago. I probably walked right past Rick on his way to check it out.
    2. I need some weights/measurements for the Meybauer type tank badge please.
    3. Today I got to meet Rick, the Good Twin at the Chantilly Show. I also met Paul which was good too. Then when I got home this was waiting for me. Today was a good day.
    4. Having looked at the original pics and comparing them with originals I'd say this one is most likely a good one from the first pattern die.
    5. Juncker had at least two obverse dies. The pattern that they submitted for approval had thin gun mount legs like the badge that started this thread. The other version has thicker legs like Tom's. You cannot compare the two against each other except for the maker mark on the reverse. I would like to see detailed scans of the operating wheel and front leg mounting connection for a better feel of this badge. On the reverse: I have never seen a reverse plate like this one on a Juncker (or any other) badge. It looks hand snipped to me. And the attaching pins are so thin compared to others that I've seen and held. Also, the all round holes is a new feature to me. Usually only the center two are round. I'd love to see a good scan of the mark.
    6. I am looking for a lager pic of the cutout woundbadge found in the Schickle catalog below. Any verbage dealing with this badge or general construction data from the catalog such as materials used etc... would be greatly welcomed. My email adress is ddoer96635@comcast.net thanks in advance.
    7. Collect whatever pleases you. I have things in my collection that do not fit into any "area" yet when I see them they bring me joy.
    8. I'm just trying to imagine what the guy did to get only these 2 awards. Actually he got no awards if you think about it.
    9. I agree. You'd probably get a more definative answer on WAF.
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