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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Luckily he doesn't send to the U.S. Perhaps the Russian mob will bid on it and win...
    2. It is a fake POS just like most of his feedback.
    3. It's a keeper Chris. Here are my black and silver ones: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20228 I'm hoping to pick up the Gold at the MAX next month.
    4. Victories were determined by the number of cannons and flags captured so making a medal to commemorate your victory out of a captured cannon was just another "in your face" to your foe. Look at the Victory Column in Berlin. It is lined with cannon captured from the French. After WW2 the French wanted to tear it down but the Americans and Brits wouldn't let them.
    5. Now I have a question. Who would have earned a naval wound badge? I know the guys on ships but what about the Marinekorps Flandern and naval aviation guys?
    6. There will be differences between makers. It is best to post some pics to be sure.
    7. I would say it is well, and was proudly worn. Now to find the Gold with the same setup....
    8. As a follow up to the silver badge here is a recent pickup- a black one with the same reverse setup. This style setup is attributed to GWL and can be found on thier WW2 PABs and GABs.
    9. Thanks for the additional info. Do you know if any of those units published a history?
    10. And the reverse. I'm currently reading the Nigel book. He has his moments where he grinds an axe but overall it is a good read on this little known period in time.
    11. An original issue piece in bad condition. You can easily find better.
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