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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. What is the ribbon in his tunic button hole? I thought it was for the EK2 but it must be huge then. And where is the outside black lines?
    2. "Yes, this does show high standards. A missing or stiff left thumb was not that severe a handicap for an infantryman in a storm unit, where the P 08 and the grenade were major weapons for enlisted men, and the rifle less so.." A thumb is essential for throwing grenades and shooting a pistol so that would be a major handicap.
    3. Paul, the ribbon is so tight that the ribbon ring is just slid up in there and jockeied down under the bottom fold.
    4. I've tried to match that reverse set up to a period Assman award and the closest I came was the catch on a 57er EK1.
    5. I'd like to hear some opinions on this one. It blacklights ok. Thanks in advance.
    6. You can see by the bad sewing job that the prussian award was used as a space filler. Rick told me that the chance of finding a Gold Service Medal was astonomical. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw that Joerg Kalies had several Reuss awards on his update a couple of weeks ago. I had missed the update by three days as I was travelling. Amongst them was a silber vergoldet service medal. It had the period done look and not the "fresh" done look so I went for it. I didn't here back from him for a couple of days as it was the weekend. Luckily, I heard from him on a monday that it was mine. Then it was stuck in the postal system for three weeks but finally arrived. Here is the bar now. So, am I a bad man?
    7. Here is a medal bar to a very brave soldier. Note the Gold Service Medal has been swapped out at some point for a prussian award. Definately not correct.
    8. I agree with saschaw. The sword hilts are not German and the reverse set up not period.
    9. ATD 1 and ATD 11 conducted the attack. ATD 1 had tank #s 501, 502 (broke down before reaching the jump off point), 505, 506, and 507. ATD 11 had captured British Mark IVs. Source: The German A7V Tank and the Captured British Mark IV Tanks of WW1 by Hundleby and Strasheim, 1990. The whole issue of only 100 awarded is blown out of purportion IMO. Each A7V held 18-22 persons. With 20 odd A7Vs operational you can start to see where the magic 100 doesn't add up. The Germans also had over 100s of capturd British tanks, of which at least thirty became operational. Each held approx 8 men. Given the three attack requirement (or being wounded) to earn the right to wear the badge I've wondered if the initial 100 were meant for guys still on active duty. There is a good book on the German armored forces from WW1 called "The German A7V Tank of WW1" by Hundleby & Strasheim. Add to that badges made in the 40s for store front patriotic displays.
    10. Lots of use of the word "original" and "quality" but not one "reproduction." What the heck is "old stock" implying?
    11. Potential buyers need to know this though. Heck, I own Rommel's IAB. I just can't prove it except that the dealer told me so...... The bar is fine, the attribution (as a definate) is not.
    12. Too bad it cannot be proven that it was the General's awards. I see it is now for sale on WAF?
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